Wwhy aren't eastern studios suffering from layoffs?

wwhy aren't eastern studios suffering from layoffs?..

Nippon 9 to 5 is 27 hours.
Also not putting all your money on a single project the needs to sell millions of copies allows for experimentation and the compensation for occasionally underperforming titles

Because of laws there just like in EU. Why do you think Ubisoft isnt laying off people despite being insanely bloated. Mutt companies can fire thousands without a reason while thats not a thing in other places lmao.

wwhy aren't eastern studios suffering from layoffs?..

Oh it's coming.... to squarenix and Bamco. You'll see.

Japan never lays anyone off, it's seen as bad for the company image. They instead change your assignment to be staring at a wall for 14 hours a day until you quit. People quitting doesn't get reported.

Grummz thread!!!
POGchamp! Let's GOOOOOO!!!

Nippon 9 to 5 is 27 hours.

That was in the 80s and 90s .Since then they have strict working laws and on average are even a bit below Europe. You still peddling this shit just shows how fucking scared you are.

People heard shit about Japan years ago and just go with it. Simple looking into average working hours will tell that nips dont work longer than average first world country lol they have a problem with certain sectors overworking people but where that isnt a problem too.

There is also the method of sending you out to contract for other companies.

Nah, you are retards that don't get that they don't report the overtime or get paid for it. Just because "officially" they don't have to work as much doesn't mean there isn't internal pressure for you to stay longer to finish the perceived workload you have to fill or the usual afterwork activities you are expected to attend or take part of.

The laws changed, but the work culture remains, you fucking morons.

Japs refuse to fire people and pay severance, they have literally banishment rooms to make people quit on their own

No competency crisis and bloat.

communist laws

tens of thousands of layoffs in the gaming industry this year alone

none of the companies i love are affected

From has really low wages.

Well obviously not yet*

Maybe they reverse course before it hits them

Why the fuck would anyone need Indians? They’re like a grey common pull in a looter shooter, gacha, Fortnite, etc.

they need indian's for menial labor because the population is stagnant and no one wants to have kids, no low caste pajeet is going to make it to the upper echelons of any major japanese game company. their xenophobia is far too deeply ingrained for that to happen, thank god

cool what else did some spurned expat on Reddit tell you

"Need" is a strong word. But they're cheap and abundant corporate drones. Instead of helping young japs breed the government is opting for the capitalist neoliberal solution of importing cheap workforce. The American/EU model.

Simple looking into average working hours will tell that nips dont work longer than average first world country

not on paper, no, but in reality...

Don't ask why, ask who.

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Souls games are basically just ubisoft assassins creed tier asset flips. It means they're cheaper to make and quicker to produce.

2009 demons souls

2011 dark souls

2012 artorias of the abyss

2014 dark souls 2

2015 scholar of the first sin

2015 bloodborne

2015 the old hunters

2016 dark souls 3

2016 ashes of ariandel

2017 the ringed city

2019 sekiro

2022 elden ring

Sekiro and Elden Ring took a bit longer because they're more unique then the others but its still the same shit. Those are way shorter dev cycles then you see normally.
People are to adverse to reusing assets. Games like Majoras Mask and New Vegas were asset flips of OoT and Fallout 3 and they're both insanely highly rated games that had short dev times because they reused assets.
These quick releases and the way they're made means they don't need to be a massive success to make money. People hated Dark Souls 2 and it still did well. It's not a fromsoft game but Fallout 76 was an obvious asset flip of Fallout 4 and everyone called it dog shit but it was successful, its still getting updates after 6 years and has players.
Eastern companies are to obsessed with trying to make a game that will be the biggest thing ever so they spend 8 years in development then it flops. Japanese companys that do the same shit like Square Enix are suffering for it.

Americans work more than the average Japanese.

But the overtime!

The average hours worked in America is brought down dramatically by women, who work on average about 25 hours a week while men work about 44 hours a week. Japan has a smaller female workforce than America which skews their numbers upwards.

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What they really need is to drop their pension system. They need to lead the way on this so the rest of the OECD countries can use them as an example.

Birth rate goes down = pension goes down.

Why the fuck are Germans so lazy?

In general, asian societies have a culture of ancestor/elder worship so that would be about as likely as them openly accepting gay marriage/marijuana sales. the new gen is getting there, but it will take some time

r/gamingcirclejerk raiding troon spotted

Can't let work cut into your Forklift Simulator 2021 time

They work efficiently.

They've got 3 choices:
1. Hyperinflation
2. Import infinity 3rd worlders to replace your population until the last Japanese person dies off and Japan is no longer Japan.
3. Get rid of the pension and let the economy heal.

Arbeit macht frei

FROM software isn't bloated with thousands of HR office ladies and Diversity Experts

Based From.

They're really good about hiring outside contract workers who were never considered company employees, treated as such, and are dropped after a project. Corporate culture is more strict in the east so callout culture is nonexistant, you dont even need to be blacklisted to have a history and turn off potential employees. So you stay quiet to get another job like a good little worker.

They're not. They're just efficient.

I wonder when Fromsoft will pass off the grifters

Getting paid to stare at a wall sounds great

This might surprise you, but USA has laws that let corporations do anything short of murder, and sometimes that. Everywhere else its a constant fight to keep workers and suits in balance of pay, hours and security that benefit both instead of one.

I can't find any twenty year olds with ten years job experience who doesn't need to be trained and will work for minimum wage. Guess I gotta outsource to India!

This. People in the west think they have it bad by moving across the entire country to work for 3 months before getting terminally unemployed? Try working in a Japanese company.

get reassigned to the company's wall-staring room

come to work

sit down in chair in auditorium facing a wall

stare at a wall with 250 other employees that were reassigned there

rest in chair for 8 hours

collect full paycheck

go home

Square Enix has at least 7 of these chambers. It's inhumane. I cannot believe they make people sit in chairs and do nothing for full pay all day.

Japan will be the first country to grow people in test tubes on a mass scale or supplement its population with androids. both better options than mass importing brown people

11% raise with the yen nosediving

Square laid off people but only in the west. It's just easier to fire people in the west. Whether that's from laws or just culture I don't know but you rarely ever hear or layoffs in japan.

Do you really want to take economic input from the fat useless fuck that blew all of Firefall's development budget on an advertising bus that didn't even work?

There's grifting, and then there's being so good at grifting everybody tries to overlook that you're the corpulent retard who got kicked out of his own company and went apeshit when somebody paid for beta access on your current company's current game and showed everyone it's not even in an alpha state. I almost have to respect Mark Kern's hustle, because he has somehow cultivated an audience of people that do not know or care who he is and that he's a failure.

I maybe watch a YouTuber say some shit like "the culture there makes it so it's really fucking bad if you get in that Position" but man I can't imagine giving less of a fuck. Especially with my neet lifestyle

They're going to have to implement austerity unless they want to hit the 300 JPY = 1 USD mark.

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low salaries

Listrn, japan obviously isn't perfect. No country is. I lived there myself so I saw how it can be fucked up like any other place...
But why is everything argument against japan on the interent nowadays

uhhh no achtually they just don't report "x"

Its really fucking stupid

ummmmmm no achually Japan is a DANGEROUS CRIME INFESTED SHITHOLE they just dont report the crims

UMMMMMMMMMM noooo japan actually has EXTREMELY high amount of rape more than almost any first world country they just don't report

WELL YOU SEE Japan actually has more suicides than anywhere they just don't report it....

Nooo you dont understand Japanese actually are all forced to work unpaid over time for 100 hours a week it just doesn't get reported

Ands again, not saying Japan is perfect, I chose to leave after 2 years myself I definitely dont think the country is a paradise... But this weird bad faith arguments against Japan by people like you are really flimsly and stupid.

Nince meme but the mask is off
they're just lazy

Eastern countries are only beginning to go through what western countries have been doing to the selves for 70 years. Their biggest corporations' executive boards aren't scrambling to hoard as many assets as possible in preparation for the collapse of their country's currency like in the US, so they can still afford raises instead of converting liquidity as fast as they can.

I hadn't even seen whose post it was.

Why is this a big deal for you?
Why is it never what is being said, but who says it?

heh who would have thought that making things people want instead of appealing to a loud but small group of freaks is the winning way

their leadership. notice no women

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Of course they can afford it, they’ll just cut the money paid to the SEA subcontractor studios operated by psychopaths by half

Could you come on a little less strong?

focus on graphics more than anything else

make all the characters ugly and annoying

ignore everything core gamers (males 11-30) say

Western devs deserve poverty.

Only right answer so far