In 1999 i ended up buying a huge amount of French francs totaling to at least 20k USD at the time

Literally never read the news or follow current events at home let alone europe

Literally found out today at the bank trying to exchange it all that the French stopped using the Franc in 2000 and switched to euros

I literally thought Euros were solely used in places like Germany and Lichtenstein

They stopped exchanging francs for euros in 2012

I literally have nothing now but a bunch of shiny coins and old paper


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get a bunch of shitty plastic frames and sell them on ebay for double your money back



Its not.

We need more context

20k usd

not even worth your time, just start over

In 1999 i had a weird fucking interest in European currency's so i ended up using a lot of my gambling earnings/inheritance on buying longterm currency holds. I of course bought francs but aswell as a small amount of Pesetas and british Pounds

You’re an old man. Over fucking 40 get a grip and go to bed gramps

Man, the Euro was such a fucking mistake. I don't know why European countries would give up their own money just so Germany can control them all. It's silly. Europe is such a silly place. They're not serious.

Europeans are total cucks. Long gone are the days of masculine European warriors. Now they all just sit around and enjoyed getting fucked by the rest of the world. There’s a reason the USA was created.

I suppose Francs are now a deflationary asset. Also a real life memecoin.
Maybe more like a “utility” token…

Wow that was a really terrible financial decision

no shit now fucking HELP

40 million fucking deutschmark Bob!

25 years ffs bro your coins could go in a museum.

kek, peak Anon Babble
post your collection

no help

"invests" in Europoor fiat

doesn't even think about it again for 25 years

somehow the victim

What help do you want, retard? Sitting on a stack of bills for 25 years even if the currency hadn't been switched is still retarded.

This is ur fucking fault bitch there should be a sticky warning about currency extinction

You wouldn't have read it.

Never ever invest in fiat as it always goes to zero. Gold or even bitcoin is the only safe hedge. I hope you learnt your lesson and sorry for your loss.

Yeah the US was created and it was the new kike HQ in a 100 years
You talk about how Europe is cucked but you are equally cucked to Israel, your kike overlords hold the leash while they poison your minds and your bodies

I don't understand why it took you 25 years though? You had an obsession with currency but you didn't know about the Euro? You didn't check even one time in 25 years to see how your investment was doing?

I stopped collecting european currency after that tom green movie :(

I literally have nothing now but a bunch of shiny coins and old paper


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Banque de france still exchanges your francs for euros, champ. Or should I say retard.

Using movies to decide investments fits well with someone who buys currencies and sit down for decades without even checking.

in 1999 I was born lol

Investing in currency instead of Apple, Google, Amazon cheapies in 1999

There are 60 IQ Afghanistani men living in caves in mountains in the middle of a desert, that don't know shit about shit, but still know France uses the Euro.
There is not a single Amerimutt, who has normal XY/XX non trisomic chromosomes, who doesn't know this.

I'll give ya $200 for it at the start of next month

In 1999 there would have been hundreds of tech stocks you could have bought that would have gone to zero. Sometimes you lose. Maybe take the lesson to pay more attention to your assets.

born in the 1900's


ok boomer

There is not a single Amerimutt, who has normal XY/XX non trisomic chromosomes, who doesn't know this.

Anon, statistically insignificant populations don't matter.

Bro you're like 50 fucking years old if 20k USD matters this much your life is over anyways

yes it is. no one is this retarded.

Is this pic AI or is it the origin pic of that one Soijak?