they are literally telling us to never sell
is this bullish or bearish
they are literally telling us to never sell
is this bullish or bearish
Bullish you retard
extended cycles meme
I've heard this bullshit before
sergey thinks every year is the year but he also says they've always been talking to the wrong people
Don’t forget shitcoin casino - Ccip edition
100 more years
I can't take it anymore
we are on the verge of a new paradigm
it's not a matter of cycles but an ever rising tide as the entire world economy becomes increasingly dependent on ___________.
Chainlink is known to hate its holders. This is giga bearish
not 1000 year Reich
Does this mean once it goes up it’s literally never coming back down ever again?
This time it's different...
this time...its different
except for the price...which is the same
He's changed his tone over the past year though. This WAS the year that mainstream adoption started, each year is just going to get more hectic. IMO we're at the part where the adoption curve starts to get vertical.
could be bullish but i sold mine for yelay and few other alts.
LMAO 4 more years hahahahhahahaha
THE Cuckolds of crypto
THE Cuckolds of crypto
whyd you emphasize "the", adem?
So literally a glorified
people have been saying this shit since 2016
So is Sergey going to hang on to his last 375million tokens, or nah?
I sure hope that ain't true, I only have 30k in crypto by now and I'll exit when this bullrun catapults me to 100-120k
please don't sell so we can
never forget serg put out a ridiculously bullish video on the first of january 2022 where he straight up lied about the timeline of releases in order to trap the remaining holders and not deplete the exit liquidity for his own dumps
i still remember all the staking soon i am not selling posts
same shit today how many anons did you see posting smugly about their positions in the pool that they will not sell
its all a big psyop to keep your baggies trapped so your company doesnt run out of runway
the bonus of crypto is the cycles of this go so very smart any decently intelligent anon can learn them for himself quickly
the low iq garbage that posts one line colloquialisms here, lol, lmao even
i didn't read "never sell" once in that statement.
and they didn't say that sergey indicated that there is a financial revolution every 30 years
by this metric you'd do best selling 10 years after mass adoption
they are literally telling us to never sell
Kek you baggies are supposed to not sell while they keep inflating the token to oblivion
Chainlink is a 100 years hold
it's the new hex
he needs funding every year, so every year is the year you should definitely buy more and not sell. show me the incentive and i'll show you the outcome
LINK will keep making new lows while baggies run in victory laps over nothing
is this the crypto version of 2 more weeks?
So you're saying the worst case is Solana tier gains?
hold your bag lonkies, this time is different
sergey holding you close while VC's are selling. Just get out and watchout out for SUPRA.
Sounds like financial advice. Should we sue the Chainlink foundation?
There aren't that many VCs in Link. They are pissed off because they didn't get in early. Who works the suppression via BTC? Ask yourself. Exchanges scared of losing billions a year in fees once link is standard. Plus pissed off VCs maybe?