What is the implication of CCT for chainlink? Chainlink shitcoin casino confirmed?

Importantly, CCTs do not require token developers to inherit any CCIP-specific code within their token’s smart contract.

Token developers can deploy pre-audited token pool contracts to turn any ERC20-compatible token into a CCT or deploy their own custom token pool contracts for custom token use cases.


omnichain shitcoin casino powered by chainlink

deploy their own token pool

Chainlink is so fucking shit lmao they will NEVER be XRP.
Btw, XRPL oracles launches in 8 hours, all native and interoperable with XChain, the greatest DEX on earth and AMM.

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Can you cope in your containment thread please?
And I’m guessing you need link token for this to work?

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Yes linknigger, CBDCs will launch on their own pools connected to aribdoge and omnicuck via chainlink. Why would they use the most proven DEX created by banks for bankers? That’s just crazy talk. Can’t wait for CBDC shitcoin casino!


We never sold and you lost. Oh-no, what a pity.

And I’m guessing you need link token for this to work?


Why is a cockroach talking?

What about price saars

Spotted the paid advocates

market already tried omnichain shitcoins with omnicat and it failed miserably

ok so token now needful but saars the price?

Some layerzero catcoin is the same as a platform that allows anyone to come in and launch any shitcoin they want across all of the most important blockchains

I have just one question for you, anon. Are you mentally retarded?

It means more people playing with creating oraclized money. We will have tokens that modify the parameters of their own operation according to observation data retrieved from the real-world systems which provide us with food, water, shelter, electricity, Internet, etc.



the market is completely meme driven and it doesn't want crosschain memes. it does not and will not tolerate any amount of obfuscatory complication.

makes creating shitcoins easier

obfuscatory complication

I’m amazed you even know that term despite being a compete retard

what's the implication for... price?
oh, dog shit?
as usual? thought so

the funny thing is, no casino shitcoin dev is going to use ccip to launch their dogshit scam coin, because it's not needed, they are happy to launch their shitcoin on silo'd chain and on scammy platforms because the vcs are paying them to stay on a single chain and the retards gambling and getting scammed don't give a shit about all the tech mumbo jumbo

this is the equivalent of chainlink building a luxurious toilet bowl made of pure gold with finely encrusted diamonds and a complex plumbing system underneath that turns all the poop into more gold, and installing it in mumbai, while all the jeets look at it, but instead of using it, decide to keep shitting in the streets instead

posts all that

says nothing

plaid man bad


the market already decided omnichain is a needless complication for new shitcoins because it divides volume and sacrifices absolute price appreciation to crosschain arbitrageurs. it is at best a niche luxury for already established coins like MOG. it may not seem like obfuscatory complication to you but for anyone not arbing it serves about the same purpose as the scratchoff portion of a lottery ticket.

assassination contracts are closer than ever

CCT is their proposed solution to the liquidity fragmentation problem.

kys train surfer

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They are obviously aware it will be used for the shitcoin casino.

Whats so obfuscating about it lol

>makes creating shitcoins easier

wait so chainlink wont release build rewards because of regulatory clarity but they are building a shitcoin factory? this makes no sense

this tard is explaining the problem that CCIP/CCT solves

they will NEVER be XRP


Launching tokens was never a problem at all.
Just like you can print stickers and sell them.

The problem comes with promising rewards, under certain circumstances, the SEC will try to claim certain rewards make a coin a security. Like when they suddenly targeted ETH for their PoS.

Why would a company registered in the Caymans give two shits about US regulations around rewards?

Its bullshit. It doesn't pass a basic smell test. The obvious implication being, if true, CLL either is incompetent enough to promise something they can't deliver or they knowingly promised it in an environment of uncertainty.

This is the problem with mental gymnastics. They very quickly fail under basic scrutiny.

i know better than a team of lawyers

the issue is they are use regulatory clarity as an excuse to not deliver m8. They recently did a deal with fireblocks who just came off a major lawsuit. regarding regulations.

giving a fat ass who has been fucking you in the ass with no reach around the benefit of the doubt after eight years

going 100x over 7 years is ‘getting fucked in the ass’

retracing all gains made against the market in 5 years is fine

my XRP bags might have been entirely stagnant since 2018, but I bought way back in 2014 at $0.00005 so it's all good bro!

the state of baggie mental gymnastics

retracing all gains made against the market in 5 years is fine

except it didn’t retrace all gains made and it hasn’t been 5 years since the linkbtc top

except that the chart is publicly available and anyone can call out your pathetic damage control attempts

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Fireblocks never had a lawsuit moron.
A user/partner of theirs did