Give it to me straight. What is this lil nigga actually gonna do this bull run? I'm sitting on 125k doggies...

Give it to me straight. What is this lil nigga actually gonna do this bull run? I'm sitting on 125k doggies. If $10+ calls actually pan out I'm fucking retiring.

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Brown man who thinks 1 million is something to retire off of

Implying I have no other holdings. Answer my question chud

high MC alts will only 5-10x at the very most from current price desu

t. zoomer with a $350 pumpfun portfolio

one million can easily be leveraged into 10 million. you gotta start somewhere.

$10 is comparable to the btc moonboys that think btc will go to $1M this cycle, simply delusional.
$1-$2 is probable though

600b is about $4

market cap is genuinely not that serious in crypto. Or in anything else desu.
Pal I only need a retard price for a day to dump my bag.

as per logarithmic chart prediction the absolute top for doge, this cycle, would be $34. you think that's too high? not possible?
i know it in my bones that many more trillions will have to flow into crypto to delay the hyperinflation of the dollar. they always say it's not possible but crypto is about to go global in 2025. this shit will absolutely rock everybody's socks off.

implying theres not a million other holders waiting to dump their bag before you, and youll be able to do it before them

Such is the nature of the game. It did a casual 150x last cycle with everyone saying the same shit. Do you have anything that doesn't stem from incredulity?

just keep dogebtc in mind, doge needs bitcoin to be hyperbullish to get double digit dogecoin, btc has diminishing returns every cycle, so I dont see such a ridiculous target happening this cycle

Lower cap dog shitcoins can do such numbers now, but its all hypothetical. Last cycle doge was still considered a low/mid cap coin, now its in the top 8

hey look. diminishing returns are observed for factors ceteris paribus. Do you believe this is true for btc? If not then you cannot indicate diminishing returns. This is one of the least understood concepts on biz. I am not interested in the capo image comparing price ranges.
Even in this world where btc doesn't hit common targets, I don't think the follow on effect on doge is necessarily equivalent. For instance. The 20 btc cycle was less intense than the 17 cycle yet doge pumped harder in 20. All it needs is btc to rally, it isn't really dependent on specific btc price targets.

Prob a 10x if Elon pumps it if not a 2x

1M IS life changing money even for 1st worlders. Take for example the most brainlet tier investment for passive income, buying an ETF like JEPQ that would net you about 5.6k a month in passive income after taxes, that's almost 68k a year by sitting on your fucking ass meanwhile your average middle class worker needs to bust his ass to make his 65k a month and still pay taxes on it.

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I remember being a big fan of dogs and Elon Musk, now I only hold cats as Fac and hate the guy, people change too much huh?

anyone remember grumpy cat coin?

marketcap midwit

the us government and the tether treasury can print billions of dollars into thin air as much as they want. it looks like a mid cap now but when it's at 400 billion it will scream the top. and surprise surprise, it's not gonna be. the matter of fact is fiat has no bottom so this is a void argument.
that said it's gonna go between a 2-8 dollar range this cycle.

one million can easily be leveraged into 10 million.

leverage 10 million

This is how retards on this board keep losing everything they have.

No you're just turning really gay

You wouldn't need to leverage 10 million in the same way you would leverage 1 million.

Sure but do you think most here know this? Even leveraging 1 million is a shit idea if you don't know what you're doing.

$1mil is not a lot of money

You niggers have been brainwashed

$1.19 picotop is my guess

Fiat has no bottom

Fucken kek’d and based.

Owning 100k DOGE is like owning 1 bitcoin. If you sell at the top of this cycle it will change your life, but it will not "retire" you.
last run 69 cents were the goal that people like this mocked and we nearly achieved it. However 2021 was different, becouse of higher normie liquidity, becose of covid and money printing.
4.20 dollars is the next meme number and as such is the goal. Similarly we won't achieve it and we will get ath that is further from from 4.20 than 56c (last cycle's ath) is from 69c.
I expect the ath to be somewhere between 1 dollar to 3.5 dollars.
This price target will get you a flat or house in USA, however it will not allow you to retire. A good deal.

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I just need another 10x....

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I have sells at 2.6 dollars and 26 dollars.

Act accordingly,

That's literally the ath adjusted for inflation
You have no idea how violent all the price discoveries are going to be this cycle
Last ath was 0.73¢
I'm charting a wicktop of $7-9 this cycle, expecting the actual sell zone to be in the $4-5 range

Will it drop to 0.169USD before pumping? I have an order for that which I plan to hold long term.

I'm 25k in after Musk endorsed Trump and he won the election. No way are they going to fuck this up for us...right?

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I thought about doing this also immediately after trumps win, this is a sure play r-right?

I have 3 btc and 20 eth in addition to this you goofs. Who really has a doge only portfolio in 2024? Thank you for your answer.

I only have 26k doge. How fucked am I?

Max 2 something.
$10 is a joke.

how are the XRP and LINK schizos gonna cope when doge becomes the actual global reserve currency

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I put everything in LINU, I hope I’m not fucked

One United States Quarter ($0.25) Waiting Room

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i sold all my ETH for this old meme, Elon better open his mouth soon

ATH is unironically going to hit $35+ by mid 2025.

screenshot this.