What is your motivation to make it?

what is your motivation to make it?

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to have sex with OP's mother

Make it and then euthanize myself being satisfied with myself and dying with some dignity, at least I'd die knowing I was not just another incel chuddie from the neighbourhood; I hate this clown world, capitalism and social interactions like it's unreal. This world deserves a nuke, uniornically speaking

i don't have any motivation, so im not going to make it. the best i can do is work 60+hrs/week in jobs where i can mentally check out in $20-25/hr range.

I'm unwilling to do anything besides attempt to max out my retirement accounts. I'm not going to learn any skills, I'm not going to develop any side hustles. If i can't get employment by spamming "instant-apply" jobs on indeed with a fabricated and embellished resume then ill just wait for homelessness and starvation to kill me. this is the gameplan for the rest of my life. I'm not going to work any harder than this.

Spite for having my future robbed from me before I was even born.

To lose my virginity.
I'm like a 5/10 so the only possible way I will ever see a naked book in real life and not on a screen is if I become extremely wealthy.
I'm already in my late 30s though so I probably failed.

Agency and relief from many worries

I hate work. I absolutely loathe it. Every day, every minute that I have to work is absolute torture to me.
I want to get rich enough so that I no longer have to work, and so that as many as possible of my descendents don't have to work either.

not having to wage.

To grow a new set of balls and a uncalcified penis while I'm at it

Literally nothing.

freedom, i hate people telling me what to do

Pay my mum her home

I hate where i live.

This is a large reason why I don't get into heavy debt. I know myself well enough to know that I would not work hard to pay it off.

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based comfybro.

so i can live comfortably my whole life without having to work, and maybe help some relatives if i make enough

i want to buy 100+ acres of raw land, develop it and build a house, get married and have a lot of kids and homeschool them so i can redpill them on jews and teach them how to snowball wealth. and then leave them a lot of money when i die

Absolutely based. Keep up the soft work anon!

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I want to get married. I could probably get married on an average salary but I don't want an average salary woman.

land, ability to get the tools needed to grow crops and some cows and ponies
feels like the world is ending and I'd like to have my prepped home instead of being somewhere surrounded by people

teach them about semen retention too. Then they will be set

Home ownership.

Pay off my parents debt
They'll be waging until they die if I don't do something

we have a birth rate crises
a family is a big wish these days, apparently

my best friend died two years ago, we had a promise that we would fuck a celebrity and travel to japan before we died, he couldn't do it, so now i have to do it twice for him, im half-way there on the fucking a celebrity since im constantly chatting with a fairly known streamer, she told me as soon as i can donate her ilm she will arrange for us to see eachother
but for the rest i need to make it, money is the key to keeping my promise

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off by one

maybe your dreams are almost on point but maybe simping an egirl isnt pious enough of a wish to manifest
get a good girl, not a ho

Don't have to be extremely wealthy for hookers. And if you want her to want you for free then you have to work on looks. Health is the foundation for that.

Based and correct answer.

I just don't wanna slave away every day for 50 years. I don't even want multi millions. Just enough to simply exist and pay the bare minimum in bills and food etc.

we live in a weird time, in 10-15 years most comfy mid-high pay jobs will cease to exist because of AI and automation. make hay while the sun shines

I despise being a wagecuck stuck in a job i hate with every cell in my body

pure pettiness.
i NEED to prove them wrong.

ummm I just want to be le farmer

Then be a le farmer, land in the middle on nowhere costs almost nothing. You don't mind moving to the middle of nowhere do you


No work

Dont have to worry about bills

I dont even need luxary

I just need to have myself, my house, simple economic car, some hobbies and social life and volunteer work


buy a Gwagon or Rolls Royce Cullinan, do a roadtrip and yacht trip and travel around Europe, Africa, Asia
accumulate a body count of 100 before turning 30 which would put me in the top 1%

then find a trad virgin wife and settle down

I wanna travel abroad and fuck women from various countries.

shit are you me hahaa


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Probably. My goal is to impregnate as many SEAmonkeys and impoverished Balkan women as possible.

ive already done this but never traveled myself

oh no i miss australian

I want to never interact with a human being again (except prostitutes)

money is wasted on unimaginative people like you.

spending 1-5% of my net worth on fucking women from different countries in my 20s is the most pleasurable thing to do.....

rather than getting marrying a hoe in your 20s getting divorced and losing half your money
good luck. I'm very choosy on who i'd impregnate with as I want to raise super successful children or ive failed as a father

freedom from wage and social slavery. wage slavery we all understand, social slavery is forced exposure to normies in order to survive

1. Financial stability/freedom
2. Buying my gf designer
3. Increasing my wealth for my future children

So I don’t have to see an irl you-know-what ever again