People are still bagholding ETH, AVAX, XRP, ROSE, FTM, ATOM, LINK, SHIBA, DOGE, DOT, LITECOIN, ICP...

People are still bagholding ETH, AVAX, XRP, ROSE, FTM, ATOM, LINK, SHIBA, DOGE, DOT, LITECOIN, ICP, MATIC and other dead alts from last cycle

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They don't know ALTS are dead, and if an ALT pumps, it is because it's new and still has a pumping crew behind it.

He still thinks their -4 year old- shitcoin is superior some way because he has been watching youtubers for the past 4 years and 'stacking cheapies' and is now waiting for normies to buy his obsolete shitcoins

he doesnt realize only BTC still receives some money and maybe some newly launched shitcoin on a newer network until it inevitably rugs

he has been waiting for years and telling himself "once the next cycle or alt season starts im gonna make it!"

doesnt know his last chance to make it with little money was Q4 2021

oh oh oh poor anon...

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Still not selling, still not buying boomercoin.

Still holding, also holding bitcoin and mstr.

Let's go btc 100k, avax 1000


dead alt

Very stupid
Much idiot



Not holding doge but I think it's pretty far from dead
AVAX and ETH will make a comeback too


Well I was planning to just hold to 0.20 no matter how long it takes and just buy more if it drops and wait so I don't really mind

Any decent portfolio should be at least 50% BTC, anon. No previous alt cycle will regain their 2021 ATH anymore except maybe XRP (whe the lawsuit is finally over in 2037 and a they make a XRP ETF)

I’m still stacking chainlink

50% BTC

after its up 4.5x in 2 years

how does anybody take this advice seriously?

BTC is the only true long term investment, that's why. Everything else is gambling, and every single alt just bleeds out after it's initial pump.

Why buy at 68k when I can just wait for the bear market bottom?

As far as I know bitcoin doesn’t have any utilities still. If you genuine think bitcoin is the only crypto you need you have brain damage

Can't really argue against that...but current btc prices could be the bear market bottom or close to it, also btc sub 100k is excellent accumulation imo. BTC is the crypto version of VOO, it's never truly a bad time to DCA into it because even if you buy the cycle high, 4 years later that cycle high will be seen as an excellent entry point.

Bitcoin IS crypto, it's the only one that matters. Even if the smart contract meme ends up coming into fruition, BTC will still be THE bluechip crypto. Don't get me wrong, alts can give bigger gains, but it can also give huge losses and it's pure gambling. BTC is like investing into VOO, alts are like investing into penny stocks.

every single alt just bleeds out after it's initial pump

DOGE bled to 7 cents and went to 21 recently. LTC went from 60s to 110 in march. if these POW coins are dead then who is buying up all the supply from miners? they are just buying up millions of coins to lose money?

Why are you referring to "alts from last cycle"? You sound clueless.

Almost all of the new projects are performing just as bad as the old projects.
There are a few outperformers, but there's a constant rotation between trending coins.
Any altcoin that is now performing well will probably just get sold off by whales in the next few months.
Especially if the FDV is very high.

Many institutions disagree with you wholeheartedly. Bitcoin is still speculative gambling play even you think the volatility is less than most alts.

You have no idea how much I regret not selling Fantom before the conference last bullrun. I wouldn't have made it but I would have stopped waging, traveled, took time to learn and monetize a skill, invested a lot more and bought a house, car and had kids.

I invested in a lot of coins over the years (XRP, NEAR, FTM, PEPE) the only thing green above 2x in my folio is BTC, which is close to 4x. Most of my coins I'm bagholding in losses like everyone who bought alts and got assblasted beyond belief after the "halving" event (halving of my alts, that is) and after "buy the absolute bottom" meme all these last months. I would have roped if not for bitcoin, literally every alt or shitcoin that is listed is doomed to 50% losses or more so gradually you don't even notice

That was before the halving event, you sucka. Of course they pumped every last cycle altcoin because of the hype and then sold the news back in April to finally dump their heavy bags and buy BTC. Check any alt/BTC in 1D , it's only a sea of red candles, every day you get new lows. It's over for alts

I picked a number of alts too. but mine outperformed btc every single cycle. my only problem is I can't hold long enough.

keep winning then. I will continue to play with alts and never touch btc. dont worry about what I do.

oh i know

You didn't mention HBAR, is that because it's going to $5 next year?

I added more QAN and INJ to my bag. Check back in 2025.

i'm holding new alts and they've all gone to shit too

how do people like you even exist?

memecoins have outperformed ever other sector in crypto(and all markets globally) and will continue to

why in god's name would you buy an alt

if you limit your search for good memes to coins longer than 4 months old then just pick the memes you resonate with, you cant lose

2025 is the year of the final token dump ands its only up from there. Retards need not apply, I only need HBAR and BTC as a backup plan.

I'm still not touching boomercoin, all in on SUI only,

When SUI has made a lot of pajeets millionaire you're dreaming of 2025 and then 2025. Better be smart anon.

mfw you're sitting on a bunch of new lowcaps that haven't pumped yet and are barely on exchanges

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Dumped my MATIC and ROSE to jump into the token launch of that project with massive gains in the biggest CoinList launch in over 2 years

Nah, I’m stacking peaq once it lists this month. DePIN is set to explode this decade.

cope retard

HBAR and QNT are also over

ROSE, LINK and AVAX are the holy trifecta though.
Schizos already know


name 5 new alts under 500m marketcap. no shitcoins

t. not in the know

not buying your bags

pls sar