I have $4mil net worth

of which $3.7mil is in crypto. The rest is illiquid shit like some property, antiques, etc.

The crypto is 99.9% in one shitcoin under 35mil mcap.

I know this sounds like a lot of money to 4fig fags, who will be posting here to tell me to "sell half" and other such pearls of wisdom. But it's fuck all in a first world country. Many households have this kind of money at my age (late 30s) and it's not even enough to buy the house I'm currently renting.

In the next year I will either lose it all, or make it to 9 figs.

Okay Mr. Jeet, sell us your shitcoin but only after you've proven your credibility.

200k/year passive income isn't enough to live on in a first world country

3.7M at 3% yields you about 12k/mo without even having to sell.

It's a Jeet you fools, he's about to name drop his village shitcoin.

Ina decade that few million won’t buy you a fucking apartment. Inflation newfags.

nicely done man, sell some of it and move into fiat, like yoou could easily dump a mil (over the span of 2-3 years) and put into safer shit with good interest. you're not gonna be spending that amount of money anyway so might as well realloc it sanely to reduce risk

fucking nigger tier iq retard, he said its in crypto, crypto is deflationary dumbass

It doesn't matter because most of the population won't have that yield so you'd be on top anyway.
By that logic, people would simply starve and solve your inflation problem while you survive.

ooooh ok it all makes sense now. thanks anon. this jeet almost had me

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nice larp poojeet

You are either larping or you have almost all of the supply. Most shitcoins have like 1 to 10 liquidity to mcap ration meaning a 100 mil shitcoin could have a 10 mil liq pool and that is a very very good case scenario. I had 10% of 3 2 mil shitcoins supply which I bought with $100 each and on paper it was almost mid 6 figs and I realized maybe 100k with twaping over multiple days/weeks. Anyway you sound like a retard or a larp and what you are saying i basically impossible or at the very least it's impossible to realize those gains. Also my captcha says total nigger death

sell some of it

kek. You poorfags are all the same.

no idea what my coin is

never seen the chart

doesn't know what it is likely to do


You are either larping or you have almost all of the supply

I have about 11.5% of the supply, anon. Simple to calculate that.

it's impossible to realize those gain

Today, yes, there's not enough liquidity obviously. The way this game works is that you slowly build a very large position in a coin BEFORE it moons, BEFORE it has good liquidity and attention, and then wait for those things to come. And at that point it becomes easy to sell.

I've been in crypto for over a decade and seen countless projects daily volume go from $ thousands to $ tens of millions.

It's not a guaranteed way to win, but it is the only way to win.

sell us your shitcoin

p.s. No, I'm not here to shill it. Why would you buy something merely on the basis that some guy on /biz holds 10%+ of the supply. How is that a shill point?

thinks he can sell 10% of the whole mcap of a shitcoin

Lol lmao

You have nothing

Every bullrun produces thousands of shitcoin-millionaires on paper like OP. Most of them are too greedy and cash out very little because they all believe that their special shitcoin is going to pull a Shiba, so most of them ride the shitcoin back down to zero while only a handful of people got out with a meaningful amount of money.

It’s funny how greed and fear are equally powerful emotions and causes most normies to lose all sense of logic and reason.

lol im a crypto richfag, got almost 1.2 mil now, roughly half of it in crypto.

either way, my point is that you don't need more money anyway, just life a good life already, hedge against shit and do setup annual returns that are steady. doesn't matter unless you crave to live a luxury lifestyle

The way this game works is that you slowly build a very large position in a coin BEFORE it moons, BEFORE it has good liquidity and attention, and then wait for those things to come

Yeah but you do this with multiple shitters, not having all of your money in a shitcoin that could collapse in days. You won't be able to dump all of it even if it's at half a billion, no matter how much the liquidity is scaled. I made more than 300x on a shitcoin that I owned 11% supply of, and I'm glad I dumped it agressively before nikkei shit it's pants because I would be toast now. Not diversifying if you are anything above mid 5 figs is crazy. 35 mil mcap is extremely fragile and a single whale can FSH it. Especially when no exchanges are involved in it.

Let’s hear it. Not cause I want to buy it but want to laugh at your shit pick.

can you be an angel investor and buy me a used $6,000 pickup truck so i can start my landscaping and cleaning business in exchange i can give you a percent of my profits?

in one shitcoin

are you against diversification out of principle or is it part of a calculated trade that you are planning?
in any case this seems like too much risk.

But it's fuck all in a first world country

if your shitcoin goes to zero tomorrow your networth is and let me quote you here, "illiquid shit".

I will either lose it all, or make it to 9 figs

when you make it to 9 figs, how will you allocate your portfolio?
will you remain in the shitcoin or buy another lowcap shitcoin and hope for another 10x?

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same here I have 5.6mil in $BIGCHUNGUS

mods this is a joke. Just realised I got banned I did this last time
IT'S A JOKE OK. DO NOT BUY THIS SHIT (if it even exists)

are you against diversification

I wrote a long and thoughtful answer to this but:

Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

Because jannies do not want anyone hearing the truth on this, I'm afraid.

when you make it to 9 figs, how will you allocate your portfolio?

will you remain in the shitcoin or buy another lowcap shitcoin and hope for another 10x?

In practice, I will find a way to fuck up again and again. Anyone who thinks they will just "cash out" and sit on a pile of dollars for the rest of their life is beyond deluded. My ATH last cycle was a lot higher than this, and even if you time the exit pretty well, you WILL get sucked back into something too early or too shit.

Understanding the meta game in this is crucial. Poorfags think it's just about hitting a 1000x but that's like step zero, and it's way more complicated than that, psychologically.

But yes, basically. It won't let me post properly but the way to left-curve this is to notice that poor people, noobs and angry 4-fig fags are "diversified" out of their fucking skulls. Anyone who ever "made it" in crypto did it by being all in with a huge starting allocation on very few, high-conviction plays.

It's hilarious that some people actually argue for having many low conviction plays with your attention divided. It has to be gate-keeping advice, to stop people from getting anywhere.

enjoy sitting in tether the whole time then, bro. Too scared to test yourself against the markets and against your own mind.

There exists some middle ground between being 100% cash and having 99% of your net worth in a lowcap shitcoin, the vast majority of which end up going to zero.

If you’re a 2x away from making it, being all-in on super risky shitcoins is fucking stupid, when BTC and ETH will easily do a 2x in the next bullrun

concragts sir, you are make it!

And Im looking for a 1980s motorhome under $3500 to live in.

That's impossible, because every time I put less than $1M into any coin, the coin is cursed forever, never pumps as VCs start dumping and increasing supply and insiders think that developers are cheating, not understanding that I have nothing to do with the developers and it's my money. It happens every single time.

who will be posting here to tell me to "sell half"

this happens everytime even after you called it
i wonder if these really are retards that cant comprehend money or bitter fags that lost it all crabbucketing others out of spite

You're literally retarded. $3.7 million of a shitcoin that has a total market cap of $35 million means that you own 10% of the entire market cap of something that nobody gives even half a shit about.

You're absolutely never going to be able to unload your bags on enough suckers to realize those "gains". There's nowhere nearly enough liquidity in that market.

But congrats on being the biggest bagholder of them all, I guess.

kys for down grading people, kicking them when they are down. good for you for having money, you don't have to gloat about it. you little bitch

I'm willing to do this. where are you located? whats your info?

You do realize it's a 1pbitd thread and he immediately switched ID's.
I sincerely doubt there's anyone helping anyone here, not anymore there's nobody here.

no I didn't realize, thanks for keeping me in check. G bless you

while we are here, you think its too late to buy bonk? any chance of it going up more? or you got other suggestions?

I don't know shit about altcoins or investing been out of the game for years now.

ah ok thanks anyways. cheers buddy

Cheers mate, careful offering money to people here, even someone like myself would be compelled to take advantage of that, and there's nothing but piranhas left here, if you're gonna invest in altcoins wait till a crash happens with the elections and wars about there's high chance for that, then you make big moves and you'll have much higher chances of a secured payout.

no risk, no reward. I appreciate you though brother. best of luck to all of us.

I don't disagree I made a living off shitcoins before my health declined and I took a bad hit in the head from a hit and run, but after it wrecked me from not thinking straight.
Everything is dicey with BTC going so high and alts not following its path, now you're in this strange position where if BTC takes a nosedive alts will take a harder than May 2021 hit, so say you had 10k and put it to the side, find your favorite altcoin pick Bonks not bad its got liquidity and wait for that massive moment, the bounce alone will give you good returns.

Don't be like me and fomo into things at the incorrect time, sometimes patience and delaying gratification will reward you better than temporary results.