Everyone is distracted by the election

Perfect opportunity for Link to go straight to $1,000 a token.

IMG_4041.jpg - 1170x1860, 636.75K

Holy fuck

That's cool and all but...price.
Oh, and...chart.

$1000 USD per STINKY

yeah ok

1630170255239.png - 463x371, 173.93K

I don't think my dick would survive Link hitting $1000

Youre telling me i can buy this under $12?

6546456564.jpg - 1170x1809, 145.32K

Yeh it's up against Bitcoin since the election result. Kinda cool eh?

huge check.

I'd wonder why this isn't all over crypto news, but I guess the media get a pass with the election.
This is insane though, actual in-production use from financial institutions.


actual in-production use

it's literally another fucking pilot


from his speech:
"UBS and Swift, in partnership with Chainlink, are collaborating on an end-to-end payment orchestration capability to automate fund subscription and redemption processes"

It's all really happening. Fuck, guys. Hope you all have your bags packed.


yes, since the election result.


This industry trial showcases that tokenisation can automate payment initiation and confirmation processes, provide real-time update on payment status, while riding on existing processes and standards for Fund Distributors and Fund Administrators. This can greatly reduce operational risks and costs.

This industry trial

industry trial






real world, fee earning use. almost certainly leading to fulltime use.
you lost, we won. pool's closed. no one sold. you'll always be a loser. how does it feel?

ADDX is for ants, they only allow 5000usd and have only 141 million in managemt. another literal who

Let me know when I can use this crap to buy my groceries and I'll buy some.

er.......nice digits

cGC5VeA5g.png - 560x634, 349.09K

It's all so fucking tiresome. I just want the pain to stop. Fuddies in here trying to get me excited over a 6 month $10-$12 crab.

I hold over 50,000 LINK.

concerned holder fud

yawn what an original angle. we've never, ever heard that sort of fud before. surely everyone will sell now? they'd be crazy not to, right?

b..b..but i don't want anyone to sell!!

fucking groundhog day in here

Checked and $1111 confirmed

$2001.jpg - 1024x1024, 185.38K

Who is really coping here? lmao

I'm not concerned I'm just pointing out it's a trial and not going to cause the token to go to $1,000. You do realize you retards making a HUUUUUGE deal out of every pilot are as much to blame for price inaction is the fudsisters, right?

the cl employees had the day off today to gather themselves

(they're all pussy libs)
(you paid for it)

40.png - 579x471, 137.33K

I’m going to hunt you down one day.

No it isn't, this is literally live.

It’s not

Not a single reference or mention of test, trial, pilot, ... or anything of the sort in the announcement.
This is live.

Project Guardian is a pilot itself, retardo

No it isn't.
You think they're trading these digital assets in some kind of testnet? These are real assets and real transactions.

more concern fud

not selling, anon. sorry about that. real transactions, real fees. real life. ouch, right?

His 1 bed 1 bath in the middle of Dusseldorf might be hard to find.

not $11111

Kek he probably has fleas

th..this y..year I swear!

trading these digital assets

to begin with, these don't even exist

Yeah sure anon, they're lying.

they're not lying, they're literally experimenting
none of those things are "live" or "in-production"
not a single real world asset is being "tokenized", it's all trials and research
you're braindead

not a single real world asset is being "tokenized"

Even IF you’re correct. What happens when they go successful and it starts really happening? You gonna buy their bags later at $1,000 a token once you have your confirmation? It’s about risk.



and it starts really happening?

thanks for finally conceding that nothing is happening
10 more years

The tokenized asset in question is commercial paper, aka promissory notes.
These are live assets undergoing live transactions.
You're welcome.

checked, 1k eoy confirmed

stinky linker.jpg - 261x182, 34.01K

it's literally nothing

institutional adoption


absolutely seething

it's literally another pilot
I'm not the one seething, you are

an international collaboration of industry and regulators, led by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, that explores the use of fund and asset tokenisation


until there is a response in the price driving it above $100 its literally nothing.

p r i c e
c o p e
___c o p e
______c o p e
_________c o p e

Of course they use words like "explore", they're entering uncharted territory.
This is LIVE institutional adoption, and it's open ended. This is the beginning.

the beginning of what
dumping to $8?





p r i c e
c o p e
___c o p e
______c o p e
_________c o p e

fucking lol

DUDE even when you are buying bags af $1,000 a token its STILL gonna go up to $81,000! You can stop seething now! We are all gonna make money! Love you man.

it's literally
dude...touch grass

Dude!!! What you’re doing is pointless! No one here is gonna sell! Come buy and join us!

It's live, using live tokenized assets.
And it's with two major financial institutions. Undoubtedly brokered by Swift too.

doesn't matter

you're right. its extremely undervalued. good looking out

so now is a good time to buy?


low energy weak comeback

I’m gonna buy more!!!!

so buy as much as i can?

As an Aussie, it's weird asf that ANZ is one of the banks at the forefront for blockchain financial integration. Would've thought Commbank but maybe they're too big and play it too safe

We are really going to make it aren't we

we sure are