we got farmed, time to move on
Its over
2 AVI threads up
Posts a 3rd thread
tells everyone to move on
what does farmed mean
Im a top 50 wallet and im market dumping my whole stack if we dont get some news soon cant believe this incompetent team
Top 200
We needed to be listed on a CEX yesterday.
Where is the volume competition? Why hasn't Tim Howell said anything about AVI? Why were there 0 communities outside of AVI to officially bridge to Base on day 1 of the bridge? Why is jesse / base only replying 1 word to Aviator shill tweets? Why are they doing AMAs with 20 people inside? This is what we've been waiting 1+ years for?
There really is no news. From what it looks like, the team is mostly scrambling around trying to figure out the next step. For months, the team deceived us once again by hyping a “big boom event” on launch. So far here is where we are at:
Arcade platform
We were told it would be marketed and ready for testing after the bridge launched. Testing is not ready and the only marketing we got so far is being told “soon”. Even if we believe that it’s close to being ready for testing, it still has to go through rounds of auditing and more testing which will take months to complete. They also stopped doing game jams months ago…. That only implies they stepped away from the arcade altogether…
This was stated to NOT be a priority of theirs and they had no intention of working on it until after the arcade and bridge were public. Now suddenly it’s a priority and it comes off as a desperate attempt to try and put out the fire they started…. This will also require rounds of testing and auditing before it goes live, so more months of waiting for that.
aerodrome whitelist
This is the newest cope and afaik, it was a community member who brought it up to the teams. This is completely unrelated to the bridge or arcade. It’s supposed to allow holders to farm yield. I don’t understand the full extent of it but if it’s a way to make decent passive income while waiting for everything else to finish, I’m all for it. Maybe someone can explain how it works
coinbase connections
Yet to be seen. Kerasu stated in a recent ama that most companies typically take up to 7 years before they become successful… not exactly what anyon wants to hear, and that only gives the impression that they have no connections, at least not the type they kept implying they had.
Overall, it’s looking grim for the short term. Poor efforts made to grow awareness over the last 1.5 years. The community is barely larger than it was 10 months ago. Poor planning on just about everything that was done up to this point. Poor execution. Zero awareness of the space and their surroundings.
t. top 20 holder who’s about done with this shit
Yet another thread made by a fudder when there are multiple other threads.
Dont even need to write anything just post pic related. BFTO of the year lol.
there is no recovery from this
This coin is very very bad sirs
How did this happen? Is it because Skybridge does absolutely nothing on launch?
yes. no volume, no partnerships. no body outside of biz even cares. base / jesse only do a "fuck off" one word reply to avi tweets. its over.
wats wrong with it looks like big bulls flag to me sirs, y r u fodder this coin sir look at big bulls pennant formation!!!
Why does Skybridge only let you bridge ETH to BASE? I thought they were talking about bridging anything to BASE. That's what they were talking about for months. I just don't understand how this could happen.
They're scamming us !
"based holders" are literally unloading their bags while they chat to you in the tg. You can probably guess who they are
Why are the greedy devs not advertising? 6 figure advertising funds and no advertisements.
They never said you could bridge anything to base wtf are you talking about
Anything on ethereum
Name one function of skybridge right now
you can bridge anything to base. I spent like 10 bucks bridging over some useless shitcoins over to base just to see if it would work.
squeezil and kerosine preparation upcoming blog to describing the utilization of steaks on new bridge? was r they cooking sirs please, village angry, elder furious, goat leave me with wife, sirs..
Why does Skybridge only let you bridge ETH to BASE?
I thought they were talking about bridging anything to BASE
anything on etherium
Do you even know what you’re complaining about?
sky bridge function to bring me to sky as I running from furious village mob who come to Lynch me for uncorrected recommendations of financials coin profiting went oposite dumping not upward, I beseech u sir please tell Squeezil stop play with gundam robot and make with Kerosene. heavily promotioning this coin with the C EX and the D EX and the coinswapper
Name one function of skybridge
Why would anyone buy Aviator to use it?
kek, the ones who showed up for the first time in weeks/months and started telling people to hold, slurp the dip, and have conviction
there is function, yes.. I think conversion method to integer when placement of multiple goat purchase but nature is objection oriented programmer
I almost got scammed into buying this shitcoin. Near fucking miss.
I'm going to start a serious fud campaign if I don't see the 6 figure advertising wallet being USED SOON.
You will have messed with the wrong autist. You will witness levels of autism.never seen before.
I am literally losing my mind this is not a joke. I AM.NOT FUCKING AROUND NO MORE, SOON!
Ok jay show me more of your hot takes on tg lol
if I don't see the 6 figure advertising wallet being USED SOON
this means it has to sell to pay people
that chart
kek, they fucked this so bad it's unreal.
decent KOLs would take allocation to shill, they'd obviously dump in the future but any KOL who demands ETH isn't worth paying
Keep threatening us and we will dump this to literal zero you faggot pussy
You are threatening me with what I'm threatening you with? Stupid nigger?! this will be very easy. I can't wait. Buy the ads or we all go to zero. Nigger animal I will teach you to obey your master.
Using tokens to pay out marketing was just one of the many retarded decisions the team made because we all know at the end of the day, they’re going to get dumped right on us. I get that this is stixils first time running a business but I was expecting way more out of him, especially magic
Oh no we are so scared. We already made our money you will just be poor and lose everything lol
guys, here is the historical chart with the recent dump. 10M is support
some whales are just playing this bullish flag. when eth bull happens we moon
I'm riding this to zero. id be more tempted to cut my losses, but i feel like this coin will either go down in crypto history as doing everything wrong, or the underdog of the decade. either way, people will be talking about this one for awhile. until people stop making threads about it and just let it die, i feel as though i can't back out. i don't have as much money into this as some other guys, but still.
I really hope we send from here to make these faggot whales pay for tanking our chart
I just really hope they'd stop posting that almost nude dancing faggot in a g-string. What the fuck, guys?
You wouldn't reply if you weren't afraid. I am a lot smarter than you. room temp iq shit for brains faggot..
Kek baggies coping
it wigs me out how the team can be this nonchalant when getting fucked over. just call it what it is. it's a fucking shit show. get mad you emotionless faggots and say something for fuck's sake
cant get mad if they are ones who are doing all of this lol