Skybridge isn't getting released this year and that's ok

Skybridge isn't getting released this year and that's ok.

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Posted at 8:33:33

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Corona ID

this shit is driving me insane etc.

Imagine losing the bullrun holding this unpumpable piece of shit while memecoins are pumping left and right




8+3+3 = February

February 2025 release

And thats fine.

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Holy shit, even the baggies are gone.

just being realistic

just being prepared

2025 will be great for avi

Just release the fucking thing already so we don't have to hear about this bullshit ever again. Actions not words. The hype train left 6 months ago. No one cares anymore

The team is working very hard behind the scenes to create the most spectacular rugpull. Just be patient. I TRUST THE KERASU PLAN

why the rush friend?

only biz knows about avi

we have to increase the budget and be prepared for next year ;)

I thought Avi WAS a meme?

8 + 3 + 3 + = 14

14 days

Or in other words: just two more weeks

finally understands what coping is


the irony

Former top 20 baggie checking in. Bought August of last year and just recently swapped 10% of my stack into some Base plays over the last couple of months. Currently up almost 4x since then. I moved down to the top 30 and will slowly swap out more until I’m left with a “make it” bag just in case. There’s obviously some very serious internal issues going on and im not about to miss out on a run because they can’t get their shit together. Do I think there is still a chance this takes off? Slightly. Do I believe this will be a web3 version of steam that’s around for generations? No

so are baggies finally calling it? its fucking october tomorrow..

if there is no announcement by wednesday, i think its over

Former top 15 bagholder here. I dumped in may and had best time of my life 10x in random meme coins. I would kill myself if left holding this dogshit manure. Just look 0 volume nobody with money thinks that avi is something good nobody even willing to gamble on idea lol. ITS OVER

Ion think so.
I dumped everything for hana days ago and i'm up 45x but i might buy back in two more days

dead volume

Holding avi is like being in a toxic relationship. Just dump that bitch anon. She’s making your life miserable and she doesn’t even put out anymore.

And so the dumpage begins..

Uh, check again, we've actually had some bigly sells

most of the team hardly posts anymore. What the absolute fuck is going on? Are they being quiet in order to prevent a mass sell off? That has to be it. If they were prepping for some big launch event, they would be hyping the chat, not staying silent. I’m not about to get front ran by other sellers. I’m dumping once I get home from waging while I’m still up. I can’t do this shit anymore

Kek. Bridge is never going to launch anon. There’s been absolutely no reason to delay this since the second audit unless their backend wasn’t actually finished. They might as well just rug the shitcoin if that’s the case cause nobody wants to wait around for another 3-6 months for them to figure out the next baby step/

im convinced the bridge isnt even real at this point.

This thread screams schizophrenia.
The VPN swaps are very organic. In all my life I have never seen a more butthurt faggot be obsessed with anything the way you are with a pixelated fox coin and frogs.
SkyBridge launches in October, Arcade probably launches in October, and the fuddie ropes.
October is the month millionaires are made, don't believe an actual retard on biz.

baggie cope.

I've already made it and I know good investments when I see them. The dipshit that floods biz 24/7 with AVI/APU fud draws frog hentai and fucks his mom when he's not trying to kill himself in his basement.

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skyrbride launches in october

early spring

October skybridge yes, we are fucked otherwise.... arcade I can't see the same month though I wouldnt be upset....

millionares will be made

kek cope make it (5m) baggies dont realize they will be used as exit liquidity by friends of the project...cant even hold a monthly floor

The smart contracts are, but their backend probably doesn’t actually confirm transactions on the test net. I can’t think of any other reason to continually delay the launch other than this. For testing purposes they could easily have skipped this step in development just to get a proof of concept out there, but it’s definitely one of the more challenging parts of the bridge imo.

Oh, it’s October now? Last month it was definitely launching in September. Been hearing this shit for a year now.

KEK tg baggies still think the fud / criticism is not organic. people are fed up. its not that unbelievable.


I sold kek

I never sold kek

I'm just a concerned holder kek

I just like to piss off baggies kek

It's all so tiresome. You're probably the most annoying faggot on the internet. Congratulations! I guess you've done something with your meaningless life.

fail to deliver a product 4+ months after initially thought to be released

continue to give false hope and hype to holders when you know its not being released soon

do 0 public marketing to keep the community engaged / morale

keep blaming "third parties"

one of our devs is in cancun this week so the bridge has to be delayed another 2 months

and people who criticize all of this get called retarded indians while tg baggies are really the ones who fail to think for themselves.

This isn’t healthy anon. Log off and touch grass.

Kek, don't (you) me, I'm not the schizo fudder, you can honestly see the arcade coming october? like I said, I wouldn't be upset if it did, just can't see it

early spring anon! just wait till you see out onchain summer event anon! the bridge will be out shortly after the second audit anon! THATS tiresome nigger. stop jerking people around like this.

but let's get the fucking bridge out in October first and some decent marketing rather than relying on bizlets

I am an avi supporter and there is no way the arcade is launching in October. I don't think anyone honestly believes that. The bridge is definitely delayed much longer than expected, but I trust the team when they say there are good reasons.

coffee even has his doubts now, is he a jeet ?

You can cope in tg all you want but bride that is not needed will kick off dump never seen before. Here hows it going to be birdge goes live 0 new buys apart from teams limp write buys followed by -40% red candles. There is no reason why anyone should buy this shitcoin

Yes, he was asking some nonsense questions in the TG. I think he just lucked his way into this one early, doesn't seem like the brightest fellow.

which one of his questions was nonsense? they all seemed valid, and some were not even answered by the team which was strange

no posts in hours

almost like thats the time when americans wake up? not everyone lives in new delhi Mumbai Jay.

3 different IDs

wow holders are starting to have doubts and are vocalizing their frustrations? im really shocked man, thats like impossible.
avi has done irreparable damage to holders' minds.
tg baggies are losing it.

He starting to see writing on the wall nobody even trying to buy to sell on news. Imagine what flop release going to be all this edging for almost a year. Bridge could be out right now and nobody would buy this shitcoin because it is not needed. So much for utility when token is not needed not bridge is needed lots of other bridges and non of them mooned kek

tg baggies are losing it

Its that homo Jay and he is alt of dev/mod that contantly running damage control

there is no way the arcade is launching in October. I don't think anyone honestly believes that

It’s not even about an arcade launch at this point but rather, giving us updates on the development that’s supposedly been happening for the last 9 months. It will nearly be a year since we got any update on the arcade and even that update was something very minor. At this point, I doubt there were 2 separate teams working on the project. It’s one group that was focused only on the bridge this entire time.

if it was ready to go they would announce it today. if it is not announced by wednesday, it will not be announced until next week at the earliest. release it now if it is so ready

what kind of fucked up maths is that? did we forget Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday are also days?

9 months

try 12 months. Last year I remember them hyping arcade release in september then went silent for 5 months. Some clusterfuck all over the place development

They are not releasing / announcing a release date on a weekend or a monday. they want to have the release land on a friday.

They better just release and not just do this week announcment of release like some chink fuckup rug

i agree but they cant help but fuck it up, its all they know how to do

why Friday?

Just fucking buy Hana on eth non..
a 2 or 3x is doable nao, then you can buy back your avi stack later.
but holding this crabbing piece of shit/not makong money while everything else pumps is painful

Imagine retard spammer buying dump and then getting dumped on even more haha. I can already see that coming. Mark my words bridge wont make price go up

Why do people keep making threads about some ancient erc20 shittoken just because there's talks about a bridge? What's a bridge going to do for this thing? It's like my jasmy stays orgasmy and rubic stays cubic

you're right. there is no reason for the value of 1 avi to go up since normal use of the bridge doesnt need it. all fees are in eth and go right back to the team. and coinbase gets a bunch of new traffic to their network. so the avi team wins, coinbase wins, but avi holders do not win.

because the marketer for the project refuses to market to anyone outside of here for some reason. its ok to have ads / market here, but outside of biz is a big no no for some reason.

thats the thing, its not going to do anything. there's already multichain bridge competitors that move any erc20 or nft between networks and hardly anyone uses it.

I don't think avi is going to release the bridge before this project completely shits the bed, but even if they release it tomorrow, I think it will just be a sell the news event when baggies realize no one is using it and coinbase isn't shilling it.

because, and i kid you not, friday is stixil's "lucky day"

market to anyone outside of here

You call these threads as marketing? Yea really reflects in daily volume or this place is truly dead/poor

For start bridging,

yes sar is decentralised multipurpose bridge for any token and eft, plese accumulate

this. the traction will not be there. any project that is noteworthy would have connections to other major bridges and just bridge through them. the audience for skybridge is literally who erc20 communities that will use the bridge maybe once and then forget about it. normies do not bridge.

the arcade was the only notworthy thing about this project and that has been sidelined until 2025 most likely.

Hope you not trully hoping to buy "dip" I garantee massive dumps moment key people realise no new money coming after bridge release. Seriosuly think about luck so far buying high and selling low for once man do opposite of what you want to do

Kns and avi are shitcoins

oh im not buying. it looks like no one is buying judging from avi daily volume.

But I know you gonna just dont gonna catch falling knife whatever dust you got left will be crushed into nothing. Suck to trade whole year and end up with nothing all that you could have bought just gone

anon i dont know what you're trying to say.

because the marketer for the project refuses to market to anyone outside of here for some reason

It’s the only place that’s full of retards who are willing to be strung along. Not only that, but now they want to increase the marketing budget. If the price keeps falling then the budget increase makes sense since those retards decided to use tokens to pay for marketing that way it can get dumped right back in our faces. If $100k isn’t enough money to market a low cap project, then kerasu isn’t the marketing genius that the baggies make him out to be

Yes you know do the opposite just for once and save yourself. Its over no secret mega 100x gains coming from this stale dogshit manure

marketing genius that the baggies make him out to be

what he ever done to deserve such title? All I saw him post his blogposts here and odering team not to talk in tg

i am not buying avi, theres nothing to save myself from anon.
checked and true

his day job is WH press and marketing. lol, not even joking. he records dumb shit like vaccine photo ops for the Biden administration.

doing shit job then I never took satanic jab