DTCC interview on Chainlink yt

Has no one here watched this video or what?


“ The growth of these markets really underscores what everyone is seeing - that by 2030 they’re anticipating on the order of 15 trillion worth of assets on blockchain rails and far more transactions per day based on assets under management under blockchain.”

- Managing Director CTO of DTCC Digital Assets. Dan Doney

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Nothing ever happens, newfag

nobody cares stinker
the price will never pump

i think there is a weird CLG breadcrump related to this


i have the feelings that I needn't watch any more of it. We all know they won. The rest is details, legalities, and so on. I sit back back... and let them do their thing. In Sergey we trust.

beep boop

yeah i watched it. they basically had nothing to say about chainlink until they were baited by the chainlink interviewer. cringe af

Ive already made it, just waiting for the timeline to catch up

Cringe is an expression that noone here with self respect would ever have used. You are either new or a plebbit tourist

so what about chainlink, how does chainlink fit into this picture?!!?!?

yeah chainlink.. anyways…

interesting coping mechanism. but ok

How it fits? How doesn't it fit? It is the only yet (still) available solution to bringing the prices and the rest of DATA (DATA!) unchain. The rest of so called competitors try to bank on the idea while being a bridge that is non secure in addition.

kek you literally sound crazy man

holding those dino bags must be hard. i will pray for you

you’re talking about an erc10 yeah?

Do not ever think I allowed you to speak to me.

I have an idea retard. Do not buy chainlink? And never speak to me again too. Cheers, ya retard

coping mechanism

spamming every chainlink thread

i'm typing to you on an anonymous forum, not speaking, boomer.

How it fits? How doesn't it fit? It is the only yet (still) available solution to bringing the prices and the rest of DATA (DATA!) unchain. The rest of so called competitors try to bank on the idea while being a bridge that is non secure in addition.

imagine even writing this shit lmao linkcucks wnmi

anyway lets redirect this thread away from fuddie neurosis. DTCC stuff is a huge deal and has me insanely bullish. October is going to be glorious.

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but why isn't anybody talking about it? how is it possible that all these financial institutions are saying yeah blockchain is the future but 90% of the world still thinks blockchain is a scam? when will people realize?

it is true. All of it. The reason why bridges don't work is because they are insecure you moron

Just being around these trannies would make anyones skin crawl

But it is great to see DTCC hire Zach’s mom, “Big Pat” Rynes

For those of you zoomers, even liberal SNL used to dunk on trannies like Zach years ago. Google SNL Pat

90% of world thinks blockchain is a scam

Holy bullish

I’m gonna be 49 in 2030

financial institutions are saying yeah blockchain is the future

the next bandwagon is "ai is the future". these people made their career hyping up blockchain, of course they are saying it's the future

Your 50s are going to a blast anon

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k so what do we do with this information?

gets good news

what do I do?

feel good you fucking idiot

nah I posted about it earlier it's extremely bullish.

You fucking cuck

hey adem, how you doing today, man? feeling a bit better, I hope so. Link is having quite a day, I'm sure you're happy. Take care, dude

feel good about what? not making gains? lel bagoids

Dude why do you think everyone is Adem, i saw earlier you mistakened another anon also. Fucking rent free LMAO.

feel good you fucking idiot

Gay cuck

How do you know that was him lol. Checkmate nerd

Do you know what a meme is? do you even know where you are?

Can someone explain what’s happening with LINK baggies? It feels like they’ve really lost the plot LMAO

that's cool dude, glad to see your moxie is still up, take care man! keep up the twitter posts.

Yes. But unironically xrp tards have been clipping it to infer that it's about them lol

I'm 40, so yeah. Unironically.

LINK baggies are really committed to their bags, aren’t they? It’s like they think they’ve got the winning lottery ticket, while the rest of us are just here for the popcorn. This entertainment will never get old, LMAO

also RENT,

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