Tell me the truth, anon. Did you actually make enough money in crypto this year to quit your job, or are you still relying on your 8-hour grind?
Are you making money?
I need my job for at least 6 more months but after that I should be home free. Even cashing out with $500k by then will be enough to float me until the next cycle but I think if I tough it out for another year I can hit a million and be free forever. I have 10 years in and am working the worst paid and most degrading of my career but it's what I have to do to make it so I'm just doing what needs to be done
No, and I also just got laid off from my job last month. I'm trying to figure out what to do. I have about 10k in crypto, 10k in stocks, and 30k in fiat. Trying to decide what to do so that I can never have to work again desu
I was in your position last year albeit more in crypto and less in fiat
Liquidate your stocks and crypto and throw them into Bitcoin; while you're at it, throw another $20k from your savings in so you can have at least half a Bitcoin and sell when you hit 100k+. Right now is probably the worst time to have no job but $10k should float you for a decent 5-6 months while you recover and land a new position; pull 1-2 0% cards if you have to and then after the 12-15 month 0 APR period transfer to a transfer card that will give you 0% on transfers for 18-21 months. You'll basically have $10k in cash, $40k invested, and $20-25k in unsecured 0% loans you can rotate and slowly pay off indefinitely while your capital increases in value. This IS financial advice
I do what I want, because a pirate is free.
also, yes. quit my job and am living off crypto right now, however that's not a permanent thing, will have to see how the election affects things.
No, I didn't make it. It's up to this bull run or bust, I guess.
I just made money on memecoins. Easy $500 for today
Liquidate your stocks and crypto and throw them into Bitcoin; while you're at it, throw another $20k from your savings in so you can have at least half a Bitcoin and sell when you hit 100k
Honestly this seems insane to me. Bitcoin doesn't have the potential for the extreme gains that it used to. To me it seems like there's too much potential for risk for a 2X return which seems really generous.
If I was going to put more money into crypto I'd just invest in the current altcoin I am all in on, maybe a couple others, but that's it. Also, I'm trying not to liquidate anything until Jan 1st. I am just at the threshold of being in the 12% tax bracket, if I make any more money this year I'll be bumped up to the 22% bracket which will fuck me next April
yet I'm knocking on the door to a million dollar net worth and you are unemployed
The only money I make is from my wage.
I am too retarded to understand the world of finance. I don't know what to buy. I don't know what to sell. So I just stay out of it because I know I would lose it all.
At least I can feel good about having a wage. It is your most powerful wealth building tool according to Dave Ramsay.
I was made redundant and that basically forced me into early retirement. I didn't think i was ready to quit and live off crypto but so far so good.
Lmao you have no idea how insane BTC is going to get in the next 4 years
I am and you are not because you're a loser
I doubled my net worth in the last couple years but still waiting on the big one
I'm... ready... for... infinity... and beyond...
anon kun, should i quit my 2k/month job to go for full time gambling on crypto ? 2k literally can earn in gambling day
Lmao you have no idea how insane BTC is going to get in the next 4 years
Maybe, but Bitcoin hasn't been the best play since 2017. Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Ethereum, Solana and other coins have all outperformed bitcoin in the last bull run.
Bitcoin has been around for 14 years didn't revolutionize finance, it was a working proof of concept, but there are better cryptocurrencies. I'd sooner put my net worth into Monero than Bitcoin
Wallet reveal for those made it
t. just invested in crypto March 2024
What's the use of surfing too much in crypto if you dont earn money?
Is that even a question moron?
It's insane how people are becoming crazy these days
Honestly, TG mini-apps have been a goldmine this year. Made way more there than from any 9-to-5 grind. Can't wait for the new ones like Boinkers and Blum to drop, if they’re anything like the others, we’re looking at serious gains again.
Trying to decide what to do so that I can never have to work again desu
Outlandishly unrealistic with $50k net worth.
Just pick one of the trending narratives or a utility token that can stand the test of time. Take this alpha from an oldfag.
Memes are a quick way to make cash and an even quicker way to lose it all. I’d rather go for what I believe has long-term growth potential.
you are not an older if you don't realize why I responded the way I did to that anon
Quit it, Jeet.
I’m still trying to make it, fag. I’ll be buying some promising utility alts based on the current emerging narratives. Gotta play the game smart.
Almost Q1 2024. Sold way too early and watched 2 of my bags hit $1m each. I got mentally and physically ill from that and I really never recovered fully (true story). Then I watched one of my current bags go from $20k to $500k and now it’s currently at $80k… I took initial/profits from it so zero risk, but market dumping my biggest bag for $80k isn’t going to free me from the grind. Either I you d trip this to zero or it retires me. I just want out. Out from waging, out from crypto, and away from society. I only need enough to build a small comfy modern house in the mountains where I can dis alone
Fucking piece of shit phone
I sold the tippity top and now I'm moving all my funds to my brokerage account to trade options. The plan is to make enough there to match my current income and then I can consider quitting.
I made enough to never have to ever work again back in 2021
I quit in 2020 but I'm just trying to frugalmaxx my way through the rest of my life, I'm not rich or anything
Mmm lets see, i made a lot of money but i also donated a lot of money and im planning on donating more once ilm launches... mmmst'ved
I'll prove you wrong
quite difficult to make a cent in this market. very uncertain.
Yes, I’m making good money because I know where to put my crypto assets to work for me, so no need to stress myself, anon.