A woman with a job is the female equivalent of a man with no job.
A woman with a job is the female equivalent of a man with no job
except its not retard
t. foid
Truth nuke.
What? How?
A man without a job is unlikely to be chosen by women. But for a woman, having a job or not having a job means very little to a man.
this is true. my wife doesn't respect me or fuck me anymore since we had a kid. I told her I wasn't financially ready to support a family and she would have to work. She hates working now and hates me for it. I help out with everything, cooking cleaning and do all the man stuff around and take care of the baby at least 50%, go to every family thing she has(I have no family) I give her basically every free time I have, go to the grocery store with her, help. still I finish the day alone, go to my room(we have separate bedrooms now after 10 years) and I just sit on my computer and browse biz then watch porn and eat ice cream and fall asleep. It's almost as pathetic as when I was in college and I browsed Anon Babble, ate Chinese food or pizza, watch porn, game, then bed.
The difference now is I have a giant house with a giant mortgage.
all that said. I love my kid and will do everything needed so she turns out great. not worried though she is super smart. god bless im grateful
women with jobs are based?
OnlyFans is not a job
I guess both decrease their chances of marriage
This is why I’m not even bothering to get a girlfriend/wife until I have at least $5,000,000 worth of etherum sitting in my trezor
room(we have separate bedrooms now after 10 years
Should have done that 10 years sooner.
Sleeping in the same bed is some extremely retarded schizo boomer shit.
It's almost a meme to make you destroy your marriage.
Maybe in India, where it's seen as a stigma of low class. In non-shithole countries women are expected to work and be self-sufficient people.
it do be like that..
chud you are either unemployed or working at mcdonals. You can't even support yourself because your still living at your parents house. Kill yourself and end your worthless trash of an "life"
Fuck yeah Tatebros we just can't stop getting away with it
I hate foids so fucking much bros
Gays don't know how good they have it
you should get a girlfriend.
you don't need to have sex with your wife anymore. she got pregnant. mission accomplished. sex is for having children.
Does anyone have a pic of that pepe with the arrow pointing at him that says "do this"?
hold fuck this is deep
my wife doesn't respect me or fuck me anymore since we had a kid.
It is not the kid, girls want men they can't have, and now you're married to her.
cooking cleaning
This is why she does not respect you.
god bless im grateful
This, gentlemen, is the life of the average male.
However, I do respect you for being honest. Most men just "muh loving wife" and "muh loving child" on the internet.
In non-shithole countries women are expected to work and be self-sufficient people.
Not really, if you are a poor man, then your wife will have to work. That is all there is to it.
You pretty much described the life of like 80% of men. Except majority of the men on Anon Babble would just cope with "go have children" or "muh loving wife."
literally the woman's only real job is not getting fat
If they can do that, then I have nothing to complain about, and I'm still focused on how to prepare my Ape brothers for a possible war
gets hacked
kek nothing personnel
This is a stupid post given the fact that I earn more monetizing my blog via Adsense and Hydro Online than my husband does as an Engineer
Anon i…. You cant stop until you have a SON.
Quit porn, start being a bit selfish, do a dna test on the kid, start working out, start dating girls unoficially (call it hanging out with friends or w/e)
See how quickly her tune will change, act like you dont need her.
And then make a son
A woman with a job is the female equivalent of a man with a pussy and tits.
How about that?
It's good to see that you are doing well for yourself. I just started with Hydro and I also like their services
I stand corrected
so wait what am i then? im a male with no job but with multiple figures invested all in solbank and making me passive income on the reg, does that count as a job and if it doesnt count as a job does that make me a woman with a job? or since the job's objective is to provide money it IS a job, or maybe im a jobless-woman-with-a-job-man?
too many questions
I recognize this is the true chad way out. I just hope I have it in me to execute.
separate rooms
10 year marriage
Cmon bro
yes, but she gets paid and thrives in the imaginary jew number system we use as basis for our entire society, and the man just seethes