Trump on Joe Rogan

wow did he actually say this?

how will this affect me getting a billion dollars?

This is probably one of the best Trump policies.
Why do China niggers believe they have a right to dump their garbage on the US consumer market without any fees?

Looking forward to the hand-wringing and mealy-mouthed excuses from the pharma-shill cunts when RFKJr gets free-reign to destroy them.
I hope he sends them all to the chair

The problem is so deep and the corruption is so entrenched that I don’t know if four years will be enough to root it all out.


Yeah, but don't listen to Orange Hitler, for he lies. Kamala Harris is the future. It's time for a black woman to become the president. Crypto is just a Ponzi scam.

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Because some people are hopelessly kike'd to the point that they think it's actually bad for rich international importers to have to help finance the economic displacement they're causing

Lmao this is basically the closest thing we're going to get to a vengeful fascist regime going after the various factions that have oppressed them for decades, between the RFK/Trump/Musk agendas and targets.

I'd take tariffs over this massive income tax any day of the week, but at the end of the day, the only way to meaningfully improve things is to slash and burn these bureaucratic institutions altogether. Idgaf about stayin revenue neutral, the government just straight-up shouldn't be doing 99% of the shit it currently does.

That's why the US of the 1800s went from a backwoods nothing country to an unprecedented economic force in the 20th century, and it's why there was so much innovation here. If you try to fund our massive, bloated government through tariffs, goods and services would just become prohibitively expensive. And there's always the fear that the bureaucraric machine would just fuck Trump over so we'd end up with tariffs *and* an income tax.

And of course, it's just pissing in the ocean unless central banking is dealt with.

It's definitely not. If Trump wins (I strongly believe he will, but nothing is guaranteed), what comes after him is extremely important. Guys like RFK and Vivek need to be the standardbearers of MAGA post-Trump, and the American right needs to stay on target with regards to state and local elections and not get distracted by a few victories at the federal level.

Hell, maybe we can even get some politicians who *won't* get on their knees and suck it down for Israel, because as of not it's just Massie.

vengeful regime

alternatively we could let the opportunists walk away, scot free, under the auspices of "we thought it was for the best"
glowie detected

I mean, firing is a form of vengeance. You don't have to talk like a little bitch just because 16 years of state mandated education made you that way.

Can one of you tariff tards explain to me what absolute and comparative advantage are, thank you!

First, a little bit of background. Our state used to be entirely self-financed by tariffs and excise taxes, so yes, it's well doable.

Taxes themselves are a form of deterrent, not just income. Knowing that, you need to be very pragmatic about where you apply them. Only somewhat negative things first. Tariffs apply squarely on international importers, usually foreign entities, that are displacing local labor/industry (which hurts the people somewhat). Tariffs basically "buff" your local industry a bit, while debuffing the imports, and you collect a fee for any damage done, effectively balancing the dynamic out more and mitigating damage. Sure, some cost is passed down to the consumer, but so is extra economic leverage, it cancels out.

Income taxes, in comparison, are wholly evil and counterproductive. They are GUARANTEED to be passed down to you. They have NO positive benefit as they literally deter/discourage work and productivity. And contrary to popular belief, the elite class actually evade them since they aren't paid in active w2 income, but rather capital gains on assets and other means. It's a massive manipulative trick and their introduction was a bait and switch.

I'm not sitting here and saying that tariffs are perfect, I'm just saying they are absolutely preferable to income taxes, which fuck us in myriad ways collectively.

I mean, firing is a form of vengeance. You don't have to talk like a little bitch

It's a bargaining tool for countries with a lot of resources or human capital.

Everyone wants access to the American market. Trump wants to use that as a bargaining tool to get what we want in the world. Art of the deal type shit.

My only concern with it is that Trump is a genius as far as this aspect is concerned. Who's to say the next politician retard that ends up in there doesn't start making random ass Tariffs

I would insist that even randomly applying tariffs haphazardly would do less economic damage than putting the entirety of your workforce under income/business tax chains. People don't understand how much better it could be right now, we succeed in spite of the weight around our necks. This dynamic was only possible because women started voting and don't value income like men do.

You're probably right. I can also see it as a sort of self enforcing kind of problem. Someone makes shitty tariffs and repeals good tariffs, the country suffers heavily economically as a result and the guy gets run out of office.

In some ways income tax is just like a safety net for bad people to take advantage of.

glowie thread double-detected holy fuck the state of these

Tariffs are fucking idiotic policy.

For one, they are regressive, poor people buy more goods than services, and they buy more lower end goods that are more likely to be made overseas. So tariffs are basically a way to tax the poor while the rich pay almost nothing. Second, tariffs are extremely susceptible to corruption and cronyism. Look at Trump's first round of tariffs where Tim Cook called Trump and got Apple an exclusion. So big, well connected corporations can dominate small businesses who don't have a direct line to a high up government official. Third, they disrupt free market signals, tariffs are a type of central planning where the government is picking winners and losers. Like Trump's tariffs devastated US agricultural exports and now the gov is spending tens of billions of dollars to subsidize farmers. Whoops.

And remember, in order for tariffs to raise revenue, they need to be low enough not to restrict trade. So if we are talking about replacing income tax, we are talking about a global-trade driven economy, yet Trump talks about the opposite where he is putting up 100%+ tariffs, which would stop trade and not generate any revenue. You can't have it both ways, do you want tariff income or do you want protectionism?

Don't listen to this stupid kike. They are literally taken from the hands of rich importers, not fucking poor people. Income taxes are taken straight from the hands of the working class before they're even allowed to sniff their check. Fuck you, kill yourself you little rat.

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This is just one step thinking. If the tariffs return production to the united states poor people will have higher incomes or at least better job opportunities. Also the rich don't just get to spend their money tax free without either giving it to the government or spending it on americans which ultimately employs poor people.

Like I said protectionist Tariffs that stop imports don't generate revenue then. You couldn't replace other taxes. Tariffs only generate revenue if they are low and you actually have a lot of imports to tariffs.

poor people will have higher incomes or at least better job opportunities

The opposite. Things are manufactured overseas because the workers overseas make less and are poorer. US is an advanced economy near full employment, so any manufacturing jobs have to come from more advanced, higher paying industry. The only way to bring manufacturing back is impoverishing enough people, making unemployment high enough, making the economic pain high enough for Americans to be willing to work for a wage competitive with a Chinese sweatshop workers. We are far better re-skilling for higher productivity jobs than trying to bring our standard of living down to developing nation status just so we can work in sweatshops again instead of offices.

It may sound strange but the yid communists are also globalists who convinced all the midwits and retards to unironically defend the money making ability of foreign countries and international cartels at the expense of citizens in their own countries

Not all tariffs have to be the same. Also even shit tariffs will generate some amount of revenue because some people will just pay whatever the cost is. Also protectionism doesn't necessarily need to make foreign products unbuyable it only needs to make domestic products have a competitive advantage. Also tons of people in america are already fucking poor they're willing to work for less if you just move them to a small town where things are cheap. Labor isn't even the only cost for manufacturing the us was nearing competitiveness when energy costs started dropping and of course shipping goes without saying. Also china is already starting to outsource their production since their wages are too high.

Is this why my bags dropped so hard? Fucking drumpf

You are the stupidest person who has ever lived and will die poor.

You're just saying its degree though to where you balance revenue vs protectionism and national manufacturing vs overall property. To get manufacturing back, you won't get revenue. And to get manufacturing back, its though making things more expensive to the point of bankrupting existing, higher productivity industry in the US to free up workers to then reallocate to labor to less advanced manufacturing industries. This is only useful for very specific things like chip production for national security, but it always comes at an economic cost, protectionism always makes overall property worse, because you are limiting the benefits of free trade which leverages specialization between countries.

overall property worse

i mean overall prosperity worse. Protectionist tariffs have been stultified for 100s of years and its basically always terrible policy.

do you think rich importers are not going to roll the costs to consumers? are you clinically retarded?
unless said products are going to be made in the us at a lower price point there's not going to be a benefit from this to the consumer

This would greatly benefit the top 1%. I would prefer no taxes on first 100k income, increase tariffs, and then then drastic spending cuts (military and welfare).

Imagine an America with no income tax and low corporate tax. We will reach the stars. Imagine trump abolishing the IRS together with income tax.

yeah, and do you think the rich importers will just sit on their hands and say "oh well" to the huge tariff increase or do you think they'll just increase their own prices to counteract the costs. Surely you can't be this retarded

tariffs ended in 1910s

tell me its because of that faggot woodrow wilson. the same goy that dragged america into ww1 because his jew friends told him to after the british made a deal to sign the balfour declaration

There aren't any black women running for president though.

'tis the season of politify coins and streamer dick sucking their audiences for some ilm bags

Long live america

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You forgot he also signed into law the fed reserve act
He was easily one of the worst presidents we ever had
Single handedly ended the american experiment and has done more cumulative damage than stalin could have ever hoped to this country
The thing I never see brought up is income taxes are "socialism for the government" to use a gross oversimplification. They'll get their salary and benefits regardless of how well they perform. With the tariff system, they needed to be genuine statesmen and fucking up a trade deal meant the gov would have to make some hard decisions about agenda budgeting
Tariffs make the government meritocratic
Income taxes (or any money excision from the constituency desu) makes it lazy and corrupt

Income taxes should be doable (because there are times when it could make sense) under emergency circumstances only: I.e. required supermajority votes every QUARTER to keep them going. Then they only come around when we're in very dire straits and expire almost immediately
Everything you just said is completely backwards, and I know you know this
Go back


they should also get the postal union bullshit fixes. china has a massive advantage only because they don't have to pay a fair price for shipping

the poor would not be so poor if they stop being retarded. save a bit for the better quality thing and you will use less money long term and the tariff also incentivizes to produce things locally