Trump is forming the bull flag while Kamala is forming a bear flag on betting markets...

Trump is forming the bull flag while Kamala is forming a bear flag on betting markets. Do what you will with this information.

because the elites already know who is going to win. in all honestly. they are both cut from the same cloth. its all a charade that apparently no one can somehow see through the veil. its just the government putting on a show pretending anything is going to change to keep the sheep happy with hope.

Sorry still voting Trump lol

Low IQ conspiracy theorist

It's been proven that a couple rich retards from France bet hundreds of millions on Trump to skew the odds in his favor.

She's destroying Trump in every independent poll, in enthusiasm ratings and in early voting in the biggest swing states. Only moronic cultists still think Trump has a chance. This isn't 2016 anymore. The "outsider appeal" card has worn off and the majority of the country wants him dead.

Get real.

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because you're hoping that your bank account will be flush again like it was in 2020. hate to break it you chud but that ain't happening unless he actually manages to eliminate income tax but the price of imported goods would be so high at that point that it wouldn't make a difference. you're better off not voting at all. the popular vote has zero relevance. its all the electoral college and their pockets have been padded for weeks.

i get my news from exclusively reddit and cnn

To this

Independent polls

Early voting data


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trump supporters are more delusional and likely to bet, polling is nowhere near those numbers

I know, I know I should be demoralized but…I am still voting and I am bullish

Holy shit I didn't expect shills to dogpile the thread so fast. Maybe try to be more subtle about it?

Moronic cultists? Perhaps it is you that doesn't have a clue. Do you actually get out of the city or do you just dwell in a democratic strong hold? I'm genuinely curious. I believe the banking cartels and big corps run the country and that dems and repubs are two sides of the same coin. I got to admit I've watched them both and trump seems much smarter. Maybe she gets nervous during interviews but her answers, for the most part, are extremely low iq. I've also noticed the higher iq answers she has come off a teleprompter. So again why would you make such a low iq claim that all trump supporters are cultists? Is that the best you can do or do you really has some stuff we can hash out right now like adults?

Analysts have shown that Trump speaks at a fourth grade level. During the pandemic he thought that injecting disinfectant in your lungs could be a good idea. He tried to overthrow the 2020 election and he still refuses to admit that he lost. He’s also a convicted felon and a rapist. Economists suggest that his economic plan would cause a recession by next year. Should I go on? The fact that his supporters are still grasping at straws and finding excuses for every moronic things he’s said and done proves this is a cult.

There’s a huge portion of America that are just conservative trailerpark rednecks landfills which explains why he has so many supporters. Data shows that a majority of Trump supporters don’t have post-secondary education.

i bet on kamala at 34%
you chuds must hate money

I wonder if they still employ the sub-minimum wage cotton pickers to post this drivel or if it's ai at this point

i agree, and after trump's call to assassinate our beloved Liz Cheney today, he is totally disqualified. In order to protect democracy from this fascist we need Kamala and Biden to immediately cancel the election, name Kamala our new leader, and use the military to stomp out any attempts at insurrection by Trump's nazi crew.

Otherwise you can kiss democracy goodbye in this country.

djt is being aggressively shorted right now to shake off retail. Do what you will with this information.

There'll be a massive price readjustment soon.

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It’s probably people who unironically get kind of annoyed at Trump fans and slightly prefer Kamala as the lesser of two evils, but stretch the extent that they dislike Trump and make it sound Reddit to troll and farm (you)s .

Btw, anybody on this thread who - even for a moment - believed that Qanon was real and not a LARP, should not vote. I’m not saying that you did, just anybody in general. Nobody should be offended by that statement either

this isn't 2016 anymore

That's all you had to say. There's only one way trump wins; USA is much more sexist than racist, a woman president is an insane concept to the general population but what do I know, I'm a leaf.

yeah except the left leaning betting channels like PredictIt are showing Trump btfo'ing Kamala. That one in particular is capped to $850 per person so no one entity can necessarily pump the odds up with millionaire bets; also is actually open to Americans whereas Polymarket is exclusively international only. Poly is not a good predictor of American sentiment but when even American based markets somewhat agree, would it really be that far off?

TA schizos now think their meme lines determine elections

price of imported goods would be so high

oh no muh iphone

government manufactures crisis to refinance debt amid crumbling dollar hegemony

Outsider seizes power to complete rug pull with system consent

whole thing appears organic


like clockwork

Don't use this platform it's a scam

Post your hook nose

the bond market is pricing in a trump victory

I tried to bet on Kamala at the bottom, but it wouldn’t let me because I’m a US citizen. WTF, Americans can’t even use this. It’s all rich euro cucks and chinks betting on this.

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I want to see the economy collapse and boomers forced to sell homes for medicine.
How quick will Kamala wreck everything?

Ironically enough Trump was the one who reduced Fed interest rates to 0% and turned on the money printer’s artificially inflating everything. The Biden administration raised interest rates to levels not seen in 20 years and essentially turned the money printer off.

33.1% here.
Use a VPN for Polymarket, Kalshi is open for US citizens but the odds aren't as juicy

Please put as much money on Trump as you can if you think he's going to win.

shalom rabbi

I'm just amazed the odds have been in Trump's favor at any point, it's practically free money. Crypto bros really are unbelievably clueless.

I like him for president but you are right

i would prefer kamala, but neither of the candidates will completely wreck america, it's much too resilient for that. it's going to be fine, let the doomers doom

Jews are right about goyim

On predictit she's winning because they limit trades to $850. So whales can't play games to fake confidence. Polymarket is Peter Theil's and being used like an advertisement for Trump.

i would prefer kamala

why? she's a drunk idiot and all their policies are shit. I'm not american, btw, but from the outside the choice (and i know all governments are corrupt) has to be Trump. Are you just being contrarian for fun?

The ACTblue Reddit crew is out in full force in this thread. I hope they’re not dumb enough to rig another election and gaslight everyone into believing it was free and fair

Not everyone here gargles trump's nut.

What advantages over Trump do you think that Harris offers? Please be specific. I can't think of one.

I unironically sometimes wonder if this is actually right. I mean, I have very little confidence in the IQ levels of my fellow Americans. I really think this is the 'it's so over' where I wait for the 'we're so back" which never comes