Bobos on suicide watch
Bobos on suicide watch
Manipulated results to make the dems look good. Mumu BTFO.
implying they won’t keep manipulating the results for 4 years to make President Harris look good which brings stocks and crypto to new ATHs
welcome to these new 254,000 indian engineers in the USA
muttistan is now 37% white
The economy is so bad people have to get jobs
You faggots are insane if you think there is any possible way to manipulate the data these days. There must be 400 people that would have to keep their mouth shut
Governments are playing games with the data by pumping up government employee numbers. Zero Hedge broke this down. This month was the largest increase of government workers ever. Canada did the same thing. Without the US spike in government numbers unemployment rate would have gone to 4.5%.
how many of those jobs pay more than $25/hour?
Aug 21, 2024
U.S. Employment Gains Revised Down by Over 800K Jobs
The statistics put out by the US government are hardly more reliable than the ones China puts out about their own country. I say this as a burger myself, nothing our government says about anything should be trusted anymore.
LMAO They've been manipulating inflation stats for years since the 70's, you would be insanely retarded to think they won't edit for a few years. We are just lucky that inflation isn't god-awfully apocalyptic that they decide to remove the stat altogether... yet...
These are the people that will literally about a cultural explosion(modern art) just to make soviets jelly about nothing.
Still dosh to be made tho, like that bull in the china shop. Fake as fuck but dosh is going back for the pump and dumps. Its going to suck ass when rates go back to zero and the Traitor investors take their cash out of china's last cigar puff and put it back in here stateside.
They've quietly revised every job report down, sometimes to negatives, since 2022.
I'm in California saw a hiring sign in a supermarket $16-18. Not sure if full time tho. Also thank you Wal Street sirs for adding my door dash career to the report.
We are just lucky that inflation isn't god-awfully apocalyptic that they decide to remove the stat altogether... yet..
you could make the argument that by switching to core and "super core" inflation and similar book-cooking tricks to get the numbers down, they are admitting inflation is actually apocalyptic
i have heard that the actual US YoY inflation (especially for goods like groceries) is closer to 8-10-15% the last few years but idk how true that is, or how they arrived at that figure
the massive, massive influx of immigrants has also been very net-positive for employment numbers, because a lot of the immigrants get jobs and the ones who don't, don't get counted in the statistics. so aside from the social security/tax base advantages of unchecked immigration, they also like it because it helps them cook the books
for example i went to a "data walk" put on by my local community foundation where the data coordinator guy explained that my city has experienced very low employment and in fact growth in employment numbers.
as he put it, the immigration boom we've been experienced has been an asset for the community because many of the manufacturing and service jobs have been filled by immigrants while legacy populations (read: white working class) have experienced flat employment or declines
(especially when you take into account people who have been out of the work force for extended periods of time, like 1 year or longer, who aren't normally counted in the statistics)
his last name is Baum and i couldn't help but think of that Anon Babble meme
Looking forward to the "revised" numbers coming out later and finding out 100,000+ of those jobs don't actually exist. Have you tried job hunting right now? There are ghost jobs everywhere, HR pretending to be hiring and just auto rejecting every application. It's all a scam.
*very low unemployment and in fact larger-than-average net growth in employment numbers
Probably almost none, new jobs are for poor immigrants, not expensive Americans
you're insane to think they could do this thing they've done 34 of the last 36 months
Anon, I don't think you realize how fucking delusional the "I hate trump and can't pay attention longer than one news cycle" crowd really is
How many of these are government useless ass jobs, growing the debt even more?
The Dems are winning again
How are these bobo useless jobs, growing the debt even more?
its all rigged anyway
dont vote
Everyone knows their they’re fake. They know that we know they’re fake, but it doesn’t matter. The fed is signaling a strong economy and they will pump as much money into said economy as needed to make it appear that the economy is strong. It’s a matter of national security to lie about the stats
Impressive. Very nice.
Now let's see the revised unmanipulated numbers
i would also like to see full vs part time. all of these jobs are part time immigrants who have 2/3 jobs
from the same government telling you there is no genocide in gaza, and jews aren't the ones responsible for starting all the wars
and that whites are bad
comes a new lie
250,000 uberjeets jobs added.
The government does not manipulate data
Are you really willing to sink this low?
How fucking new are you to politics, economics and government
You can't manipulate results forever. Big players have money on the line and eventually they'll sniff out the real numbers
My sense is he's been involved for a very, very long time and has either been mind raped into a true believer or is getting a paycheck from some nefarious characters.
As long as big players are part of the club and profit from the line going up, and get to exit first when the bag drops, they will protect the lie.
That's a good point. Someone else already brought up the foreign employment numbers here
Bobos on suicide watch
No, they're not, they're just hibernating, at least that's what ImgnAI depicts
here's your awesome job number
Most of thise jobs are goverment and fucking mcdonalds.
$25 is nothing because of inflation
good post
that is an absolutely insane graph wtf is wrong with this country