Why does Bitcoin dump every time Link reaches $12?
Why does Bitcoin dump every time Link reaches $12?
Bitcoin is antisemite, sorry chudbros!
nocoiners are slurping the dip
It's just like last year where Bitcoin dumped every time Link pushed to $9.50.
Because lol, that's why
shhhhhhh go back to sleep this is so boring nothing post
Merely coincidences you incel, have sex
LINK is pumping after BTC jumps, so of course its going to dump when BTC dumps..
Ask yourself why would anyone dump their BTC stack when the LINK/BTC chart looks like a diarrhea shitstain from a Punjabi on the wall. Do you know how much money you would have lost if your plan was to dump BTC to suppress a rank 20 coin?
By your own chart, chainlink also dumps au the same time
stop noticing things
holy retardo
We accept your concession
to stop you and i from making it
Because ((they))) dont want us, of all people and population clusters, to make it so big.
But guess what? Its has only strengthened our resolve. Sure, some norman retard may sell here and there, but the core of LINK ogs have only increased their positions.
Everything in the top 50 is x2-x10 higher than it was in 2020. Why do bagholders try so hard to convince people that BTC are the reason the token is at $11 F O U R Y E A R S later after multiple "flagship products" are now live when back then they had Z E R O.
Why do bagholders try so hard to convince people that BTC are the reason the token is at $11
Because it is.
Nothing in crypto had announcements like Link these past few years, but none of them ever got priced in simply because Bitcoin tanks as soon as they come out.
And when Link tries to price in its backlog of announcements at other random times, Bitcoin keeps dumping Link under a certain range, like $12 in this case.
the absolute state of (You)
enjoy the next years of bleeding to zero
i-it's not true lalalalalala you're lying I can't hear you lalalalalalalala
Or maybe, just maybe, I know this is going to sound crazy to you but hear me out: value is determined by the people, and people consider the value not high?
The difference between you and that anon is he presented objective reality while you can only present speculation and tin-foil hat theory. Those bags must be so heavy that you have to resort to such delusion. Sad
you can only present speculation and tin-foil hat theory
Well no, I present objective fact
Kek I’ve never seen this one.
Is there any folder that gathers all of these? I want to measure the actual data and I need the datapoints (timestamp and price for news and dumps)
Hey there good ol sage. Just wanted to remind you that Christ is indeed King.
can someone give me a non-schizo answer why somebody would deliberately do this for 5 years
Someone discovered it made them money so they kept doing it.
but how does it make them money and why does it work with link specifically
They know chainlink is the key to putting everyone in digital chains and even if it costs them money over time they are more than happy to keep the chainlink price low so that the network is not useful for anything. The chainlink network only has value for high value contracts and institutions if it has a sufficiently high market cap and right not it is far too low. They want to keep it that way for as long as possible.
Well that or it's just a coincidence and we're all schizos. Everyone knows the market follows btc.
theyre selling their tokens so the government partners with them and then they sell their soul so it works. wtichcraft has to be logical or it wont work
Everyone knows the market follows btc.
What do you even mean by this?
it's not the market. it's literal bots doing all the work for a bunch of boring, lazy, wealthy faggots
I know
Probably Link has been program to stop from making it. Go get your share on upcoming BOINK drop on TON by farming shitcoins to the moon or you still want to wait for another dump
whos we
[this post has been deleted]
oh no no no the BULGARIAN has been revealed again
theyre NOT sending their best based fellow LPL chuddie kiddos
That market follows Bitcoin. But I think once BTC dominance dump a little alts will pump, memes will print while BOINK will make millionaires for shitcoinaires
market follows Bitcoin
this might be a stupid example but it's because it is established already that other coins in the industry compare themselves to bitcoin. so if 1 btc = 10 anoncoins and we(the market) know this and accept it, the usd price has to reflect this for both coins when btc/usd changes since it's known that 1 btc = 10 anoncoins.
its why some people track the chart for their altcoin in relation to btc more than they for usd because they want to know if its a better investment than just holding btc would have been.
its a mix of both, no?
Ha. Nice try you bulgarian. We have IDs here
Didn't read not selling.