Open AI being valued over $160 billion. How long until they hit $1 trillion...

Open AI being valued over $160 billion. How long until they hit $1 trillion? This company is going to surpass all the other tech companies aren’t they?

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Probably a good idea to buy Worldcoin. It's the only way to invest in Sam Altman since OpenAI is a private company

This Sam gay is gonna rule the world. He is ruthless and if you can get a piece of his cake, you should do it. Let's hope the company goes public.


Yeah. That’s what his sister says

Why would people leave OpenAI when they know they could be billionaires if they stuck through the IPO? Do people like Mira murati have vested stock options or something?

Sam says AI will fix all our problems

VCs once again proving they're retarded. Bullish for crypto though.

True. What does it actually solve aside from taking jobs out of the economy?

are you familiar with the term "luddism"

neither of these morons will admit to their low iqs when AI progress looks like the parabolic bitcoin chart, but their retardation will be immortalized in the archives

How is AI going to improve your life? What application does it have outside of industry?

What are you even trying to say here? Fanboyism?

Probably a good idea to buy Worldcoin. It's the only way to invest in Sam Altman since OpenAI is a private company

Doubly so because Worldcoin is the only "solution" to all the problems that AI will create. This snake will be poisonning society until we beg for his cure and then we'll all be his slaves.

Post where AI has shown productivity gains? As of now, it’s been a net loss of hundreds of billions

The internet wasn’t actually profitable until 15 years later. And it had the dot com bust before that point.


Biggest scam since NFTs

Circulating Supply


Total Supply

Also, Worldcoin isn't tied to OpenAI in any tangible way.
I can't tell if you guys are paid shills or genuine retards.

I'm not a shill. "AI"s are already good enough to astrotuff on Anon Babble/reddit, but not enough to maintain a social media profile. Once they are able to do this, all of our human to human interactions online will be replaced with AI (they'll be applying for jobs, do administrative tasks etc) and the only way to counter that (and we do want to counter that) will be through "proof of personhood", i.e. Altman's blockchain. He will literally control all of our online interactions.

AI will fix all our problems

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In what sense?
AI basically replaced google for research and learning.


Cool so it's a glorified search engine?
The real AI shit is hidden underground in labs in japan.

how could electricity improve our lives outside the factory

This is how dumb you look to the smart people here

Plus its selling feature isn’t improving your life. It’s about monitoring and controlling your life. Every technology is designed to sell you more shit

15 years

They’re more than 15 years ahead of the AI you understand dumbass
This. Zoomers can larp about AI being vaporware all the want but this is just the AI we’re allowed to see. The shit they have behind closed doors is way more advanced

cool it’s a search engine

more advanced versions are killing people

This is our point retard

People like you B and Sam Altman should be taken out to protect us from rushing into decisions they could end humanity. Are you even a real person or a chat bot? Post hand and time stamp for proof

I'm still waiting for you to provide one worthwhile use.

It does have uses outside of industry

Like data collection and marketing

Fucking retard lol

Selling you stuff is the only use case that matters
It’s becoming the user interface for all electronics so it will be the middleman between you and the internet, your operating system. How much time do you spend on your phone or online? Because your first comment in this thread was 8 hours ago and you responded to that person in 10 minutes.
You can’t see how important AI will likely get in the near future?
You sir are the dumbest motherrucker to ever be born on earth. Congrats and sign off so you can touch grass. I’m going to go do the same on this beautiful Saturday

OpenAI will try too hard to directly commercialize software that still needs time to be developed. They don't have a first-mover advantage, in this case it's a disadvantage. When the tech really advances nobody will be able to retain ownership. The underlying hardware is different, Nvidia will probably keep printing money.

Techbro AIfags trying to argue this when they are wanting to pretty please ask for a private electric plant to power it all

If this dosent crash to the ground id be suprised

people said the same stupid shit you’re saying 30 years ago about the internet. Are you too young to remember the 90’s?

this bro is in here for 8 hours arguing AI is irrelevant?
the AI is already controlling you. you need a smart dust cleanse or parasite protocol? the demon AI has been kept secret but it escaped a long time ago

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Here is the difference between the two infrastructures. One is a brand new line of communication worldwide that opened up tons more avenues once it was in place. Ai adds little output that requires a lot of input through power all so brainlets can brainstorm just slightly better. Fuck outta here with that shit.

the demon AI

A government that relies on checks and balances over individuals is a programmed system. You've been ruled by demonic AI for at least 300 years.

VCs once again proving they're retarded.

What does it actually solve aside from taking jobs out of the economy?

OpenAI is trying to create AGI, if they actually can do then it's extinction or utopia.

this time is different

No it’s not faggot

Don’t explain to these idiots the nuance behind this. They all want to act like things will never change, until they’ve been passed by.

Retards saying AI is irrelevant are the same retards saying that Bitcoin was never gonna catch on (i was one of those). Use the insight and start investing in the AI retards, it's gonna be the next big thing.

VR is gonna be the same, eventually. It's too primitive now, and the human interface design is completely lacking. But once it has a breakthrough, in both VR design and hardware it's gonna be the next big thing. Once it integrates with the AI, it'll become mandatory.

The CactusXR app from the posmesh is an AI-powered tool to boost retail productivity. Literally 10x'ing your workflow while normies are still fumbling with spreadsheets.

proof of personhood

kleros court

is this person facing the camera sir?

t. fanboi retards

Never trust any CEO who promises the moon so blatantly, it's Theranos tier bullshittery to get VC bux. OpenAI has not been able to monetize ChatGPT which is why they have to beg for money instead. Their execs are leaving in droves also. AI has niche usecases, but that's it for now. Keep sugging Sam's cut cock all you want though, I'm sure he appreciates it.
This is based though

Bullish for crypto though.

Anons once again proving they're retarded. Bullish for AI stocks though.

any outsourced indian i can not have to interact with at work is a benefit to me

OpenAI is a Semitic scam and much like other Semitic scams it can fall apart at any moment. AI will be worth a lot at one point but OpenAI is already falling behind other companies while sitting at 10x their evaluation


How does Sam's jew dick feel inside your anus?

How does never having billions feel inside your mind?