Good job zoom zooms
t. proud millennial uncle
Good job zoom zooms
based af
Zoomies are based for the most part if only half of the millennials were, we would be ok right now.
why so far away
HR needs some time to look for the edit button on their job listing page
is that not normal?
why would ANYONE apply if they don't even know what theyre getting into
be me, zoomer
apply to job with no salary listed
make me do 3 interviews
offer me minimum wage
sells my resume data to scammers
now I get scam job offers sent to me everyday.
I applied to over 50 jobs so I dont even know whats real when managers reach out to me
Im not kidding, I don't know whats real anymore. Everyone is just trying to scam me
I get like one of these messages everyday. It's a fake job.
They email me, they send me text messages, and even fucking CALL ME (indian accents everytime btw).
Kek this. Who the fuck would apply for a job which didn’t state your fucking wage.
zoomers won't go to work for another 2 years
sounds good, anymore doomsday jokes?
You can still apply and ask the salary range on the first interview, then drop it if you're not happy, more applications = more likely to get a job.
Most companies are hesitant on hiring zoomies tho. They bring the biggest load of personal issues to the company and complain when a coworker says bad words to them. And they're likely to be the most easily offended anons on Anon Babble.
t expert
your generation let this happen
I remember about a decade ago applying for a job and they casually mentioned the pay in an interview, but then when I got offered the job and accepted all of a sudden the pay was $10 grand less per year. They probably don't like to list the pay since they can then change it on a whim, like what happened to me.
Since it's Britain you can also taste a knife for wasting my time
it's not a fake job
staffing agencies headhunt me like this all the time as well. The thing about them being Indian always frustrates me though. It's pretty apparent they are here on H1B visas because they often have no idea about the job they are even offering me and don't know which licenses are required + have no clue what they are even asking or requiring themselves. It wasn't always like this; especially during COVID, recruiters were always often white and spoke proper English but sometime around the end of 2023 I stopped getting contacted by any recruiter speaking proper English and now almost every single one is Indian. They aren't fake jobs but these leads almost never lead to any substantial offer so I don't even entertain them anymore at this point
The salary is the only reason we go to work, the only reason!
I can't purchase food on hopes and dreams and corporate culture stars.
in europe even asking about your salary during the interview process is an hr roastie social faux pas
you'll only find out after you signed it in manner of speaking
but this doesnt matter since all wages are so depressed 2 or 3 bongs more or less aint gonna put more fis n chips on yar plate
>apply to job with no salary listed
what job was it?
and yeah the job market is fucked for zoomers, best to stay as a NEET as much as you can to fuck the subhuman jews
in europe even asking about your salary during the interview process is an hr roastie social faux pas
No, it isn't. Unless you're a sperg, of course.
it certainly was pre corona, no idea what hellscape it might have morphed to today tho
sells my resume data to scammers
This is the worst part of the modern job market. Literally so Jewish we're reaching a kike singularity.
If you're a software dev the take-home 'challenges' they have you do are actually unpaid labor lol
this is how it's done
It's the UK, every single job pays £24k per year and they want to conceal that fact when you sign up for 60 hour weeks.
This is a fake job. They pretend to be from agencies. They pretend to onboard you and steal all your information
Millennial: I don't apply to jobs that don't list a salary range.
They will drag you through five rounds of interviews before mentioning the pay is $25k below industry rates.
this is schizo/paranoia but I wouldn't be surprised. All my previous headhunting experiences, they usually had me fill out my information with work history and skill proficiency on their website afterward. While you do have me self conscious about maybe forwarding them my information over email, I don't particularly think any of the jobs I've applied to up until now have actually been outright scams like you've described
What is Gen Z even doing to earn money without a job?
inb4 "social media", theres no fucking way all of these Gen Z kids are popular enough to be making even close to a minimum wage salary on tiktok
Man you're lucky, I get no calls back and still get signed up for scam emails.
For all the shit they get, Gen Z beats the fuck out of Millennials in terms of how based they are on average.
I'm not saying they're all that based, just that they're generally cooler than Millennials. And of course everyone, before and after, is better than Boomers.
How did we reach the point where "this job might pay enough to pay rent and have food if you have 6 roommates" became an acceptable way to live?
Both of you are very obviously zoomers and your generation is a generation of e-trannies who make cringe posts like this online. You are not "based" (nigger slang).
Who, exactly, are you comparing favorably to Zoomers? Millennials are almost universally a bunch of neurotic faggots, and I don't think I need to tell you what's wrong with Boomers.
Gen X is the only generation that approaches being actually cool, and that's really a case of "Luigi wins Mario Party by doing absolutely nothing".
t. 30, so a younger Millennial
Gen X is the only generation that approaches being actually cool
Gen X are boomer lites. Start fucking with their 401k or their house valuation and you will see whats up. millenials were the generation that mass internet rolled out/ trialed and error on. We have our probems but i think we are doing ok with what we have had to deal with. Zoomers are fucked. They had the internet psyop bot machines oiled well and they never had a chance. i was talking with some zoomer chick i used to fuck and she was saying it was normal for the guys to have sucked a couple cocks.
I am a millennial and zoomers are fags, you sound like a fag too. I could HEEM you.
I could heem everyone in this thread and I'm not even joking faggot.
Maybe you're doing okay, but I seriously doubt anyone in this thread is a representative of whatever generation they're part of. The Millennials I know are generally extremely neurotic/anxious and obsessed with consumer culture, and they tow the party line during every single propaganda campaign.
I see Gen Z as a "sink or swim" generation. They either generally have it together way better than Millennials did at their age, or they completely crashed out and became the sort of trannies you're describing. And Gen X is at least slightly more aware of how fucked things are than Boomers, and without all the tranny baggage of later generations.
It's slim pickins, but I really don't agree that Millennials come out ahead here.
Na bruh I’m 39 total boomer
neurotic and obsessed
You post like a 21yo reading off of critiques of 30yos, save it zoomie. I have already seen the 'mettle' of your pussy ass kind the various times you have challenged me to a fight and then run off.
they have it together way better
Maybe you're doing okay
m8 fuck no i'm not doing okay. I'm gambling shit coins in my moms house an i'm in my thirties. Only a small percentage of millenials have their shit together, they are the nepo baby's who work at a corp or some shit. i will say this our generation tried to change shit with ron paul(found out hes a cuck) and pretty much gave up after that. Zoomers probably wont have that moment because they already speed ran being cucked out at birth. They understood what it is from the start.
This can't be the answer right? Surely they would already have the range as information on hand, so it would just be a matter of making sure the right salaries are lined up for the right jobs, etc?
Please tell me HR roasties really aren't that incompetent. This is a really bad case for women in the workplace. Like wtf.
rule of thumb I use is that any job offer you get via text is fake/scam
send location brazzah
If the only Millennials who have it "together" in your eyes are nepo babies, that really doesn't paint a great picture of the generation. Those exist in every generation. And while I wish Ron Paul had won either of his campaigns, I don't think there were all that many Millennials supporting him when it came down to it.
Millennials supporting him when it came down to it.
what do you get out of larping about being in a diffrent generation?
Millennials supporting him when it came down to it.
you outed your self here.
outed your self
I told you how old I was.
Most Millennials, by far, supported Obama. It wasn't even close, and it happened in both elections.