The Catholic Church is estimated to have at least $73 billion in assets...

The Catholic Church is estimated to have at least $73 billion in assets, making it almost as rich as Michael Bloomberg and wealthier than some countries like Ivory Coast, Uzbekistan, or Croatia. Additionally, the Vatican Bank alone had roughly $3 billion in assets in 2021.

The pope insists on being driven around in a small cheap car, and the average person claps because he is a simple man

The average person is so fucking stupid

your point, mr nigger?

Dont underestimate the stupidity of average people

brodude, I live on this shitheap too.

I didnt understand but brofist bro

The church is completely nerfed compared to their heyday. You can thank Luther for that I guess.

Maybe so but they are still insanely powerful and rich yet joe average thinks they are a simple and benevolent organisation. In reality these child molestors are fine dining with the most powerful eugenists on the planet plotting for the enslavement and destruction of mankind

This guy kept it real

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Ok rabbi

$73 billion

To be honest, I thought it was a LOT more than that, especially considering how big the church is. I guess a lot of their wealth is used for upkeep, charities and whatever.

It probably is a lot more. Immeasurable

The average person hated this pope for "flexing wealth and power symbols"


Mormon church has over $265 billion

That’s land owned by all catholic churches in the world, not directly controlled by the Vatican.

most powerful eugenists

lol I wish, otherwise they wouldn't be shilling for importations of millions of sub 70 IQs into white christian lands

If they're dining with anyone it's with globohomo kikes

So which is it then? Is the church guiding humanity in the way it wants, or is it simply concerned with being the largest organization is can possibly be?

What do you think

average people can't process nearly as much information as the average user here, and are essentially incapable of overriding obedience to authority. whatever the msm megaphone says, that's all there is in their world. plato's cave.

in a small cheap car

cheap car

OP is fucking retarded as usual and probable even dumber than the people he's making fun of

If you are implying that is an armored version which costs 200k or more I wouldnt be surprised. I was just maing the point that they are carefully crafting this image that the pope is a man of the people

True. It's supposed to look like a poorfag car but you can bet your ass it's stuffed with every security measure they could possibly stuff in there which makes the whole thing look even more insincere.
But as you've said correctly, the average pleb only sees a car that resembles a small hatch thinks he's down to earth so I guess this charade really works well.

My wife is one of those people, a blind believer who raves about the pope's rejection of status symbols

anon, the secret service came to pickup the pope with a range rover and he refused to get in, and insisted on a miniature car

She said that as if it was a heroic act, but it just confirms how these billionaires are hellbent on the rigid execution of their signaling scripts to subdue the braindead masses


Im catholic and I think the pope is a faggot. That said we’ve had way worse and survived and will continue to survive. This is Christ’s pilgrim church on earth and the gates of hell will never prevail against it. I believe that the body of Christ is, as a whole, good and holy. Praise to Lord Jesus Christ.

She also hates on ratsinger because he was a "show off", flexing symbols of power.

I can respect ratsinger at least was is not pretending NOT to be the the living embodyment of what the church is

The current pope is the worst one in history. He is the poster boy for the UN/WEF agenda

I think it is pathetic that fat people pretending to be christians arent called out. The bible is very clear about gluttony.

Bro you don’t know shit about church history if you think this nigga is the worst.

Philippians 3:19
Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things

You are right. I only compare this fat bastard to ratzinger

I never looked into what was before that

Ex-Archbishop Vigano (he was recently excommunicated) publicly says the Pope is in league with Satan. I don't think he's wrong. The current Pope's a fucking globalist sadsack and cuddles up to everyone i find repulsive.

Look at this fat fuck, then read what the bible says about fat fucks, then tell me why this fat bastard is the head of the church!

Proverbs 23:2
Put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite

I never looked into what was before that

Look up ''banquet of chestnuts'' and what the popes in the 15th century were doing with whores

Imagine what they are doing now...

I have not seen evidence of the existence of god nor satan. But it is clear as day that the pope is the embodiment of everything that is the opposite of the word of god according to the bible.

He is a glutton, which is undeniable looking at his appearance.

He is a gay right activist

He promotes antichrist agenda

Bloody Bastard

Thanks but I have had my fill of traumatizing images

Why would God give evidence of His existence to faggots like you? Tip your fedora and head on back to redshit.

Is this the face of somebody who has an ounce of self discipline and knows the meaning of the word fasting?

I choose to believe but having been raised in a godless family I still struggle with it.

Is this the face of somebody who is inspired by the guy he is clapping for? Or is he just clapping because he has to

Seek and you will find. Prayer will help your unbelieving. I understand your struggle.

This fat fucking hypocrite of a pope is making believing very hard

He likes to worship black feet and kiss them

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Now find a picture of him doing that to a random white guy. Will never happen, right? I mean that is my feeling.

This guy is a disgrace. Just a puppet for the UN/WEF/NWO playbook

I understand your struggle.

Do you really. Sometimes I feel like me shekelstein wants me to believe in the bible