What will happen if europe as a whole implements this
French cucks are implementing the Beast system
A minor inconvenience at best.
Wannabe expats that really don't want to be subject to this will simply pick an "in-between" country with a tax rate that is only 49.9% lower than France for a few years before moving to the fiscal paradise of their choosing.
It's kind of them to essentially spell the loophole in the law itself, it saves on guesswork.
Point of being an expat is to no longer pay taxes
That's absolutely not why I became an expat.
I moved to the US to have fun and multiply my income by a non-trivial number. As a result I've paid a lot more in taxes here than I would have in the old country.
Hot take: Uprooting your life merely to dodge taxes is not a recipe for happiness nor fulfillment.
What will happen
nothing, euro's are beyond cucked and will just spread even more for their overlords
i remember a thread on here a week or so ago where i warned some brits about this being very likely to start happening to other nations and was laughed out the thread as an intellectual midwit
well then look at that, best start making your exit plans real clear now
many tax havens still accept citizens
france is kill no resus
Hot take: Uprooting your life merely to dodge taxes is not a recipe for happiness nor fulfillment.
and this is where you are wrong kiddo
its not just about the taxes directly its that france is on a trajectory to the gutter that will be turned around so you live in a shitshow with no future
you destroy the future of any children you might have in staying for nothing
or pay for absolutely nothing if staying without children
Brown hands typed this
They're fucked. The USA at least has tech monopolies, what the fuck does Europe has as the industries leave?
immigrants KEK
Of course. Adopting a tax approach practiced by the world's superpower is a direct path to the gutter. Because you say so, ou peut-etre est-ce la faute a Rousseau.
Why, yes, I do enjoy stealing high-paying and rewarding jobs from hapless and downtrodden unemployed American workers.
Keep submitting those resumes tho, it's bound to pan out eventually.
I was in that thread with you unironically, pretty much confirms we got bombarded by feds and glow nigs in that thread, 30 replies of glowies trying to dissuade anons from dipping.
This is anti globohomo. It basically says French is for the French by keeping the French tied to France.
And any non French will have more incentive to renounce citizenship and leave.
Fulfillment and happiness is paying 70% taxes for the government to subsidize low inhibition migrants
every country should do this. if you don't want to pay tax then you should have to renounce your citizenship. Exit tax on renunciation too of 1/3 value of all assets.
france is the united states
and you call me stupid
i really dont have the time nor the crayons to go over all the different pats of the french vs burger economy to make it clear to you how what i said is true and doesnt count negatively against the usa
i think the glowies are about to appear here too
it was really ridiculous
So, this is like Americans, right? Like mutts have to pay taxes even if they are teaching English in Thailand, right?
France is basically Africa. I was watching a video from ARTE, French anons will know what that is, and most comments were simply "Morocco" and a lot of hearts. And France was the heart of Europe kek. Sad.
this didn't happen. it was a bill amendment and it didn't pass. fake news.
so they have to renounce their citizenship like americans?
sacre bleu!
Yeah I don't know what's the plan, there is an exit tax too, it doesn't seem to touch crypto but who knows.
They'll probably update it.
Oh and the exit tax is calculated on unrealized gains, if you were outraged by the recent propositions from the US of A.
So they force you to sell your shit for taxes if you don't have the cash. Freedom in the west was the biggest scam ever sold.
Italy last week, UK this week, France now. Theres a plan here; own nothing. You will never be allowed to make it and that has been decided.
USA is a country where people keep citizenship because its the number 1 biggest and richest country
France is an irrelevant shithole..
With the exception of Monaco, then there are no countries in Europe where the french could migrate to and pay the "citizenship-based-taxation".
Even outside of Europe.. There are virtually no first world country where they would be subjugated to this tax.
French citizens are already required to pay French taxes if they move to Monaco lmao. Thats why a lot of French people move to Switzerland instead
What will happen when europe as a whole implements this
Yes, although trump recently said he would get rid of citizenship taxation for those living abroad
You think feds actually care about a couple anons posting on Anon Babble? It's probably normgroids attacking you with their programming like crabs in a bucket.
They don't allow the parental DNA testing either, or so I hear.
france is europe
france is the third to do it
let's look at the first to do it
embarrasing. shut the fuck up and keep sucking that mutilated dick you worthless golem
How in the fuck is this even enforced?
You get arrested for tax evasion if you ever set a foot inside france again or just get evicted by their partner nation you reside in
this is why Anon Babble should have flags so we can see that you're a brown person
How in the fuck is this even enforced?
ask him
op asks what will happen when the whole europe implents it
i reply what will happen
faggot goes on a tangent about america doing it first
you must be a syrian larping as an eurofag seeing how low your iq is...
What in the what?!? why switzerland? it's expensive as all hell. WHY?!?
Apparently feds do care a whole lot since they have been astroturfing here longer than you have browsed
Just acquire citizenship of your new country. Acquired citizenship overwrites your old one. You will just pay taxes in your new country. You lose the rights associated with the old one, since territory based citizenship countries like france and US don't allow for dual citizenship with other territory based ones. They all say it's super hard to acquire your old citizenship back (overwriting the tax haven one, in case you regretted it and wanted to come back) but it actually isn't, they'll always open exceptions and fast forward your process in a week or two, especially if you have family in the original country. Obviously you can't keep doing it or you'll eventually be denied under scrutiny in a place like the US that does crack down on it, but if you do it once and go back it's fine. Not that most people want to go back.
A small caveat, when you acquire new citizenship, you'll have "acquired citizenship" which gives you less privileges than "birth citizenship" in most countries. However those are usually related to public office, so unless you wanna be president it makes no difference.
Just to add my personal anecdote, I moved to brazil and acquired citizenship here, requirements were just "live here and don't get convicted for violent crimes" (white collar ok, lmao), happiest I've ever been desu. It's so fucking different on a mentality level I can't even explain it.
honeymoon phase, ey?
goes by quickly. the warm sun and the chill people are one side. But where's the infrastructure? the roads/trains? sanitation and overall standard of living?
just regurtitating some thoughts here
Funny you mention this, I used to post a lot on Anon Babble about geomaxxing and how awful your life is as a white man in the US in terms of women compared basically anywhere outside of the anglosphere, about how the entirety of US culture is a just a humiliation ritual for white men, etc. Every time there were dedicated glowies that would swarm me seething it was kind of funny but also concerning. I will say this, geomaxxing changed my life and I would rope if I had to go back to shit life in the US.
I geomaxxed to Argentina and got a cute argie waifu, planning on marrying her after the bull run. I've never been happier. US anons have know idea what it's like to live in a culture that isn't based purely on hating them, it's another world. If you have some money, which you need much less of in dollar terms than the US, South America can be VERY comfy. The difference in the attitude of people, especially women is night and day in a good way.
I've been here for 6 years, nearly 7. My life here is more comfortable in terms of infrastructure than it was in the US. I have faster and cheaper internet, power only went out a couple of times due to massive storms, and went back up in a few hours. Roads are generally okay, asphalt is generally patched up in a few weeks. Water here is cleaner than I had in the US as well, I use a filter at home, but don't need water softeners at all. My standard of living as a whole is better. Only thing I sometimes miss is the odd fast food chain, namely in'n'out and chick fil a, and a few specific candy like jolly rogers. Bigger chains all operate here, dunkin' donuts, mc'donalds, burger king, kfc, popeye's, the list goes on. Brazil is a shit country if you're poor, but it's wonderful if you're not. At least it suits my tastes.
thanks for the answer. heard the same thing over and over by now. "it's a whole lot better, if you have the money."
USnA seems to be the forerunners in social issues now, but they took a wrong turn left somewhere. shame.
How many hours/week do you work, if i may ask?
I mean real work? like an hour. I had some savings (150k USD) and bought property, which I improved for around 10k total, and rent out as AirBnBs (brazilians do a lot of domestic tourism). So I mostly reply to inquiries, look at the calendar, and trade crypto in my very comfy PC in my thoroughly air conditioned office room in my apartment facing the beach. If I was in the US, living in california, I'd be crying in bed about affording rent and groceries making this much, but here I buy anything I want whenever, live very lavishly (for my own standards) and save a good bit every month.
If I had to say I'd say those are the biggest price differences I noticed. Rent and food. Fuck man, food here is so cheap. I can get a very nice meal delivered to my home with 250g of protein, whole wheat rice, black beans, salad, fries, a third thing of my choice for 11 dollars + 1 for the deliver + no tip. I can't even finish the food it's so much. And that's like at a good place I like and order often from, if I wanted cheap but still good, it'd be 5 dollars for the same plate of food.
If I'm cooking it myself it goes even lower than that. And all rent is apparently very negotiable. And now I don't even rent anymore.
if you live near the border you can buy groceries in frogland and many work in switzerland
taxes in switzerland in general are way lower than any eu country
if you work here your pay probably doubles or triples compared to eu
the only thing is buying a hous or renting is usually mire expensive
even though i would say a lot of houses in the border region are pretty cheap on the countrside or some shity jura vilage/city