I am going to tell you a secret

And the best part is none of you will believe me!
What people don’t realize is that nearly all trading markets have been “domesticated” a very long time ago. The purpose is for the people at the very top to extract wealth from the general population completely unnoticed. I am not talking about Wall Street, I am talking about old OLD money. You likely know some of their names, but not all.
Much of the stock market is owned by a handful of families making trades through subsidiaries. The connections to the origins of this are nearly flawlessly obscured, but could probably be found with enough financial sleuthing. These people control the market with near perfect precision. They operate much like the whales in crypto markets do. They open a short, sell massive amounts of stock, close the short, then buy back their stock at a discount. People have built entire careers on predicting this behavior without anyone ever really knowing who what, or why. I suspect at least a few of them may have figured it out, but anyone that close to the truth is either making enough money to shut up about it, or is dealt with to ensure they cant speak up.
I tell you this because this old money has moved to crypto. They call the shots now, and they are currently manipulating the prices of a few assets in a test run of sorts. There is one in particular that I am sure this board is aware of, but due to how muddy the waters get whenever this project is mentioned, it doesn’t pay to tell you which one it is.
I just wanted to let you know that you have been domesticated. The days of making it are coming to a close, thankfully. You have no idea what they would resort to if enough of you ever gained financial independence. Enjoy your wage cage, it is merciful by comparison. C’est la bon

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I heard it was actually candle jack who was at the top of the pyr-

whats secret about any of this?
everyone with more than 2 braincells can figure this out in an afternoon.

The connections to the origins of this are nearly flawlessly obscured, but could probably be found with enough financial sleuthing

so youre just making shit up cool

You all thought the BlackRock Bitcoin ETF was a good thing, when in reality it was just Wall Street following the ancient monster. BlackRock entering crypto was the sign that they figured out that the beast had domesticated the space, and wanted to try to pick up the scraps. Wall Street is just a bunch of vultures circling over the Dragons kill, and you celebrated them coming down to finish the corpse. You practically beg for your enslavement. I can’t fault them for fulfilling your request. Mankind was never meant to be truly free, you are slaves down to your soul


until now, blackrock cant print BTC

There is one in particular that I am sure this board is aware of

yo mama

They don’t need to print it. You print their money for them, they just take what you offer so graciously

You print their money for them

That is infinitely better than them printing their money for them..

Thats the Federal Reserves job. Their grift is heavy handed and barbaric by old money standards. Old money only takes your wealth with your consent. Consent is very important to them. Its a spiritual matter to them, but they also take great pleasure in the sportsmanship of it. It would be too easy for them to just take it from you, and also not ver sustainable, but to get you to give it willingly is a game to them

seething and regurgitating le boring esoteric maymays because he didn't buy

sad. get new material

Didn’t buy? Quite the contrary. Watch me move the charts

Well when is this supposed to finally do something?

gme made a hedgy go broke, keep seething kike

Please elaborate on our creation

You sound a little paranoid mate. Almost like there's a bit of thoughts and prayers tier cope in your statements.

Anyway, most of us don't want to run the world. We just want to be left alone in comfort and happiness. If their schemes don't interfere with that, fine. Just keep things working smoothly for us and you can keep your illusions about running the world.

Thats just it. You being left alone is strictly prohibited. That’s exactly what they want to avoid.

Why is that important to them?

whales are well know.
what news about that?

Didn’t read.

Never selling.

Fuck off glownigger

nigger don't even know about shadow pool trading

think the people who are at the top cares who sell or buy

they make money either way through % of sell or but

So, what buy?

If just one of you make it, its no big deal, but it’s indicative that they have lost their game in a small way. Its like a bug that needs to get patched. If enough of you make it you have completely ruined their game. They so adore their game. They hold it in much higher regard than they hold your lives

i believe you because i already know what you said to be true.
i am magnitudes more scared of every making substantial amounts of money than the possibility of becoming poor and homeless because when poor i know i will just be a comfy hermit but when rich i know that those who feel entitled to own everything will come looking for you and that thought is terrifying.

once youre personal expenses are covered for life, could give the rest away so they dont have a reason to kill you

They would not hunt you down. They would simply wait for you to lose it. You have more to fear from the vultures trying to swindle you than the Dragon coming after you after you make it. The problem is when large numbers of you make it. That gets old money very upset.
The “personal expenses covered for life” part is the only part they take issue with. Your labor is worth infinitely more than your cash. These people don’t even deal in fiat, they hold real wealth, fiat is just a means of increasing their wealth

you're note even close to the realm of them coming for you if you have a few milli. which is enough for life

Then why make the game an "open secret" with soccer moms participating? Or is this part of the game, cant be mad if you "knew" but felt so much pressure to sell/quit because no one officially compelled anyone to sell. Such is life.

As i said here
Consent is very important. Its like rule one of the game, but its also a spiritual matter. They worship this transaction in a way. The stock market is not the secret, nor is it really the game, its a tool that they use much like you would use a hammer to drive in a nail

Never said stocks are the secret. In the OP you alluded to the one i am referencing with the soccer mom comment. But it wouldnt matter if another 200k new millionaires were minted as and waiting for people to lose it. I suppose i would want to know what methods will be used to get people to "quit?" Or at the very least when things will start moving.

Get people to quit what? They don’t want you to quit anything

Ok "sell" or accept their fate in the rat race.

They manipulate the market to get people to sell. Thats one of their methods of extracting money from you. Having near perfect control of most markets, they don’t have to make you “quit” anything, they just have to slow the ever rising stock prices to a point where you can’t outrun inflation until you are old and useless. They don’t care about a few people retiring at 58. You think any significant number of people are retiring from investments in their 30s? Sure you get the occasional winner, as you do with any lottery, they are required for the carrot on the end of the stick to remain enticing. Crypto was the last refuge for those hoping to make it big, *was*. It has been tamed now. Enjoy your dreams of making it, they will always remain dreams

I suppose its ok, it is my belief that this game and the assets you alluded to are tests to find a new set of middle managers and steering folk who can go years with little to no information or bad information and still not break. Most wont make it and will sell long before that but i suppose its better than another flood like in the days of Noah.

Crypto isn't quite tamed yet. Once regulations finally come down then it will be and we go another 2500 years of this.

the game theyre playing is energy extraction and energy suppression? the point is to keep the slaves time occupied and the slaves free energy low?

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to extract wealth from the general population completely unnoticed

If that is the purpose it isn't working. People went from nothing to being millionaires via the stock market for decades and decades. Also, boomers who were just looking to store their savings somehow, became filthy rich doing so.

Healthcare costs and inheritence taxes will see very little being transferred to children. Its why ubi is unironically on the way and as a consequence your labor will be transferred to watching ads in every part of life.

You are over the target, but the point is to obtain more and more wealth and resources. They do so by extracting your energy, not unlike vampires

How many people do you think actually accomplished going from nothing to millionaire status? Do you think they didn’t cover most of those cases in the news? How long do you think most of them kept that wealth? You ever see what happens to people who win the lottery? Im not claiming it’s impossible to beat the game either. People have done it. What I am saying is, people have also won the lottery. I wouldn’t plan my retirement on the powerball though

I don't care for ops mystery larping, but there are definitely people in this world in positions of power who's sole job it is to make the average person as poor as possible.

I know quite a few folks who retired very early due to their unexpected gains and dividends from the stock market. Now that BTC is an additional wealth creator (even though it just cancels out the money printing and devaluation thereby) it seems that becoming financially independent doesn't even take brains any longer. Just buy in and be patient, done. More people than you think, Anon.

Crypto was the last refuge for those hoping to make it big, *was*. It has been tamed now.

You're a fucking retard. Crypto never could make people rich and retiring early, because it is worthless and doesn't generate any value.
You can only make it big on crypto if you find more losers that will buy your worthless coins. But it is impossible for more than 50% to get profits from crypto. It is a negative sum game.

Stock market is different because it doesn't need to scam investors to grow and give returns to stock holders. It is possible for more than 50% of people to earn money on stock market. Because on stock markets you have businesses that actually do something, products and services, and they sell them to consumers. Crypto doesn't produce shit, it only wastes millions of dollars in electricity.

You give me major "i am a rofschild axe me a question" vibes.