Okay fellow stinkyheads, let's break this shit down.
If you still aren't holding any stinkies, this is your LAST chance to do so.
What happens in 2025?
After 7 years of nothing but hope and cope happening, we are about to get tangible results.
The partnership between swift (the thing that a big chunk of world's money flows through) and chainlink will run global trials for processing swift-crypto interactions through chainlink.
Think will either moon or kill link.
If the trial goes well and swift stays with link, thats it, moon guaranteed, link will skyrocket to 3 digits and never come back down, 4 digits not out of the question either in few years, unless all of crypto dies.
If for some reason the beta trial doesn't go well, or the bank decides to not keep using stinkies as their blockchain gateway, then it's game fucking OVER. Link will plummet to single digits and never recover. The small finance projects that will keep using link are specks of dust compared to swift, they mean nothing, it ALL hinges on swift.
So, your best on links hinges entirely on if you believe the swift partnership will play out or not.
This is it. The finish line. We are either boarding a rocket ship or crashing and burning, there is nothing in between.
Good luck fellow stinky frens.