My normie friends are catching up with my networth

None of them invested in funny internet money

I feel so defeated guys

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Demoralization thread.

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Hai guys, I use the term 'normies' and the npc meme, please tell me I'm cool.

Kamala Harris is retarded, I'm sorry

I copy Trump but i'm not an npc because, i'm just not, ok?

I just discovered this really cool thing, it's called passive aggression, it turns out I can be a faggot without being gay

I get offended easily but I'm not a snowflake because I'm just not, ok?

My place is reddit but I like to be edgy and avoid downvotes so I go vent on that place, you know, THAT place

I spend all day long on Anon Babble and hate reddit because that makes me cool. I have unraveled the mysteries of life.

I'm obsessed with "being cool" and I project this desire to everyone I hate, because I hate myself

Your income is your primary wealth-building tool.

I feel constantly persecuted for my 'original' beliefs. I use words like 'normie' because I'm better than 'normal' for example I worship a conman who somehow managed to bankrupt a casino. I also believe the earth is flat. Take that you NORMIES!

I'm dull and repetitive because I'm a npc, I can't really visualize an apple in my mind

I have NPC/Normie derangement syndrome. Everyone I don't like is an NPC and/or Normie. My mind is cookie cutter simplistic.

buddy of mine bought a multifamily building in the DEPTHS of the pandemic

in a good part of a major US city that everyone was leaving in the peak of covid

got an incredible deal

2.75% rate

rents 2 of the units to friends of ours (both white dual income couples w/ kids)

lives in the third for free

And I have to gamble on dog coins. What the fuck was I thinking

I try to get creative by mixing up some very common popular words that other people find funny, I've read it on a book called "how to be funny", must be funny. I have an entire shelf of this crap because I'm engaged in my "read 1 book in 1 week" challenge

I find ways to pigeon hole others into being the thing I don't like which is the subjective term 'normie' because it makes me feel superior to them. It's all I have in life.

I'm so pissed off by this fuck literally reading in my mind that I forgot to use >, twice

When it starts to look like I'm losing an argument, I point out petty mistakes in the other person made previously in the argument, in retaliation, to avoid being embarrassed. I pretend I don't care about being 'cool', but I still can't allow myself to be embarrassed.

I'm now literally scraping MMPI tests grammar to sound more authoritative and pervasive, I need to destroy this imbecile, he can't win! I will really make him feel unconfortable and emotionally inadequate like I'm feeling right now

I cannot escape this vicious cycle of persecution. Everywhere I go people are trying to destroy me. Why am I so important? It's settled.. it's me VS the normies. I must win this war so I can... not be a normie, whatever that is.

i love Anon Babble.

Can you guys learn to soiquote properly instead of doing this embarrassing shit?

Long term, you get similar returns with growth stocks as you do with crypto. You're supposed to cash out after bull runs, put it in the stock market, and put it back into crypto when the time is right

Fuck, why I can't visualize that fucking apple in my mind? Is there a book on "how to visualize apples"? Let's search on Amazon, I need to have this fixed ASAP

I'm grasping at straws at this point. Maybe if I retry an earlier attempt to question their mental capacity it will work this time. It's taken me a long time to come up with this, but here we go. There, I just posted the apple thing again. This aughta get me the win. Fear my wrath Normies!

I'm uninteresting and people often ignore my opinions, probably going on HRT will finally solve everything

If i keep insisting this guy is a normie and accusing him of doing normie things, I'll finally have won! This strategy is bound to succeed! I'm special, which makes me like a snowflake, oh wait! WAIT! Snowflake is bad isn't it??? So if I'm not a normie, that means I'm a snowflake. But if I'm a snowflake that means I'm a normie! If I had a brain I'd be confused right now! Maybe I'm the npc!

After 24 messages I realized that this anon may be implying I'm a normie, let's increase the esclamation marks and picture his internal dialogue as very dramatic to put him in place

Oops, you forgot to NOT use the > there, btw it's exclamation marks. God, you're such a normie.

I had my friend suggest me a joke because I ran out of gas, it was the only funny one in the pack, I'm about to cry now

You'll always be a normie to me *hugs*

Visits a board of autistic pieces of shit and tries to have the last word, loses

I can go on forever you know, kek

You're not an autist. You're just a retard. Accept it.

your networth is my quarterly salary.

Dont worry about beating other people you will always lose.
Worry about having enough money to buy a fun car. a house, support your family, and have enough to take some time off if needed.

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worst thread on Anon Babble right now

You're on the same boat, admit it

bankrupting a casino

that's actually unfathomably based

Oh, look at that, you're relating to someone, guess that makes you a normie. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only if you do it intentionally. Trump is such a bad businessman he managed to fuck up the easiest cash grab there is. Imagine being such a loser that you can't even profit a casino. You don't need to imagine, Trump already did it for you.

whatre they investing in or buying?

you win some you lose some
you done crying?

Nothing i said even remotely resembles crying. Are you alright in the head? ...You should probably get that checked out.

very butthurt

Sorry if I damaged your self esteem Josh, I was just playing with you

They're just normying


seething like a little bitch

Say what you like. I hope I didn't disrupt your little 'I hate normies' echo chamber too much. Normie.

still voting Trump
like... aughhh, I KNOW!
isn't that crazy??
Still going to vote for orange man

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And yet you stick with us more than with your normie Kamala friends on reddit, how curious

You fags from reddit are dumb to complain about this term in most contexts. A normie can basically just be someone who isn't obsessed with model trains, if you're talking amongst the model train club. A lot of the times when we use it here we're referring to people who don't gamble all their money on high risk high reward crypto shit. Retarded faggot.

Did he really say that kek

Show me on the doll where reddit touched you
Like I'm reading all of of that. Ross from friends is the biggest faggot of all time

2 lines

lol. You're the type that likes getting reactions out of people huh?

if you bought the so-called fake internet money earlier last year, you wouldn't be sounding so pathetic as if all is lost.

Get your ass together. It isn't over yet. We're definitely going to have a super bullish cycle this year. I'm still buying and started the week with a little extension on natix.

just approximate their iq

if you are higher then you should be ahead depending on profile like vci pri wmi and psi

yeah it's pretty clear he isn't here for honest discussion and just wants to instigate
supposedly "sticking it to the trolls" without realizing he has truly become the monster he set out to defeat. No internal monologue or critical self-examination, just frontal-lobe activation; like a true normie
date I say, maybe even the KING of normies kek

I bet he has an internal monologue like an actual voice, as shown in the tv series, kek

I try to sound intelligent by saying things like 'No internal monologue or critical self-examination' whether those words are warranted or not. Most people won't know the difference and therefore I can get away with it.

PS I'm gay.

PS I'm gay.

Finally something authentic coming from this neckbeard

I'm gay

you didn't have to state the obvious kek

neckbeard, wow, such a reddit insult, you're not a redditor are you? I KNEW IT! You are a reject from reddit and that's why youre here. You people were hated by reddit and that's why yo're all here hating on reddit hahahahah! I knew it! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW you didn't get enough thumbs up? HAH Haha haha. Hah. Just wow, i'm stil processing this.

uh huh huh hyuck!

starts talking flamboyant

Ok this is getting weird

only a true unironic faggot could be this socially deluded and self-absorbed lol

When you open up a thread and see no in-depth discussion, yet multiple people have over 20 posts, you just know something really retarded is going on. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Shut down the computer dude. Or shut your phone off if you're gay. Both of you.

It was supposed to be a funny thread, and then in the end it became funny anyway, in a different way

You still didn't tell me where reddit touched you. Why are you so butthurt over an innocent little website?
What the hell is 'socially deluded?' Don't use words you don't understand you retard inbred dumbass.

where reddit touched you

Using "latest popular jokes which are supposed to be funny" won't make you funny, you're one of the dumbest faggots I've ever met on this website

Shut the fuck you retarded nigger before i dunk you in a shark tank head first

Ah, see, that's twice now you tried to say my jokes are derviative without much success. I don't need to rely on popular jokes to insult you, your are the joke and the only thing you can do to insult is accuse me of using popular jokes. You are sad and I feel sorry for you.

just because you don't have the reading comprehension of a (white) 5th grader does not entitle you to an explanation. It's not that hard to understand if you really want to; try it buddy, I promise you won't hurt your brain (probably)

Just be quiet. You're out of your league, anime fag

he thinks I like anime

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bro thinks he's Nickocado bro thinks that just because he lost the weight, years worth of documentation of being an obese retarded faggot just disappear bro is 2 posts away from monologuing like a supervillain bro thinks he's in a movie bro's brain is legit is cooked

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