This is it

This is what crypto has been waiting for these past 15 years.

Bros legit check the CCIP explorer right now it's exploding with mainnet transactions, though I don;t think it's SWIFT related but there's a huge increase right NOW. Maybe it won't be by the time you see this post. But like 10 mainnet transactions in 1 minute which is extremely unusual.

Post sample tx addresses anon

Is it really all going to go as planned? No hiccups just straight up instantly working on a global scale for all 11k banks? Holy fuck bros. I'm ready but I'm nervous.

Sorry I didn't save any, but the the explorer page was continuously updating with heaps of mainnet transactions. I spotted Celo, Blast, ZKSync, Wemix, Arbitrum, Polygon, Ethereum in like 1 single minute. I haven't seen that before - in particular, this is my first time seeing ZKSync, Celo and Blast mainnet transactions.

Hong Kong is going to be so fucking lit.

75d.png - 1000x1000, 171.06K

its the abbreviation for a british pound. its for the london stock exchange thing

Also "Good Boy Points"


Holy bullish

its the abbreviation for a british pound. its for the london stock exchange thing

I like how nonchalantly Linkies can say this kind of shit lol.

So aside from GBP, this account also holds:
Apple, Amazon, "Equity" (idk what that is), and Samsung.
Interesting. Yeah I saw the Amazon, Samsung and GBP previously, I didn't realize they were all from the same account. So yeah this is pretty definitely some kind of stock exchange going on. I wonder if it's really the London Stock Exchange or some new crypto/stock-exchange hybrid like Securitize or Fireblocks does.

fud commencing in 3..2..1..

Nothingburger. it this it?

Why is the price almost at all time low? What the fuck?

Staking-chad thanks for doing an alert monitoring shift. We gotta earn that 4.32% somehow.

kek. Reminds me of that anon a couple months ago that talked about putting "Staker" on his resume, and in the description said "responsible for monitoring the eth/usd price feed which powers the majority of Defi."

it all starts from London.

hint: it's not ChainLink

anon I've been monitoring price feeds 24/7 for years, this shit is no game.

monitoroor.png - 1024x1024, 1.55M

kek is he turning into the wolfman

come on anon spoonfeed another oldfag here whos been waiting forever

If you are going to mention xrp or qnt you might as well abandon the thread now and go on X with the rest of the strawgrasping schizos

Retards always forget to read the conclusions

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No, this is what crypto was and is still waiting for these 15 years

was that for his janitor job

BTC $11,000
ETH $300
BNB $20
SOL $3
Link $20

BTC $62,000
ETH $2,400
BNB $576
SOL $144
Link $11

Bullish for ICP.

Alright you really did it now. I expect 40 fud threads in the catalog when I get off from work.

Then why are they using a Chainlink product? Lol, lmao even.

let's not forget TXSE which will start in Q4 2025

checked. stinkies btfo.

fuck anon please tell us what it will be instead of link (while using CCIP unironically)

self check is saddest check

its XRP c'mon haven't you done any DYOR?

How didnt I see this. Is this why Ripple is speaking 4 times at SIBOS?

this is it!


hint: it's not ChainLink

It's literally on CCIP.
Insanely bullish.
I wish they'd fucking hurry up desu, they're probably working out a way to have us all assassinated before it goes live.

Link brothers….its almost time

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Because someone wants it low. That simple. Whenever link news comes out someone dumps btc. Who? I have no clue. Could be CLL themselves. Could be Swift. Could be the answer Anon Babble would say. Could be 2018 link holders that made it and don't want new people to make it off "their coin". Really could be anyone but at the end of the day there are people out there are doing something to suppress the price. They won't be able to do it for much longer though.

They just don't care about bringing in new retail investors.
They literally never talk about the token or tokenomics in their posts. They talk about Chainlink as a product and what it does, but they don't talk about the token.
If it gains institutional adoption, they won't have to.

Suppression has two effects that are two sides of the same coin: It exerts pressure on holders who do not have the runway to weather long periods of poor performance. And it allows low time preference, highly resourced market participants to buy from that first cohort for cheap.

Imagine if you had $100 million, zero need for high risk gambles, and you wanted to succeed on a 20 year time frame, not a 1 year one. The set of incentives is so different compared to some desperate retail retard who is like "fuck I need it to moon this month to pay the bills". Every month that goes by filters more tokens from the retail holder to the institutional one, and they are operating on time horizons where are a year or 5 are a totally acceptable cost of doing business.
The fact that it sucks for retail linkies is entirely the point.

True, I get that and I'm not saying they should be marketing it differently. I actually prefer their method.
It can't happen forever right? Like is there really a world where it's 2040 and LINK isn't at least $600? How long are we going to have to wait for the big fishes to be done playing their little game? how will they have known they are finished and ready to send it?