/BBBYQ/ - Bonds Trading On E*Trade & IBKR Edition

Basic Information

Teddy = BBBY + GME?

Pool’s closed for equity, common stock is canceled

In chapter 11 unsecured creditors occasionally converted to equity or receive a payout

Bonds are still trading on E*Trade and IBKR

2034 bonds


2044 bonds


Ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud


Share Buyback Fraud Explained


Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?


How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders


End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)


BBBY "class action" case against RC

CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM


Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed. But his "pump and dump" case is still active and may be holding things up.

Bad actors are attempting to delay the chapter 11 proceedings for as long as possible, stay comfy and expect delays, nothing is finalized until the chapter 11 has fully concluded.

Previousneed on /BBBYQ/:


inb4 Hugo(Mannah) spam

bonds are trading and *may* be converted to equity

The op clearly states *MAY* BBBYQ is a delisted stock that can not be traded by retail, and is completely off topic for Anon Babble

Bonds are trading and BBBYQ is still undergoing Chapter 11

This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

BBBYQ Can not be traded and can not cause financial gain for users, it belongs on Anon Babble

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on . Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

There is no discussions to be had, BBBYQ is bankrupt and delisted.

Note: Anon Babble is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cryptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden.

This "general" does not advertise as the stock is bankrupt and can not be traded, it belongs on Anon Babble

Anyone peddling the narrative that delays should be expected is a paid shill. You think just sitting around and waiting patiently for the system that is designed to funnel wealth to the top is going to suddenly pay out billions to retail investors? If someone is telling you that things will happen 'later' and you just need to sit back and wait they are relying on you doing nothing to obtain your generational wealth so that the system can quietly steal all your money.

BBBYQ bonds can be purchased by retail on E*Trade and IBKR

Retail can buy bonds.

Can you show me your bonds? No one is interested in buying or trading BBBYQ bonds, this is a waste of a thread, a crypto thread died for this, you realise this yes?

BBBYQ is a bankrupt delisted stock that is not on the stock market that can not generate profit or income for the "may" bond buyers.

Show me your bonds bro
Get your bonds out.

you wont

I held many thousands of shares into the ongoing ch 11 bbby now butterfly bankruptcy. The claims objection date has recently been moved 6 months implicitly due to the inflow of claims and their complexity. I also own many hundreds of thousands in face value bonds in the company which are actively trading. I appreciate having this casual forum to discuss the American capital markets. How this is remotely bothersome to anyone given the dozens of daily shitcoin threads that don’t make it 24 hours is Beyond me.

You guys fell over that easy about the stock that you switched to "trading bonds" Jesus fucking Christ give me strength.

This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Doesn't say anything about discussion being limited to currently traded securities

a crypto thread died for this

Good. Are you gonna cry?

Shares don't matter anymore, its bonds, all shares are deleted now, so we on bond discussions.

Get your bonds out

You wont

Jesus fucking Christ give me strength.

You don’t have to keep coming here. You know you could just turn off the computer and walk away.

Let's update the OP with all the updated changes you turd burglers have done in the 7 days ive been here.

Basic Information

Teddy = BBBY + GME?

Bonds are still trading on E*Trade and IBKR

2034 bonds


2044 bonds


Previousneed on /BBBYQ/:

Geeze, now we have filtered out everything to do with the stocks shares that don't count, would you look at that.

wont get his bonds out

... because they count for jack and shit.

7 days ago

our shares are going to be made whole and new equity

PPShow! Larry Cheng


Oh shares do not matter, its all about bonds.

PPShow? No one watches it...

Goal post moving barbies

It’s Sunday bro. Don’t you have better things to do?

I'll cut you guys a deal if you really want me to filter.

You don’t even want the thread to exist. Why not just filter yourself?

Hugo is going on a post rampage, don't forget to dilate

I will say it feels like the veil of you having to pretend that we’re hedgies is started to lift. It seems as though you’re starting to see most as actual people. What changed?

I never saw you as hedges, I saw you as disabled people that can only repeat the same 5-6 tone deaf comments on a loop,.
Shorts have been shorting companies to death for many many years, BBBY was not special.

sneeeeeed(also your former reddit name)

You are powerless.

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At least I'm not a mentally ill tranny

I can be anything you want me to do, I can be indian, I can be german, I can be a tranny, I can be the family pet.

You, are, powerless. You can't discuss the state of BBBYQ because there is nothing to discuss, it is bankrupt, I mean here, I give you 2 very simple questions and you can not answer them straight.

NAME (1) stock that went bankrupt and came back and made its old shareholders rich.

NAME (1) reason why BBBYQ is special

You wont

You are weak and bankrupt.


This makes your bizarre obsession make even less sense. I thought you reasoning for being here was to try and prove that bbby is a distraction being used by hedgies. You’re literally contorting yourself into a pretzel to justify your presence here.

Wrong anon, I am the anon thats just pissed off with you lot for shitting up the GME threads with the same 10 lines on repeat, maybe this is why you need to name everyone.

NAME (1) stock that went bankrupt and came back and made its old shareholders rich.


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No no no no that doesn't count because [insert random unrelated bullshit reason here]

$1.1 billion each share?! Holy shit why am I only hearing about this now.

Real number you faggot, stop jerking me around.

I am the anon thats just pissed off with you lot for shitting up the GME threads

Oh sorry I thought your bizarre behavior was justified because of some noble need for justice. I didn’t realize you were spending 20 hours in a thread you don’t think should even exist for a week because you were angy. Sorry please carry on.

Everyone spamming/flooding hugo and move on

The ticker will be preserved and the squeeze is when we make our real money.

Angry? I never said I was angry, that would mean an emotional response, and sure will do. Every day, never leaving, ever ever.

What will the bonds squeeze too?

Don't forget American airlines

So these shorted company's that went bankrupt and now their bonds holders are billionaires from $250 invested? Sure sure...

thats just pissed off

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You’re crating a strawman. No one said they would be billionaires. I don’t think I’m gonna be a billionaire with the 20k shares of bbby I bought but I do believe I will be making a hefty profit and I plan on buying more gme. We don’t need to be enemies here.

Oh I’m not pissed off now though, that was then this is now. Much like how it’s not the shares it’s the bonds.

Oh bubba… I got some bad news, shares are gone, it’s only bond holders now entitled to anything according to new DD

This is you. I’m sure you’re doing it completely for free.

It's the 100PBTID faggot, how can you guys not see that

Of course it is. No one is denying that. He’s literally telling us how bad he wants to leave but he can’t.

I’m not trapped in here with you faggots, you’re trapped in here with me.


This "general" does not advertise as the stock is bankrupt and can not be traded, it belongs on Anon Babble

Then why are you trying to dismantle the cage?

Are you paying any attention to your threads lore?

You just seem like someone who continues to have to lie and change your story to justify your presence here.

Oh you’re a smart little cookie aren’t you, you’ve figured this all out all by yourself, you should be most pleased with yourself.

Yall know what, you got me, they haven't been able to do it on Reddit or X Yet, but you guys, very smart, huge IQ

I work for a conglomerate of hedgefunds that shorted BBBY to bankruptcy and your combined 90100 shares are make or break fo- hahaha Yeah no, I ain't doing this you bunch of fuckwits, your bankrupt, the shit i just flushed has more monetary value than your BBBY Bonds

No I’m actually an SEC agent paid to monitor your behavior in this specific thread.

combined 90100 shares

You underestimate the slurping.

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Do you watch tranny porn while on the clock at the SEC? Do you take kick-backs from Ken Griffin to turn the other way and allow him to operate naked short selling scams?

Yeah but how many bonds you got?

My uncle works at SEC too, dad is that you?

I ran out of money.

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on a sunday

has nothing

default attack patterns

Yawn, do something different, excite me.

getting humiliated by an actual reddit tranny

PP show getting BTFO

Pultes stock goes up after PP show

Yeah, BBBYies are retards, they will never recover from this, needs adding to OP

Not selling anymore



Mentally ill freak
Grow up
Get a life

No thanks, as a 200k share holder I am here to ensure my 3 million dollar investment is going to paybsheer dividend

He’s melting down because he literally missed generational wealth. In fact, I would be doing the same thing as him before I ended it.

I actually share the same personality and writing style as him when I’m pissed.

It’s just funny on this life i made it and he didn’t.

I just put my ego aside and doubled down on it bbby when everyone was screeching.

Seek help. I’ll even help fund it if you are serious.

These are not the actions of a man who missed a life raft.

They’re the actions of a man who sank the boat and is spiteful of any who found a raft as he hoped all would drown with him.

Wow, didn’t think of it like that. Great perspective.

a sore loser

your money is gone, sorry bout that

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Generational wealth? How much of a liquidated stock pool do you think BBBY has? Hardly fleets of cars or aeroplanes…


The problem here is that you just do not understand how BK works. We will use Hertz as an. example as it was one of the very few occasions when the original stockholders got SOMETHING, although very little.

First, when a company declares BK the stock is DELISTED FROM ALL EXCHANGES. The exchanges don't trade BK stock. Shorts are excused from closing the transaction, as the stock is by definition worthless. THERE IS NO SQUEEZE BECAUSE THE SHORT SELLERS DON'T HAVE TO RETURN WORTHLESS STOCK. Sooner or later, the broker will release all funds to the short seller.

Then, the stock ticker symbol is changed. Hertz was changed from HTZ to HTZGQ. Now all old stockholders own shares in HTZGQ. THEN A NEW COMPANY IS FORMED. With Hertz, it was HTZ. All the old stockholders own NO SHARES OF HTZ. HTZGQ (old HTZ) will never again trade on an exchange although it can trade on pink sheets (that's what the "Q" means). HTZ can be (and was) listed with an exchange and traded.

Then, HTZGQ does a Section 363 bankruptcy sale of the assets to HTZ. This transfers the assets free of any liens to HTZ. HTZ pays for these assets by selling stock. The money generated in HTZGQ from selling stock in HTZ is distributed to the creditors of HTZGQ. Remember, that HTZGQ was once HTZ and was the original Hertz. (New) HTZ then discovers that it owns thousands of slightly used cars in the hottest used car market ever and the price then soars. This doesn't affect the original stockholders in Hertz because HTZGQ sold those cars to HTZ for 10 cents on the dollar. HTZ soars but the original stockholders own HTZGQ not HTZ. HTZGQ of course is worth pennies.

As a matter of fact, the holders of HTZGQ got $1.46 plus 1/20 share of HTZ for every share of HTZGQ for the best BK result of the century.

There are more complexities with the Hertz BK but I overlook them for this comment.

It’s awesome that a bankrupt towel stock thread gets bankruptcy experts to post in it. We’re living in wonderful times. Thanks anon.

gets bankruptcy experts to post in it

aren't the BBBY hypemen pretending to be experts on this as well?

As the biggest gme maxi, I approve of all the salt bbbyq has mined from the latest personalities. Truly sensational.

How much is the pool worth?

retard thread

The op clearly states *MAY* BBBYQ is a delisted stock that can not be traded by retail, and is completely off topic for Anon Babble


It seems like the opposite where the bbby supporters don’t claim to be experts but have seen enough to know that it’ll eventually come out of bankruptcy

A wild retard appears

Retard used magical thinking

It's not very effective

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I don’t think anyone bullish on bbby has claimed to be an expert. The interesting thing is seeing noted experts get into arguments with what amounts to hopeful retards.

It is very strange that not once in this documentary was Dougie mentioned.

It’s funny BBBYare getting the recognition there deserve

we're not claiming we're experts so it's okay if we're wrong (which is always)

Very slimy.

Stop noticing things

Rent free. Blocked from Twitter and meltdowns subs won’t cut the cheque so the only engagement these stock bashers get is here. The final frontier.

Paid stock bashers? Where? I want to sign up might as well get paid for it.