/xsg/ XRP Schizo General #2302

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Why hold XRP?


Newfag Tutorial:


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The Myth of Market Cap:







x.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

Schizo Ramblings:


Past /XSG/ Threads:


What wallet do I use?

Hot storage - Xaman, Gem Wallet, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd


What a garbage demoralization image you've chosen for the OP.
Fuck you.

sorry anon i just got a new computer so don't have any of my old XRP images and there weren't many to choose from in the old thread.

i could have chosen picrel, would that have been better? sorry for demoralization posting. i guess i'm just feeling pretty demoralized lately, it's been a long march and shows no signs of getting better or easier anytime soon.

hell, 3 years ago i was rolling my XRPL shitcoin casino winnings into CSC, reading JC Collins and Quad Jacks blog posts and thinking that by the end of the month i'd be a rich man when the CasinoCoin app was released

now he's typing nice because we called him out in the other thread just now

typical tricks

so Gary Gensler is going to replace Janet Yellen as Treasury Secretary- are we thinking this will be positive for XRP, Ripple and the crypto space as a whole? Personally I think Gensler is a pretty solid guy and has our best interests as unsophisticated retail investors at heart.

I think Liz Warren and GG are dead-on when they say crypto is a dangerous den of snakes and we should prioritize safety and consumer protection-

only accredited investors should be able to access these risky unregulated products and participants should be taxed fairly, including unrealized gains, to improve equity and inclusion in the information technology space.
ultimately, we need to make sure everyone is on a level playing field.

If you have the internet maybe you could use a search engine to find an image and download it.

so what i'm hearing from you is, all my delusions of persecution are justified and grounded in factual objective reality? good to know.

Do not use First Ledger
Its scamware with zero support

we know, you lost money on first ledger. can you stop telling us in every thread?


what do you need support for?
are you a middle aged woman from the deep south?
crypto is all about stupid amounts of risk

Sir you "invested" in a crypto shitcoin. Wtf are you expecting? Sweetwater support?

z4m4iga20q051.jpg - 800x600, 103.91K

I made some profits there

Maybe your fault for HODLing meme coins



That retard probably bought some low cap rugpull, got rugged and is now trying to find an address to send a letter to asking his invested money bag.


Its happening
Today we will pump to new highs
I will be here all day to celebrate the Trump winning election pump.

Give him some slack, I'm pretty fucking demoralized too. My Grandpa passed away last weekend, I should've fucking made it by now. I wanted to be able to show it to him before he passed, I wanted him to know my Grandma and the family were going to be alright, but all these years later and still, nothing has fucking happened. And to top it all off today is election day and the only choice is 2 jewish supremacists. All my zerps are going to get confiscated to buy missiles for israel and I'll never get to take a vacation and I'll never get a fucking home. Fuck my fucking life I hate this gay ass planet let me off this fucking ride

it's gonna be okay man <3

today is the day

No it's fucking not. Even if I finally make it I'm gonna have PTSD from struggling so fucking hard for so many years. Not having a home for the first 35 years of your life, it just isn't right. Not a shred of fucking stability all my life. I havent had a checkup at the doctor's office in 25 years. No it's not going to be okay I'm going to carry this anger and this hatred with me for the rest of my fucking life. Why can I just NOT BE FUCKING POOR!!! I work way too hard to be this broken. It's not fair.

So where do you live now? Under a bridge? And why do you need a doctors checkup?

I love in a rotting duplex that takes an insane amount of money to rent. There's patches of mold above me right now as I sit on this toilet. For what I'm paying I should be able to afford better

Im sorry to hear that anon

Why dont you just marry a virgin 19yr old trad wife and buy a nice starter home with double garage house together for $90k which only you pay for while she stays at home, does groceries and takes care of the children?

I've had breathing problems all my life. I'm always coughing up slime at all times, the mucous attacks wake me up in the middle of the night and I have to go gargle water for 45 minutes to get all the slime out of my throat and sinuses so I can try to get back to sleep. Also my right arm gets dislocated all the time and it's getting easier and easier to do so. I really am going to need medical care at some point and nothing is getting cheaper and this stupid fucking XRP certainly isn't helping either.

Good one.

Do you really live in a country where your fucking arm gets dislocated and there is no government failsafe for this kind of stuff? You pay taxes do you? The fuck is it even possible to get to work like that, sounds to me you can get some neetbux with your issues.

There's government fail-safes for government fail-safes for government fail-safes but there isn't shit to take care of the little guy. You wanna know how to get work with it? Don't tell them about it. They don't want to hire somebody who seems injured and can't do the work. I can get a surgery when I've got the money but right now I need the money so I just deal with it. Right now I make 37 bucks an hour, neetbux probably won't come close to that. I just really need a shoulder surgery. And a home. Really need this XRP to do something. Like, now.

2 more decades

The taxes are for israel and niggers, the taxes aren't for us, silly.

This is such an American thing lmao what a 3rd world shithole.

I'm sorry you live in "land of the free"

Free to be miserable and to go fuck yourself

Cant you just go into walmart and throw yourself to the ground out of sight of camera and then scream about your shoulder, have them call an ambulance and say wtf it gets dislocated now and sue them for 10million dollar? You can maybe get your shoulder surgery and still keep half after.


Why aren't we pumping? I was told we were gonna have an election day pump? Where is it?

Why aren't we pumping?

You might want to look at the chart again. XRP never pumps. It may fart once in a while, it certainly farted to 0.65c a few weeks back (the first in how many years?). But no, XRP doesn't pump, ever. You'll get, hype, lots and lots of hype. More hype than you could ever watch in a single life time. Oh and probably more hype after that too. You'll be getting hype in the form of a documentary, with more hype and still more hype. But a pump? Nah. Just hype and press release with more hype and a little more hype. More hype than you get in this post that's hyped to the maximum. But like I say, no pump. Maybe some more hype? Just a little more hype?

But some people on youtube said it could go to $4000 per coin or something

Time for you to get hit by a luxury car in the Starbucks parking lot.

The funny thing is that if you are an American in his position this is actually the best thing you can do. Land of the free. First world country. Lol.

if you believe soccer moms and local barbers and taxi drivers in the twitter this will go to the 10+$