actual next big thing right there. ethcoin dot org
DYOR check the contracts and when you understand how it works you will join.
its burning eth like crazy and shows up on ultrasound money because its part of the game. eth from mining goes to buyback and pool. why is nobody talking about this, or is it too early
Next big thing
looks like a pajeet version of BOB on ICP
checked the bob thing, looks dogshit compared to ethcoin. and nobody actually uses icp so why even bring it up
Spoon feed some more plz?
BOB was literally stealth shilled by Charles Hoskinson. This ethcoin crap is the 100th pajeet scam on ETH and has less miners than BOB at a 3x mcap. BOB also has a shitcoin launchpad that will soon distribute to holders.
Yeah why bring up a superior tech being used more and more instead of buying an absolute shitcoin on a dying dinosaur chain.
kys jeet
nice cope, thanks for the laugh anon, im sure all these icp users are in the room with us. I know its tough times for eth killers out there so im gonna let this one slide.
players compete for "blocks" that are issued every 60 seconds. Its basically gamification of the PoW concept with halving and all that. the cool part is ETH burn mechanic, the game shows up pretty high in the ultrasound money leadboard pic related. the actual eth you spend on mining power goes to feeCollector contract that feeds uniswap pool and pumps the token
ICP isnt an ETH killer.
biz has always been an ICP board you paid jeet moron
ethcoin launched after the success of BOB and is copying it for ETH.
tell your handlers to give you better information pajeet
get a load of this guy. nice projection with the jeet part, really makes you think. no way you actually use icy pee right?
I made over 6 figs in this year trading shitcoins on ICP while I only lost buying ETH shitcoins.
You have no idea what you are talking about and are literally shilling a BOB clone on ETH because your handlers didn't give you the intel.
oh no no no, he lost on eth and now feels like he needs to shit on it because emotions are too difficult to handle. well it happens anon, sad that it happened to you. or am i? you keep calling it a clone. repeating the same lie doesnt make it the truth anon, it has totally different mechanic. anyway, keep bumping the thread, maybe some people will find it useful. you can enter you name in the Name fields anon, no need to sign the message at the bottom
You are a paid shill for a cheap BOB clone and I got nothing more add to this conversation.
They pay you to shill that garbage on biz and I will keep reminding biz that it is just a cheap clone of BOB on ICP.
Thank you.
maybe stop smoking crack anon, the hallucinations are getting pretty intense. who is they? its vitalik and the evil eth foundation or the evil ethcoin dev who is behind all of it? holy shit
Your smell of curry is almost unbearable.
its your frinds from the call center you absolute jeet, get a grip
sorry for violating your holy icy pee temple anon. nobody would bother to clone anything from icp because its all dogshit. real og devs are on ethereum, everybody knows it
Will BOB be used on that launchpad? Is it good to buy now?
Also question to both of you why would I buy any of these mining coins inside another chain, feels like it's only for miners to dump as there is no other use case for the coin.
There are ideas floating around on TG, plus BOB is still in beta.
why BOB
It's the first POW on POS coin in history (blockchain on blockchain) emulating the BTC mining process. 1st halving is coming in a few weeks. The use case is the same as BTC, it can be considered a store of value if it gets adopted by the community.
this fucking guy lmao. ethcoin isnt even blockchain on blockchain. so i guess youre the paid shill one in the end, maybe make some more accounts please, next time make it less obvious
It's a cheap clone of the hype BOB generated on ICP you dirty little pajeet shill.
follow the breadcrumbs
I’m not spoon feeding you
ooooo if only you knew!
thank me later
we’re about to hit 2025 and people still post this shit.
He got paid $10 to shill this absolute shitcoin give the pajeet a break.
so desperate, but yeah thats characteristic of an icp user
i posted enough in the thread, what else do you want to know
You posted nothing pajeet except the website. And anyone visiting it sees what a cheap shitcoin this trash is.
youre the only pajeet in this thread ranjeesh.
you should post about bob in your icp containment thread instead of trying to take over this one. maybe one of the 10 icp users will be interested
I forgot I probably added 50c to your airdrop for so many responses. Enjoy pajeet. You will never leave India though.
no no, instead of derailing and calling me a pajeet post a website of a icp shitcoin with better quality and mechanic. i will wait
follow the breadcrumbs
I’m not spoon feeding you
ooooo if only you knew!
thank me later
exactly, thanks for proving my point jeet
it is too now calling people jeets
How cute. Here have another 5c.
does it not have a telegram or discord? cant find them
yeah its listed on the dexscreener page
Jannies, clean it please.
I'm tired of pajeet shills
cope harder
Is this anything like bitcoinereum from 2017ish? Seems similar. Contract mining.
i must be retarded cause i cant see any TG links on that page
Also is there a website or anything? Thanks for posting the dex link
oh shit ur right, its
yeah but more gamified
thanks. hopefully theyll update dextools links soon.
This just seems like a eth copy of BoB but it isn’t even on chain. Seems pretty lazy to me. I cause imitation is the greatest form of flattery
wagmi BOB sisters
yeah, seems is the keyword here. its entirely different but the bob guy got too high on crack to tell
It's a cheap pajeet copy of BOB yes