Will Bitcoin reach 100k this year?

Will Bitcoin reach 100k this year?

of course but a big mac menu wll be $100 when that happens

her feet are mid

will cailee spaeny let me eat her pussy once im a millionaire?

Eeewwwww. She looks underage. The fuck is wrong with y'all?

t. 45 year old wine aunt

I hope so, that's why I'm still with $lol I want to spend thanksgiving with something tasty to eat, I refuse to eat another can of beans

Goatseus Maximus has more chances to make it to $100 before that happens, just lose all hope and join the cult

Wanting hags and grannies


Does she ever show her penis?

her pussy is very tight and fresh and immaculate

Forget about this and ape into Auki if you want to make it

Ew, she's ugly.

is that snood?

Will she hit the wall?

When one Shiba Inu is worth one big Mac

yes. that's less than 2x from here. I will buy coins like RAM on EOS that can go 50x.

course correct

rape correction




everyone in this fucking board should get up from their putrid, ass smell ridden chairs to celebrate and jump in joy and cheer if we get to see 70 something happen and stay that way for a month or so, without gay fucking collapses beforehand. this is true and anyone that says otherwise is fucking shitposting. load up on shitcoins instead for fuck's sake, super, doge, xrp, whatever, aren't you guys fucking tired of celebrating 10%'s?


she's 27 years old

tfw I genuinely thought she looked old and was disinterested

Quit dreaming about this and just ape into memes like the upcoming BOINK if you actually want to make it.


Into the trash

If you wouldn't shoot a load up it, you are on that faggy time tbf

with me she would be mom of 10 children easy

you'll never take off minimum wage anon

there is a cumstain on her gowns collar

women 18-24 now get tattoos so people stop thinking their underage. anyone that doesn't look 30 or isn't obese is thought of as underage in america

404: booba not found

What's a good rate to buy bitcoin? Is 11% above market share any good?

It doesn't seem likely but I give it 90% based on "this time is not different"


this bitch is both basic and ugly lol

Its very possible and with that I expect to see QAN at $1
