/GME/ - Comfy Friday Night Edition

Basic Information

gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

Daily reminder


Mandatory study time

The Everything Short




Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk


Failure to deliver


SEC 10-K Annual report FY23


GameStop Investor Site


What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?

DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

Real-Time Trades


Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions


All other news/DDs/etc

DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later

reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain

Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: As always:

sneed hedgies


GameStop Info

Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen

Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $4.204 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare

~72.8 million shares of ~426.5: 17% total held by Sep. 4, 2024

~74.6 of ~351: 21% by Jun. 5

~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,

~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co

Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,

12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22

and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021


Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares

'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Monday RRP: 380.372B, 71P = 5.357B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 388.977B, 65P = 5.984B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 416.193B, 72P = 5.780B per (roughly)

4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)


Q2 24 8-K/10-Q


2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.


798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency


100 page comparison DD


Legacy links

www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)

Use archives

Avoid DSPP:

GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%


Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

Built for BBC

kek glowie bot thread baggies

first to

kek baggies

in fake thread.

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kek shillies

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.

Thursday RRP: 424.916B, 70P = 6.070B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 436.518B, 59P = 7.399B per (roughly)

Thank you baker

So the lawsuit against Ryan has been dismissed. I wonder how that affects things.

inb4 he buys up the entire three ATMs worth of shares

based baker WAGMI. save this one for halloween

My astral connection to gme gives me the strong feeling that a large move in the stock price is imminent.

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based baker WAGMI. save this one for halloween

Nice one.

Absolutely shameless.

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Why would a bag Kekker care who bakes our threads?
What an interesting post

So those reddit posts about gamma squeeze on Friday were a bunch of nothing. That dude wrote entire pages with technical stuff. I don't think anyone knows something on reddit anymore. The dd books were wrote then authors left. As if they were hunted or were in fact high profile players.

kek dumbfuck weekend baggies

The dd books were wrote then authors left. As if they were hunted or were in fact high profile players.

I've read rumors that the best DD writers were given payments to stfu and sign NDAs to stop posting. Most took the deal

Original DD writers were paid off

Yeah I remembered the hype from the DD back then. It was so good that people changed their life trajectories. Now what we get is bathnigger-tier garbage. Quad witching? Again? If that original quality of DD were to be made in current year it would already be in the public consciousness. Think >Jet fuel can't melt steal beams. For them this is a cultural battle that they could lose in an instant. The FUD will continue until they run out if money. Then they will take massive loans to FUD some more. Buckle up

Anyone else thinks the Kansas Shuffle play is GameStop selling x shares, baiting hedge funds to continue shorting limitlessly, then GameStop buying the same x shares back putting the shorts in a negative position? This tightens their position and eventually they have to close because they can no longer afford to sustain it. Ryan is big brain, holy heckin’ shit!! I’m gonna buy an iPhone 16 Pro Max for myself and 5x PS5 Pro so I can do a Reddit giveaway!!

They were using retail FOMO on the run ups to re-enter part of their short position at a better price. The dilution means if they did the same they would be short at a lower price, which will be more painfull when it finally squeezes due to having 20 bil or something retarded in the war chest.

I wonder what day to day jobs those dd authors have. That precision implies serious brain power.

They were using retail FOMO on the run ups to re-enter part of their short position at a better price

You should have said this sooner.

The common man is beaten down. It could be anything or anyone in a moment of clarity

I can't believe I typed a captcha to post this, the thread

RC Ventures acquires a 9.8% stake in Bed, Bath and Beyond in 2022

RC Ventures had taken a 4.2% stake in the department store retailer in 2023

Notice a pattern here, RC is looking at department store chains in the past couple of years. There is a high probability with the $4.6B rising to $5B+ with more ATM offering he will buy a legacy retailer as part of his M&A target.

Victoria's Secret & Co (VSCO)
Marketcap $2.04 B
Revenue in 2024 (TTM): $6.12 B
Earnings in 2024 (TTM): $0.18 B
EPS in 2023 (TTM): $2.45

Kohl's (KSS)
Marketcap $2.32 B
Revenue in 2024 (TTM): $17.12 B
Earnings in 2024 (TTM): $0.66 B
EPS in 2023 (TTM): -$1.02

Nordstrom (JWN)
Marketcap $3.68 B
Revenue in 2024 (TTM): $14.96 B
Earnings in 2024 (TTM): $0.52 B
EPS in 2023 (TTM): $0.20

Macy's (M)
Marketcap $4.22 B
Revenue in 2024 (TTM): $23.50 B
Earnings in 2024 (TTM): $0.23 B
EPS in 2023 (TTM): $2.76

wonder what dd explains where we are now. so much has been written and alot of them have been discarded because they didnt play out, though i bet a bunch were still close to the target and probably have some relevance still.

All the DD has been public so hedge funds knew exactly what we were expecting. They're playing chess while we're playing battleboats. We only need to be right once.

in b5


they couldnt stop it either. alot of the dd relating to china is playing out right now. china's turned on the faucet. wondering what comes next. seems like moass after the election though shit is tearing at the seems. wonder how the port strike will affect the markets?

>for them


we're all interconnected and on the same path. we'll all be dragged in.

they are speed running what has happened to america starting in the 60's. It's just been compressed into 3 years.
certain countries in europe too.
notice the common denominator?
best not goyim! those other [insert race here] hate you! you cant let that stand! you must hate them back!
as was by design.


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I can't wait to see what new chicanery they pull to cheat themselves out of this

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Why does he have an image of PP and RC on the wall?

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Kek. Now you’re asking the real questions.

Same as it’s always been

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