Cock and Kenis Formation

As you can see, the chart is forming a solid left ventricle on the testicular chart, with the KSI (kenises per square inch) metric about to hit peak nut at the cross over of the furry sack pattern.

We previously validated our TA back in May with a mini kenis on the chart before a jeet whale miscalculated and dumped his bag before peak reach-around.

Given that the team are now at Devcon and getting ready to present Unchained to a private room of 100 VCs, devs and founders, it really doesn't take much in terms of continued vertical stimulation before we pass through the point of no return.

Simply put, once we cross into price discovery at the start of this huge veiny shaft formation, there's no telling how hard or how long this kenis will be.

Regardless, it's an erection not to be missed.

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My kenis is totally babenis

If you aren’t buying this before devcon you are legally mentally retarded and must hate money. This will be a multi billion dollar marketcap project by Q1 2025. Fade at your own peril.

Basically this.
Buy the rumour sell the news
AVI 2.0
I'm dumping before Jay and AVI gang
I hate pump and dumps but i'm here to make money

nigga u gay

You're a poor nigger from Sri Lanka, you don't have kenis

Yep, might as well out jew the jew

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ah the linu baggies and the avi fuddies from paw project. hi sami. hi pajoka.
janny applications are open faggots, you guys can double dip on your fiverr salary while you wait for steve to dump the rest of their tokens on you as you dodge the incoming fed raids kek.
i know you seethe because you simply can't buy enough kenis to be relevant. it was here at 300k, that's a 121x.
you could've made it from that even with your pithy little sri lankan salary.
to everyone else, yes, these are paid fuddies, the very same ones spamming the board with 5 avi threads. don't forget to call them faggots.

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They want to derail because they want an entry. Ignore. Bull post. Sri Lankans are paid pennies per hour.

Timeleap is the company.
Unchained is the main product.
It is a decentralised network that can do blockchain and subnets (like EVM/AVAX) as well as traditional non blockchain stuff (like ICP/AWS)
The network consists of thousands of decentralised nodes providing hardware to run apps and code without any single point of failure.
Unlike AWS/Azure you don't have to pay per hour but instead for actual usage (think "credits") and you don't have to worry about downtime.

You can do AI. You can run a blockchain. You can pretend crypto isn't a thing and run your plain old web app on it.
You can run a game on it (one is launching soon). You can use it to do giga-brain PHD research shit at the government level or to train AI models that require clusters of computing power.

At mainnet people can delegate hardware to the network, and you as a user could access that network as a decentralised supercomputer to crunch some heavy task while only paying for the compute power you use and using minimal hardware to do so.
You could also host your infrastructure on it and charge other people for its use like a SaaS.

The token KNS is used as gas and for staking towards nodes and is deflationary in nature.
It is currently on Arbitrum but a cross-chain bridge is planned for 2025.

The business is targeted towards large B2B companies and developers, is registered in Switzerland with 20 employees, and is fully funded for the next 2 years without selling tokens or playing games with treasury allocations.
They will be presenting during Devcon in Bangkok in November.

Users can run blockchain, AI and supercomputing tasks from a phone.
Builders can offload their heavy computations or run their products on a decentralised network.
Anon Babbletards can buy and stake the token that deflates as the network uses it and make money doing nothing.

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Just to be clear, I'm not a professional 'quote maker'. I'm just an atheist kenis holder who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.

'In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by Pouya's intelligence.'

Why the fuck this jeet kenis shit is allowed to be spammed on biz. Fuck off you literal street shitting faggots or maybe you are tiny dicked chinks. Either way kill yourself you subhuman trash

Time ticking .
Get on the horse before its to late

Why are the most of you so stressed. Just hold and stake and wagmi. Everyone who doesn't buynin now will do it later so all good.

Because jannies have finished accumulating and they will be enjoying the pump to multi billion marketcap. Just shut your fucking whore mouth and buy more KENIS

i just had a dream that elon musk was my guest and we were smoking cigars and discussing how Unchained can help his Mars project. he said he'll help us get to the moon first and then we go to mars together. what does this mean?


Are they ultimately planning on becoming a standalone blockchain?

unchained already is a decentralized network secured by cryptography, but not a blockchain. kenis is building an ecosystem that can consist of thousands of blockchains all using the same distributed infrastructure, function-as-a-service solutions, and api marketplace. and all of these are powered by the kns token

Wait... You're telling me Unchained can even power up whole Blockchains on its own?! I mean I had a hunch because I read about it and I already tried it for myself but didn't really comprehend that till now. That's so awesome kns bros! Again, I just hope when mainnet releases soon, they will make everything easier and make available a desktop app to run the node on our systems. I was able to run it locally through the command prompts and whatnot earlier this year (like in the tutorial of the starter guide in Github) But making that process easier through an app would be huge for tech illitetate people like me

Buy the rumor

Watch the exit liquidity flow in

Front run the news before jannie jay does

Enjoy the gains

Simpul as

in the last community call Pouya said they have a new partnership which will launch their own network in ~2 months and that partner is going to offer kenis node-as-a-service, meaning we can run a node on their platform with a few clicks. and we can run a node for that partner's network at the same time and earn kns. it was all in the last community call
how dumb are you? sell a token that is going to be worth $5B-$10B at $40M? you are the definition of NGMI

kenis fully penetrating the chart

jeets on suicide watch

Life good

Soon 20k, 30k buy candles

Absolutely, majority will miss out or FOMO in much later. People seem to forget at what pace it can run in a bull. Watch INJ for example. Kenis didn't even start.

sell a token that is going to be worth $5B-$10B at $40M?


Today we had some 10k buys

With the current buy volume we could hit 5c by Monday

Lmao imagine being sidelined right now. Silly srilankan

we could hit 5c by Monday

and back down to 2c by Friday

No one is selling except for a couple of poorfags

Nah sooner than that. Once the sells start rolling in, top buyers will see the writing on the wall and cut their losses

This. Hundreds of nerds are about to be exposed to this project. Non-stop fud on Anon Babble for months now, probably around 2000+ of the wallets are biz insiders who were early to this project. Feels like right before LINK took off and hit $0.20... Then a few months later, $0.20 was a fever dream that would never happen again.

Nothing even comes close to this. VC's and high income nerds are about to get in, and within a month it will never be below $0.10 again.

Yea I forgot to consider the retards buying the top lol its like the idiot who took a $20k on avi after only holding for 1 day

It's at 2515 holders. "Retards buying the top". This hasn't even entered discovery phase yet.

Did you miss the pump sweetie? Sounds like it.

It’s still early btw

If you aren't buying EOS at the current price levels, you're essentially retarded and NGMI

This project doesn't do anything, its 4 people including 1 shitskin and 1 femoid fucking about with a copy pasted proof of stake chain

there is no futuristic distributed VM anywhere to be seen, right now the only feature unchained has is the ability to adobe sign a PDF and the ability to run flux image generator on your OWN NODE.


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ah 1pbtid sri lankan please pay for the premium vpn it's a bit sad when you're not able to maintain your erection for more than a single shot.

you had 2 years. seethe.

"it was real in his mind"

t. in a hotel in bangkok with 7 people from timeleap and 400 people trying to talk to the founder.

Jay [Avi grifter/scammer] is ready to dump on you.
he and his gang insist that this time there won't be a "sell the news " event just like AVI because "kns isn't a furry shitcoin".
You're trading against a bunch of lying dishonest jews
Rootless cosmopolitan blockchain leeches.
they just move from project to project and dump on you

kicked for dumping 109 projects

never their fault

also they have some wet dreams with brown people who knows why
maybe they're cucks or something
sad, many such cases

You're in the official and unofficial TG lurking. Every single Kenis thread posting the same FUD.
Why don't you just... not buy the token and move on with your life? It's ok to not believe in a project, but your obsession with Jay and his kenis is disturbing.

kek he's deleting his posts.

777 holy trips ID.

Posts like this scream bubble

Lying pajeet fuddie trying to undermine the team and their progress

I ran an Unchained node a few months ago myself when it didn't even have AI, here is what it could do at the time:
1. price feeds (similar to Chainlink)
2. custom EVM blockchain (ETH/BNB/Base etc.) and the ability to deploy private blockchains (Avalanche subnets)
3. distributed file storage (AWS S3, Dropbox, Google Drive)
4. blockchain data analysis/trigger (The Graph, Parsiq)
5. custom software wallet + HSM (Ledger, Trezor, Keystone)
This is what's live/in testnet now, and will be expanded on as more developers bring more dApps or the Timeleap team builds things internally.

I didn't know that I don't use twatter but holy based that's giga bullish

Imagine not having a kenisbag

Working product or planned for the future?

If the first impressive, how to buy?
If the latter, vaporware, sell as long as you can

Exactly. Standing by for the sell the news event