It's just money; it's made up. Pieces of paper with pictures on them so we don't have to kill each other just to get something to eat!
It's just money; it's made up...
And at this moment, Margin Call went from a 6/10 movie, to a 4/10 movie.
That's still generous.
Is it that bad?
It's much better than The Big Short at least
It's just money, hecklefish; it's made up. Pieces of paper with pictures on them so we don't have to kill each other just to get something to eat!
Wolf of wall street > the big short > margin call
so instead of killing each other to get something to eat, they kill each other for money instead, wow big difference.
Actually I have a theory on why money has value, which I came up with because I didn't understand why bitcoin had value even though eventually I realized it was going to go up exponentially forever. Warren Buffett thinks bitcoin has zero value and will eventually go to zero when people learn that. He's wrong. If you had enough rare baseball cards or runescape partyhats you could trade them for a car or house. Maybe they wouldn't be worth nearly as much in an apocalypse, but we don't live in one. So I asked myself, why do baseball cards have value? You would think they shouldn't, right? Money is sometimes referred to as a collective fiction. Money is a bit different from baseball cards because everybody needs money to pay taxes, but actually that's not where most of the value of money comes from, so it doesn't matter which of the four assets I've mentioned we use. I think the term "fiction" here is a bit naive. Just because we can't see wifi doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Similarly, just because we can't see the value of a baseball card doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I'm not smart enough to say where exactly the value of a baseball card exists, but it is always fluctuating based on supply and demand in some abstract mathematical space. These "collective abstractions" are very real. The collective abstraction called the government can launch an all-out nuclear war killing over half the planet (nuclear winter kills 99% of people in that scenario fyi). My point is we should learn more about what sort of things exist in this space, how we should shape it, how it can be interacted with to cause prosperity, whatever. No one is talking about this because no one has figured it out, yet. You saw it here first.
Absolutely pathetic opinion. Wolf of Wall Street had nothing to do with actual finance. They had to describe an IPO and didn't even bother getting through that before saying "the point is this" "23 million dollars in 3 fuckin' hours!". Great movie for the story though. And not cringe as fuck like The Big Short. Only solidified midwits like The Big Short.
wall street > Wolf of wall street > the big short > margin call
I still have not seen wall street but its such an old movie that I will not relate, but I guess it will still be cool.
The big short was great.
I loved the big short, hated margin call. Christian bales role and Ryan goslings role are very fun to watch.
What gives money value is stability IMO. Empires with stable rule of law, stable inherit value in their currency, and stable economies are able to make lots of money making money.
The big shorts really good, all of Micheal Lewis’s books are great honestly and I’m suprised more of them haven’t been made into movies. All of them are insanely detailed looks into the guts of banking, not really mid-wit tier stuff.
I disagree, margin call wishes it was The big short
I made 10% this week due to Trump winning. How did your boomer rocks perform?
Margin call was a great movie - if you have ever been in executive staff meetings like that. If you have not you missed out on a lot of subtle but very good nuances about sociopathic behaviors, strategy, alpha type stuff, blame game stuff. Reminds me of being a young profession where I repeatedly warned the big boss a major project was going off the rails, he ignored me for about a one year. Then when shit hit the fat he tried to blame me, but he lost because I was prepared. It was the only time I started sweating during a meeting until I got the upper hand.
If you paid attention the two meetings are very similar - the junior partner meeting, then the second senior partner meeting. During the first meeting Jared already knew this problem was coming and already asked "how long to clear these from our books" (doomp it all, today). Demi Moor was already trying to blame and analysis. There is much more to the movie than what you have perceived.
I will not relate,
Its the same today as it was then, the massive insider fraud/trading, only the dollar amounts are 10,000 times more.
I really fucking hate Adam Mckay
yeh I been involved with execs and higher level meetings and shit hitting the fan and generally dealing with all the corporate psychopathy. I loved margin call.
Then when shit hit the fat he tried to blame me
and he was partially right, wasn't he?
I'm aware. I still think it was only a mediocre movie. It wasn't complete garbage, but it wasn't great either.
I also didn't find Wolf Of Wallstreet great either, just mediocre, and everyone thought that movie was a 10/10.
All of them suck.
This is the very sentiment of the midwit
I'm sure the books better than the movie. The cringe couldn't have also been in the book.
I'm sure it does because The Big Short got a lot more attention. A result of the midwit population (You)
What do you consider not midwit then? Because the long inane dialogue in margin call that doesn’t really have anything to do with banking is pretty fucking midwittery dog. It’s a shitty drama with a finance backdrop.
Yeah but they worked with phones and no internet.
and he was partially right, wasn't he?
No, he was a fucking retard who had zero technical experience, did not understand the concepts, so he listened to another retard how kissed his ass. I had already received awards and recognition for project leaderhip for other large fast-track projects, and I explained things simply to the head retard but he did not listen. He never bothered me again after that. What's that saying - experience is something you gain after you needed it.
no internet.
they had "internet" it was their trading system which function in similar ways for business data, plus with phone or headset its like a business video game.
"It wasn't brains that got me here I can assure you of that." He is telling everyone he got where he is by being ruthless, cunning, and decisive. Yes, he is an actor, and its just a movie, but damn the writers, directors, and actors must have experienced similar movie making negotiations with these types of people to understand how this shit works. The people who do not get it have not yet experienced this.
I was assigned to watch margin call for one of my business classes in college. I thought it was good, and I thought the scene at the end where he was digging a hole after his divorce (was he burying his dog or something?) was symbolizing him digging his own grave. Though I might have been completely wrong. I don't remember everything from the movie.
The Big Short is reddit: the movie. margin call is for people not hopped up on adderal and with functioning brain cells.
no u
Then when shit hit the fat he tried to blame me, but he lost because I was prepared. It was the only time I started sweating during a meeting until I got the upper hand.
How did you prepare
How did you prepare
part 1
My boss (A) and her boss (B) were supporters and agreed with the way the project was going. Dickhead 1 was the big boss, and he promoted Dickhead 2 who began supervising B, A and me. Dickhead 2 was incompetent but thought he was brilliant. DH2 knew of the project and it was going very well, but he was going to "fix it," so he inserted himself and started reviewing and editing the contracts and correspondence to the point where it made no sense. The very large company we were working with became concerned, and kept asking what was going on. DH2 tried to hide his involvement, but DH2 would print drafts and write all over them (no electronic copies). I made photocopies and gave them to the big company so they could see the iterations and retardation from DH2. I met with DH1 1:1 and told him clearly what was happening, and what would happen if this continued. DH1 took no action. The big company hired an expensive well connected high powered lobbyist, the the lobbyist was told I was solid and DH2 was the problem. I spoke to lobbyist, but very carefully. Lobbyist called for meeting with whole team DH1 down to me. We meet, DH2 tries to run meeting demonstrates to DH1 and everyone else he is complete fucking retard. DH2 realizes he is fucking himself and tries to blame me but I disagree and DH2 is pissed. Supes A and B sit quietly, keep their heads down, stay out of the way. Meeting concludes. DH1 asks to speak with me privately.
part 2
How did you prepare
We meet, DH1 says he does not understand how we got here, what went wrong, who is responsible - looks at me like he is going to fuck me. I blew up at DH1 and started yelling and pointing my finder in face, reminded him of the meeting where I spelled it out for him, I had copies of all the records, and I, A, and B were covered and it was down to you (DH1) or DH2 who was take the hit. DH1 smiled, thanked me and left. The next day I heard from DH1's secretary how DH1 screamed at DH2 and threw him off the project. About an hour later I saw DH2 in the bathroom (only the two of us) and said "Hey I heard you got thrown off the project" and laughed in his face. He pissed and stormed out. I am being a little vague on purpose about the projects and parties, for obvious reasons. Always keep your own copies at home, do not tell anyone you have them. When the ambush comes its on their terms and timing in hopes you are not ready. Do not expect anyone to help you, its everyone for themselves, knowing that up front you will know better how to prepare. This was a larger more tense example of smaller similar situation I had hears early with a diversity hire supervisor who was totally incompetent and screwing up multiple smaller projects. Some people never learn who to make decisions.
All this bullshit helped prepare me for even higher level positions dealing with politicians, the media, and big business. Once you get high enough its ruthless but more interesting.
they're called neurons