Let's fucking discuss this once and for all because obviously, something is wrong eith AVI. By the way...

Let's fucking discuss this once and for all because obviously, something is wrong eith AVI. By the way, in no shape or form is this a FUD thread, the things are real and habbening. Do we sell and move on or hold the faggots accountable and only after that we sell and move on or hold, depending on their bullshit responses. Current situation is:

Team buys with fake wallets to create FOMO.

Team then dumps on people that bought the green candle.

After the dump is over and nobody even dares to touch AVI again, post comments like pic related.

People buy again and either sell at a loss or become bag holders.

Team keeps on doing this to farm funds.

Team has been openly fans of insider trading, check Broski's wallet. He sold right before the huge dump from 0.005.

Everyone is angry and they don't generate anymore funds, post another comment like pic related. People buy again, team dumps again. Act like it's some weird whales but it's them actually farming funds for the past year.

Rinse and repeat for ONE YEAR AND A HALF.

So? Discuss. If this was a conspiracy theory than Broski wouldn't have sold right before the dump. They are getting too comfortable. Isn't insider trading illegal in America? Yeah, I thought so.

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Btw, why did Kerasu say that they did not except the launch to go like this if Broski sold right before the dump during the launch last week?

Broski's wallet. Sells AVI to buy shitcoins right before a launch. Uses the name of a huge company as his ESN.


you bought a memecoin utility coin you fugged up accept it

It's a farm, yeah
But people here have been putting so much effort for an entire year, they've become too attached to their dream outcome to let it go

The team could literally pump the price with their own money rn, and every fuddie on the fence would jump right in into the trap to gargle their furry cocks

AVI bros, my condolences.
Just recoup your losses/ rotate your profit (if you were lucky enough) to KNS at this point

going to be funny when we rocket up a 10,000% god candle and everyone who sold actually ropes
sorry that isn't funny but the sick asshole in me will probably at least chuckle a bit

There is nothing left to discuss. We got played. If you’re deep in the red, the best case scenario is to sell the news on whatever the next “big” thing is. Set up price alerts and go touch grass. Or cut your losses and move on

Aw did wittle baby sell the bottom and buy the top? :( Sorry for your loss.

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I'm excited for this week!


hmmm they aren't falling for it this time

QUICK get the breadcrumbs!

They aren't biting! Throw another one!

LOL I have never seen a more structured damage control team than what avi has. Every team member is now suddenly on a 24/7 active duty schedule since the bridge flopped. 11 months of being of silence and being told NDA, and now they come on everyday tossing around a bunch of useless "breadcrumbs" that no one cares about.

Every team member is now suddenly on a 24/7 active duty

you noticed this too? for a long time its been stixil and kerasu, with adrian as an actual dev, now we have trophias and ub every 5 minutes telling us to smoke some weed and trying to shit on shibaswap / shy (ok that's kinda deserved but fuck, its been nearly 2 years guys, move on...)

that's liquidity providing retard

Yea and it's a bad look. Ignore everything that the holders have been critical of all these months, and then suddenly show up to the burn scene while playing dumb.

excited for this week

stay tuned

bullish week ahead

the storm is coooming

patriots in control, jeet swamp will be drained

suspicious eyes emoji

imagine le selling at these prices


le goybase guidelines

"I dunno but i fel bullish"

sky is the limit

trust the Kerasu plan

team scam pumps

one sided liquidity/sell wall


Every team member is now suddenly on a 24/7 active duty schedule since the bridge flopped.

And if they did nothing you'd criticize that too. If they really were in it for a quick buck they could have siphoned off the liquidity long ago.

Your fud is no match for my righteous zeal.

No way is this a fud thread

Proceeds to post fud

Yet another avi thread posted by a fudder when there's others in the catalog.
Fudders are low effort retards.

shitcoin goes up 50-100x from lows 1y ago

why is it crashing? why are they farming us???

how about you learn not to roundtrip and be happy with such absurd gains and retention on the price. Most shitoins that pump this hard rug very quickly. did you really think it would go up forever without gigawhales + institutions?
man, the greedy state of this board...some people have shitcoins still hanging at their local lows here..couldnt be me but still

Kek, you just missed the last chance to do that anon. That was quite obviously the exit pump. There is no reason for this to go up again. Even if they keep working on the project you should expect at least another 6-12 months before the arcade. Why do you think team and long time friends are exiting? Same reason they did during the first audit… cause they know there is nothing coming for a long time. Just fucking sell and move on already, for your mental health.

Just fucking sell

after -80% dump so faggot team could scoop up and lockdown supply again? In fact you sound like one of tg shithead mods that gasliting people into selling if they dont like 80% buzzcut. WELL FUCK YOU we gonna be in this together till end

nah magic even said the arcade is way closer than you probably think it is
the bridge was 100000x more complicated than the arcade will be
keep the FUD though because we'll be the ones laughing to the bank when AVI approaches $0.25

nah magic even said the arcade is way closer than you probably think it is

Of course he would say that. The team fell short on literally everything they announced this entire year. They have not released a single photo or video of the arcade since February. We got a bunch of teasers on the bridge during its development, yet virtually nothing on the arcade. But somehow they want to convince us it’s “closer than you probably think”? Yea, keep dangling that carrot on a stick

i kind of feel bad for the people holding this

it's the chainlink version of a memecoin which means no one makes money

the vibe your community gives off is so bad and scares off anyone outside of biz

when the bridge launches, the arcade will be marketed and ready for testing

get ready for the big boom event!

Idk why you think it’s going to get better. There’s a ton of shit happening in crypto, but go ahead and hold this shit forever, I really don’t care. I just don’t understand. I don’t think the cuck poster was being ironic, some of you guys are sick.

Shithead I aint playing your game anymore. long as you aviator dipshits get cock blocked from farming eth Im happy. Think about this as spiteful holding. Suddenly all of your team eager to tell if people aint happy after 80% dump they should sell lol. Get into you sick fucked head aint selling and if one of teams friend wallet decides to nuke again I will scoop so much I will become 3 red barons just to ruin your farming grift

when the bridge launches, the arcade will be marketed and ready for testing

And that was never ever said, by the way

here is serial exciter that could not even scrub his paw history untill last week

This is pure cope or more jewish lies. Anyone who still has access to the TG can do a search for arcade marketing and find it. It can’t take more than 10 seconds to find it

Nope, Stixil said that once the bridge and the arcade are live, nobody would remember September 2024. This is just like the CB connections. Good enough for a tweet, not good enough for any official seal of approval.

how I yearn for the halcyon days of September 2024... take me back... please...

Kek, holy shit dude, seek help.

the team were the fuddies all along

Do you realize how insane this coin has made you? Spite hold nigger. I don’t care, just stop fucking posting about it. it’s pathetic af to be crying about it here every fucking day

i dunno. im conflicted now. base obviously is in communication with them. but if the skybridge is something they really want, why just a retweet and nothing else after a week? youd think theyd want to more openly shill it.

No that’s not what I’m talking about. I don’t remember if it was kerasu or stixil but it was clear as day. They said straight up it would be marketed and ready for testing once the bridge launches

No go back to ur circlejerk in tg nigger rape victim

I also remember something like that but then again they said so much bullshit in past months cant believe anything they say. Btw big week waiting for us kek bet if I bring this bullshit next week I will get gaslit and banned in under 5 min

Forgot picrel. The post I saw was more recent (aug/sept) so they must have deleted it. Other members have seen similar posts before that too

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Lets be honest if they been honest developers they would just release things without dropping bread constantly

so they must have deleted it.

Damn, what a shame, I wonder why

ive never hated a coin as much as this, they need to be held responsible for what they have done to my brain

It'd be better for your mental health to just walk away. And I'm bullish on avi.

i know it would but i cant, theyve totally fucked me mentally. i am obsessed beyond repair.

Just sell and walk away lol. Strange how non of them said that before bridge release

Yep, it’s not like everyone in the tg was asking about it. Surely the post never existed and we are all just imagining the same thing. jew

Yo jay how does it feel that havent read any of your walls of cope in pm? I kinda wasted your time lol