31 years old

31 years old

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33 years old

only 18k

How's life after 30

im 25 right now and I can feel it coming already. i want time to stop :(

it's alright. my son yells "daddyyyyy" and runs to me every day when i come home from work

I just stopped giving a fuck about anything after I become 30 and my life got much better.

Verification not required.

29 years old

still dependent on my movie

probably slightly autistic

$40,000 in debt from college (dropped out)

Anyone here more pathetic than me?



30 years old

worth 900k

girls tell me I have the face of a 24 year old and are always surprised that I'm 30

what's the catch?

I'm bald.

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it's already over

you have the money to give yourself new hair. what are you doing.

The ultimate dillema, travel to turkey or stay bald

36 years old

32 next month

250k net worth

It's over

For me I am an incel and can only dream of having children

35 yeas old

Crippled with nostalgia about my early to mid 20's
Take me back, just a shadow of who I used to be.

40 years old and nothing to show for it

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I’ve seen a few. At least you’re not narcissistic while having nothing at all.

Wait till you meeet those guys, overweight, broke, no skills, thinning hair, rotting teeth but they still think they’re top shit “Sigma” males.

I'm 32 and have an 18 year old gf. shit is pretty cash

kys boomers

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33 years old

only 50k

loser security guard

unironically moving into an $820 dollar """apodment""" with no stove or hot plate

selected "yes" when they asked i i wanted a complimentary folding chair, folding table, and twin bed for an extra $75 per item.


another demoralisation post?
on biz?
no way dude

t. 33yo who understands that feeling the air on your face is great and net worth does not make it any better or worse

If not rich or married, you'll be suicidal 24/7

this is unironically true. the thing is you can still delude yourself about your "future" in your 20s but once you're 30+ the future is "now" and you're half dead and will only decline from here. its extremely brutal. i wake up everyday and wish someone would put a bullet in the back of my head when im in public

Only sucks if you're broke
I have a cousin your age who thinks he's a genius and works as a security guard. He saved up like 27k and thinks he's better than most people, it's very sad to see, but funny. You are infinitely more likeable just from your post
A lot of people who are narcissistic believe everyone else is narcissistic ironically

whats wrong with being a security guard? not everyone can be a dork faggot programmer. I could save up 27k in about a year. its not rich, but most americans are in debt up their eyeballs.

go fuck yourself faggot

You are irrationally mad, nothing wrong with being a security guard, but no one is in any position to feel uppity being a guard. I'm sure you have the humility to admit that. My cousin is a complete retard, it goes beyond him being a guard.

Im mid 30s with no job but 500k. I need to 5x this, this hope keeps me alive. And the fact that im not married and not have to stress about feeding children. A quick 5x and I can afford models on a weekly.

Security jobs a piss easy and you can make 100k+ a year with overtime and penalty rates.

What are you doing at home anyway, sitting on Anon Babble and social media, may aswell do it on your phone in a patrol car or airconditioned gatehouse and get paid.

You can also study while you work which is like 2 in one.

Don't be so hard on yourself, it's you thats the loser, it has nothing to do with being a security guard. Security is being paid to just be there, you're a prescence and surveillance. Literally a piss easy job while everyone else has to actually do work around you.

retardio might be a relatively **safe** bet

Is this true? Why would marriage make someone feel better? I can't imagine being a bottom 90% male that got married and suddenly learning that girls only marry bottom 90% men for betamale provider buxx.

whats wrong with being a security guard?

I will tell you, it is the type of people that do those jobs. I did it myself for a bit, cause I saw others doing it and it looked chill, but most people aren't doing the job cause it looks chill, most of the people doing it are losers. Most people get that job cause their loser friends do it and recommended it to them and the older men that do it is because they are losers. The job itself is not bad in a more homogenous society, but when it hires the bottom tier people with fast turnover and endless supply of workers, it is a shit job. Just like kitchen work.

shut up snarkbag. i agree with everything you just said. if i declare myself a loser, that already waives the possibility of insulting me for it. i just felt like stating what i do for work.
welp alright then

He probably is better than you, thats why you're bitching about him on a forum.

Are you by any chance of indian decent? Alot of indians do security and you said it was your cousin?

And you'd be suprised by how many narcacists there are. Alot are covert, frequent this board a bit more and you'll start to spot the narcicists living around you who think they're centre of the world and important when they're nobodies/ normies. They compare themselves to their tiny circles and people around them not understanding how many people actually make up this world/ city they are in.

You're not here for long, narcacists think they're top shit and in the larger scale they arn't anything e.g Look at my BMW, Look at my fancy house, Look at my Mecadees. (all debtmaxed to the neck not actually owning any of them)

At least their better than their frienemies.

honestly i do it because if im forced to work, pay taxes, and participate in american society, i want it to be as easy and stress free as possible. i used to work in warehouses and do other shit like that i and security you get paid to do virtually nothing.

you're not wrong though. most people who do security are lazy pieces of shit, worthless, etc. ive always been lazy, but im a decent human being

Yeah point made. You are right, the people that do security especially the easy ones do seem to be dregs.

Still, you're not there to make friends, you're there to make money.

He probably is better than you, that's why you're bitching about him on a forum.

My mom doesn't drive me to work and I make 120k/year so no. I don't go around trying to correct people mid conversation and I'm taller than 5'8. I almost feel bad for him, but he's so full of himself that I don't

You are working with shit people. The job isn't a "shit job." It is the people. Just like how many jobs are supposed to be part-time jobs for students, every thing is filled with low IQ immigrants making every job bottom tier and shit. Sure, in security you will meet normal people working the job, but most people are not normal, they are subhuman.

My mom doesn't drive me to work

My mom drove me to work.

and I'm taller than 5'8.

Heighfag, therefore unnattractive guaranteed.

My mom drove me to work.

Anon... I..

Maybe not work, but to the subway station

I'm getting a "Angry about being a manlet" vibe too.

nopeI just know anyone who mentions height is missing looks so they go around going "heh, im taller than people" even though in real life, no one even notices when people are a head taller than them. Or at least in my 30 years of life experience I have never seen someone with height and a personality to go with it. Like the height did not help them in life whatsoever. Like it some sub-male cope, wierd lankly ill proportioned. Guaranteed. One thing I notice if the first thing you notice about a person is their height, they are wierd looking.
I have seen many NBA players up close and while they are tall, they never looked tall.

Hard to explain, but if you know, you know. For some reason, being tall comes with out the width. Like the height goes up, but for some reason, the width does not. So these unnattractive tall people always cope with muh height and in my whole life I have never seen a tall dude get anything with his height. What I mean is, the height did not make up for his status as a bottom 90% male.

Of course you want someone else to do it for you, pusc

Cope, women I've been with have said every guy should be my hight. 6.3ft

Have you played halo? The covenant has little grunts that run around in numbers then they have a few elites who are tall and actually a challange.

And saying do you have gigachad face genetics like manlet Tom Cruise?

If a person works out their face starts to look better after 6 months or so. That's a big cope to say all tall guys have bad faces and no personality, I mean pure cope.

Think hard about this word. Manlet, a man but a man-let aka annoying grunts compared to the elite in Halo.

Also will note, skull size is usually significantly larger than smaller guys/women.

Demoralisation, 30's is your best years, 40's is still good for a guy too if you train and look after yourself. It goes downhill after 50, pray singularity hits in the next 15 years and our age group can reverse aging or extend our lifespans by alot.

retard cope


Yeah, unless you have the width to go with it, you are just with girls who are below you.
Dude, I am saying if a guy looks tall, then he does not look good. I told you, I have seen NBA players up close, they do not look tall. They look like bigger people. I can go to the mall or a street and see who the "tall" people are, they tall cause they don't have width and thickness.

yep. It fucks you up and creates an ultimate negative feedback loop. Worst part is I fumbled perfect women. Feels horrible. Day doesn't go by without regrets and wanting to off myself. I'm 29.5. I only have half a year to make it basically and that would only happen under trump. My hell will only get more brutal if I don't snatch some sort of win. A real win (enough to quit a job). Not a cope win like "I got a promotion!"

I don't need to cope. You are the one that needs to bring up height.

And saying do you have gigachad face genetics like manlet Tom Cruise?

All I can say is I am above average and that I can stand on a street corner for 30 mins in the busiest intersection and at least 80% of the people will be below me in attractiveness.

If a person works out their face starts to look better after 6 months or so

Hard to explain, but you there are so many minute things on a guys face that makes him attractive or not, it is hard to pinpoint but taken as a whole, it will have an effect that makes him attractive.

Yeah the lanky thing is a problem for tall people.

I do agree, but they need to eat more and train. It's their own fault. With great power comes great responsibility.

That's a big cope to say all tall guys have bad faces and no personality, I mean pure cope.

It is to say, a hot girl will not choose a guy cause he is tall. Walking into a mall, I will always see unattractive tall guys with unnattrave girlfriends. This is what I am talking about. Going through life, 30 years, has shown me that, looks is the most important. Period. And good proportioned. If he is tall, better have the width and thickness but by then, he wouldn't even look tall.

Don't worry about it, 99% of people in the world don't make it. And only 2% of Americans in USA make it.

Everyone thinks their above average... just saying
You might be, or you might be delusional. That's a difficult one.

I've always thought I was well above average, now I'm 32 and young girls get the Ick because of my age and I've even started to feel weird chatting up women I'm attracted to (women in their twenties)

My plan was taking legal peptides and training at the gym again for a whle.

No, it is not the "lanky thing." It is the skeletal structure. For some reason, tall people have narrow skeletal structure. Like the bones only grew in height but not the width. You or the other guy thinks I am seething, but I am not, I am merely pointing out what I see simply with my eyes, for over 30 years. I didn't even want to talk about height and girls, but he brought it up, but I am going to ignore any talk about girls and just talk about height and being over 30.

You might be, or you might be delusional. That's a difficult one.

Well, girls are the best mirror. People find out if they are attractive by age 13 the latest.

I've always thought I was well above average, now I'm 32 and young girls get the Ick because of my age and I've even started to feel weird chatting up women I'm attracted to (women in their twenties)

My plan was taking legal peptides and training at the gym again for a whle.

You are trolling. I want to bite and talk but this is simply not true and impossible. If you were attractive your whole life, you only get more attractive by 30. (obviously you have to avoid chicks that wanna betabux, BUT your looks immediately disqualify you from being "boyfriend material" if you look like you are a challenge and have options)
You are subtly trying to demoralize anons lol

I've seen chads at 13 become struggling incels in their twenties.

They may still have the confidence ect from back then when it effects you the most.

But I've had times when i definatly am not attractive and I've had other times when I'm training got my shit together where women approach me with their friends at the mall.

Or when I was with a friend at night you walk past alot of attractive women and one looked at me and literally yell, "that guy is fucking hot" and even my friend was like... woah...

But training, good diet, having your shit together can change alot in a person. Especially getting to the right weight for your hight like you said. Lanky my face looks long, when I have alot of mass my face is more round and in proportion.

Just saying you can go from attractive to not attractive vice versa. Think hot girl who blows up and gets fat and depressed. then she becomes a fitness women and gets lean again.

I still think I'm above average but I need to take peptides and get some lean mass on me. You blend into the normie crowd of just "anouther guy" without training.

It's true, people hate gym ect but peple all like girls who are in shape good bodies.

Everyone thinks their above average... just saying

You might be, or you might be delusional. That's a difficult one.

Well, if you are attractive, the majority of girls that are above average will check you out. And men that are above average will give you validation too. The validation is non-stop. It sounds shallow af, but if you are above average, the real life attention and validation is non stop and happens the moment you leave your house and go in public. For a man to get this, he is very attractive. For girls, who get carried hard by make up, it is still a thing. But girls being so shallow and narcisstic get so addicted to this attention that even real life attention is not enough that they have to post all their pics online. Like I am a man and the attention is non stop the moment I leave my house. I am not going to lie, I think that most men know their place and don't even notice attractive girls in real life becuase that is not their "partner." So when attractive girls go out, with make up, the 8/10 girl is only 5-8 without make up. And not going to lie, but female lack "aesetheitcs." Like you cannot admire a female body. So this is why girls love taking pics of themselves because they can take 100s with the best angles and lighting and go "ooo i look good." Whereas, a guy that legit looks good, looks good all round.
TLDR: Female beauty is an illusion.
and good looking men have admirable aesthetics.

where women approach me with their friends at the mall.

Soft flex on me but ok. I don't think I am approachable at all. The amount of girls that give me dirty look cause I look like a huge asshole only to open them and have them soften up is endless. I think it is this endless amount of girls showing interest right after I open that has made me so "ugh." Too many girls. You seem approachable.

"that guy is fucking hot" and even my friend was like... woah...

Yeah I hear that too but not hot, more like "that guy can get it."

This but replace “not married” with “married”

blend into the normie crowd of just "anouther guy" without training.

I never blend in. The female validation is non stop. I think you are tall and not ugly.


If you’re not rich or you are married, you’ll be suicidal 24/7

Not soft flexing, my bad.

But literally I have had that, like one time I had like 3 17-19 year olds that were hot as fuck following me around with the "giggle's/ you know when young girls want you because they make it obvious. Not delusional I could see what was happening and I was too scared to talk to them/ nothing would of come out of it anyway.
Anouther one 2 girls came out of the chemist and started chatting me up and I was like... Idk what to say cause they were really hot and my friends all date dogs.

But these are when I was 22-24. I let myself go with depression and also i got into crypto and started getting arrogant than I lost most of my gains in this bear market.

Now I need to start working on myself again. Just saying, idk if I'm attractive or not right now, definatly think above average, picture wise I've taken some good pictures over the years. But if I just randomly snap images of myself I look like not good looking at all, than I snap anouther and I look really good and am happy with what I look like.

Picture taking is a skill and modern day even if you are attractive if you can't show that off it means nothing most of the time unless you have the balls to approach and talk to strangers.

Chances are you are above average, it;s not hard to be above average. It's a multi skill thing.

And I understand gigachads have it different. Like they just look good 24/7 but they're outliers and I never claimed to be a gigachad.

Just saying you can go from attractive to not attractive vice versa.

Not really. You can think you look unnattractive and the moment you go out, all the chicks checking you out and guys too and you go like "oh okay, nevermind." The constant validation you get reinforces that you are attractive. By 30, it is cemented if you took care of yourself you whole life.

you are married, you’ll be suicidal 24/7

kek. I respect you, boomer joke. Boomers got married, which is fine, but they never cucked to their wives. The higher T, higher T society and the "i hate my wives" jokes and sexism in society kept their manliness. Millenial husbands look and act like cucks

idk if I'm attractive or not right now,

How is this possible. You go out and the girls react. The positive attention is endless.

30 years old


still live with my parents

fianceé is telling me to grow up and get a mortage but I'm afraid to sell my bitcorns. She's a fucking unicorn though so I can't just dump her. I just need a bit more time that's all... FUCK

Anyone can point me to an easy midcap 10X for the next alt season?

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Thanks for your teenage wisdom anon

I never claimed to be a gigachad.

Same, I just above average. Being above average is MORE, WAY MORE than enough for most girls. If you are above average, every girl has already fucked someone uglier than you. Being above average already puts you in to a "yes" for almost every single girl if she available. I said I didn't want to talk about girls lol. By the time you are above average, even men that are better looking than you aren't going to look down on you.

You probbaly have gigachad face genetics. Pair that with training and you'll probbaly be alright until you're 36-40 if you keep your hair lol.

It is an obvervation. If you read the newspapers in the 70s and 80s, it wills a very manly society. 80s with the macho films. 90s declined a bit and it was reflected in media. Now in 2024, every movie is woke and diverse. The decline started in the 90s. But boomer couples are better. You can read the body language of married people. All the people that are under 45 right now and are married, the men look like cucks. Probably cause the girls have jobs and have higher test and less feminine body and the men have lower test and more feminized bodies. The couples look gross.

You gain the evil eye by being too far ahead in anything. And when I go out women do find me attractive, I stopped hanging out with my friends in public because I get more attention when its just me walking around rather than my low quality old friends.

keep your hair

I'm 6ft, 220lbs, green eyes built like a linebacker bc I was obssed with wrestling and sambo pretty much my whole life. Got a full head of hair but my hair started greying when I was fucking 16. Trust me, there's always a fucking curve ball. I fucking wish I was bald at least I wouldn't have any grey hair. I'm now shitting my pants my beard will start to go grey too in a couple years.

Ah, well thanks for your teenage observation


I don't think that is even a good thing. I saw some looksmaxxing pics of young early 20s people and that look looks like a meme now.
I dont like the word "chad" cause all it talks about is looks. With your example of 13 year old chads turning incels, I dont believe they are incels so i will use my own examples. The good looking 13 year old kid is good looking, and gets a looking 13 year old girl. The good looking 13 year old girl, realize she "can get" any good looking boy. The good looking boy really is just good looking and never had much of a cool personality. This is where "personality"comes in. Probably too nice to her, boring, lame, etc. The girl 13-20 can get "chads" (good looking boys) but realizes they are boring so she moves on to cool males. Chad to me always came of as an above average looking dude that doesnt know how to handle chicks. None of that mischeives shit eating grin good lookingness. Also, I know based on internet experience and the amount of pictures of men that get called chad, chad to me is not a good thing. Men are not good at judging other men sometimes.

But sometimes you get depressed or start drinking or doing drugs too much. Also how you dress is important.
If you're depressed usually how you dress goes down hill too, if you dress well you present well aswell.
But I do get you, I'm just saying that I've seen women who are really attractive get fat and you're like she was a 7-9 and now she's like a 3-4. People change through their lives. Teeth and hair are all very important and once they go downhill you need to fix i or work with it.

Ups and downs

Take for example Goatis, he made a vid comparing two bodybuilders. He called one guy a chad and the other guy a non chad. The guy he called chad had a face most guys would call chad. However, the OTHER GUY, the guy Goatis kept shitting on, REEKED of pussy magnet. Goatis obviously called the chad a chad cause they were both blonde and white. Get what i am saying? Most guys that guys call chad, don't have "IT." And that IT is what separates the "other chads" from the "chads."

You’re lucky you post on anon boards. Back in the day we had to have usernames and we might have to look back at stuff that seemed insightful or interesting at the time, 10 years later.

For example, do you think Rich Piana looks like a "chad." lol, i dont really like that word. But obviously most guys wouldnt say so. But Rich Piana is definitely above most men and his swagger is what separates men that get attractive girls and those that get hot girls.

You can colour your hair you know.

what? The decline of masculinity in society is easy to spot by decades. What are you talking about

i can watch the james bond films from the first one to the most modern one as a marathon and you can see the decline of masculinity in the films which is a reflection of society.

The decline of masculinity in society is easy to spot by decades.

I never addressed that, let alone disagreed with it. I’d agree that men have lost some masculinity. I don’t think society has. If anything, it’s more independent (masculine) and less gynocentric, today. Everything ebbs and flows, though. Youre on biz you should at least know that much

Yeah, I tried it a couple times and it came out like absolute dog shit. Prob bc I have auburn hair dunno. My girl says she loves my hair the way it is ever since we started going out but I don't know if she is just trying to make me feel better bc she knows it bothers me.

This board has never had usernames.
It's had tripfags and that was it. Unless I missed it, I've been here for a while.

I don't like the word chad either, its zoomer slang and its overused in crypto, and rich piana is rich. That's his flex, like famous and rich synthol freak. I would not say he is attractive.

And you're right, guys are terrible at judging other guys. The joke with fitness is you do it for women and it's men that start complimenting you and giving you attention after a certain size not women.

“post on anon boards” included this board, anon. You know, the one we’re posting on.

I would not say he is attractive.

Exactly. But he has "it."

Just tell her your an old soul. They love that shit.

muh kiderinos

kill yourself brokie loser

Also, by 30, if you are above average, you are SO MUCH farther ahead of the average and below people. Like how there is a huge gap between the top 20 and bottom 80.
Like the average dude has an average and below wife and looks even worse than he did when was under 25. Like for an average dude, life is over by 30. All this friends are average, his wife is average. Everything is settled. He is average and that is all he will ever be. Whereas, if youre above average, life just gets better. Sad reality. I really notice this at 30 now. Like it doesn't matter how much money an average guy makes, he is just, well, average. Like look at Bill Gates or Elon Musk, no one cares that they are rich. The "eye test" is what we all do instinctively. We look at them and go "meh." That's the reality. . It sound shallow but that's how life works. That is probably why those billionaires have it out for humanity lol. It don't matter how much money they have or how many gold diggers they can attract. No girl genuinely gets wet for who they are and no "chad" sees them as more than dork and nerds and geeks. I think a lot of average men grow up, get a job and get married and hope this is an accomplishment and that they can finally get some recognition for SOMETHING but no, reality is, they are still the average losers they were their whole life. Like why do average men see marriage as an accomplishment, they are merely betabuxxers. All it takes in life is to be above average.

And to continue with "muh kids." Majority of men are average, so their kid is a average too and the wife is no looker. And to make this Anon Babble related, most people aren't even rich.

my son yells "daddyyyyy" and runs to me every day when i come home from work

No boomer father wanted their son to do that. It is weak and cuck af. John Wayne would have told the kid "man up."

So much shit happened between when I was 25 and turned 30 (just did). It felt like a lifetime ago. I got in peak physical shape, learned python which got me three different full time jobs where by the third one I over doubled the salary of my first one, still never got a gf but hey you can't win them all. I went through a radical personality change because I realized the way I was acting all my life wasn't serving me. I quit pot two years ago. Those four and change years will only fly by if you don't fill your life with stuff to do