Calling all cancer fags. Eat the habanero

The reason you die from cancer is because their is fibrin protecting the cancer cells and your immune system can’t get to it. The capsaicin in both peppers melts it.

When you eat a habanero or anything hot, you’ll get a runny nose and part of that is fibrin melting. And heat/capsaicin goes through the rest of your body and melts the fibrin around cancer cells too. Structure determines function and the cancer cells feeding tubes are demolished and cancer cell is exposed to immune system.

Here is a video of the guy who makes the Carolina Reaper on CBS morning show, and he kept having tumor regrowths that needed to be taken out. Every since he started eating hot peppers he has had no regrowth in years.

I also remember reading an article that can’t find right now that told a story of one of the Pope’s that died at the old age of 85 and lived until the 1960’s... but when he was 10 years old he was dying of cancer and one day just started enabling peppers and the next day he was fine.

Also... the lowest cancer mortality rate in the US is in New Mexico, where they eat Chiles and hot peppers like crazy

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stomach cancer is high in Korea because they eat a lot of peppers
also, not bizniss related

sorry meant for Anon Babble please disregard

Also cancer is high in Korea because they eat dogs

You vill enable the peppers

Quick you better go tell the Mayo Clinic about this astonishing breakthrough. I’m sure they’ve never heard of this before.

based pepper anon. glad to see you havn't died from cancer after all these years

shorting bell peppers (Ticker: BELL) and going all in on the habanero (Ticker: HABA)

t. pappy's farm stand insider

For me it's the many little currled tipped turds you make after eating these.

Reminding you to try fasting as well.
Don't worry, most of us are fat, we won't die from not eating for a month or 2. The alternative is death anyway.
You still drink water obviously. Should probably take electrytes too.

Starve the cancer.

(((doctors))) suppress natural cures so they can farm insurance money doing convoluted procedures and selling drugs

Many such cases.

Based thread I eat jalepeno’s and Serranos daily
Not true.

that's cause kimchi same reason japs get it from eating miso every day

just looked it up and the lowest rates of cancer are

Japan, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland

all heavy seafood diets
maybe I should eat more fish

The amount of conspiracy that would require would be astonishing. You should get off the internet and touch grass. Your mind is clearly rotted from this shit hole.

If that were the case, lesbians would never get cancer!

badum tish

yeah but look up stomach cancer

Glad to see there’s a contingent of habanerochads on Anon Babble. It truly is the most kino pepper. The perfect balance of heat and flavor.

Does anyone have some good recs for habanero sauces? The Tabasco one has been my favorite so far but my grocery store stopped carrying it.


not really. it all comes down to the fundamental misunderstanding of cancer as a genetic defect rather than a metabolic defect, and the incentives involved in discovering exclusive chemicals that kill cancer cells rather than heal them. the fact is that you can cure cancer with food and/or with gigadosed b vitamins and aspirin and/or with antihelminthics but you can't get a patentable drug to sell to cover the cost of RCTs that would make protocols involving these interventions the standard of care. very little conspiracy involved. doctors just have to be ignorant (the vast majority are) and pharmaceutical companies just have to keep in their lane (they make a shitload of money doing what they do, so they have no need to change).

Actually all evidence points to kimchi

you do realize chili peppers are an essential ingredient of kimchi, don't you?

Try pic related.

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specifically the endotoxin in kimchi

For me, it's the Adjuma. The best pepper.

Does anyone else think peppers are too cheap and maybe there's something a little racist about white people eating them as well? Come on folks, I think we need to push to get these things regulated y'all.

yep toxins from the kimchi, true

No plant antinutrient is good for raw milk and high quality meat

There are different varieties of kimchi and not all of them use peppers

I saw this theory on GLP years ago. Is Marie Sharps Habanero sauce a good choice? What about pic related?

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Why? Ive been eating kimchi for a year now. it’s supposed to be great for gut health. I thought stomach cancer is mainly h pylori related.

pepperanon, please keep posting, even if our overpaid janitors flag this thread. time is money the more you survive the more money you can make so this is a finance thread.
we should all grow our own peppers. they're easy to do in the spring & summer.

Marie Sharps is decent.

also peptides PNC-27 and PNC-28. Proven effective at killing cancer cells while leaving normal cells intact.

dog dewormer

oregano oil

black walnut



maybe ivermectine also

Can hot sauce work the same I use hot sauce alot mainly as a non fattening sauce and for flavor

Curing cancer is not an effective business model.

Ive seen an herbalist on YouTube say that administering cayenne orally can help stop a heart attack and shock too.

This guy is completely brainwashed tho

muh mainstream is so honest

Right, the spiciness is the toxin you taste its a natural warning
No animal will touch spicy food

Animals also have gay sex and practice cannibalism maybe you should go join them if you think they’re so smart

i would if i could

Animals use herbs and plants as medicine.

People are generally honest and decent, whether you believe that or not. What you’re implying would in fact require that thousands upon thousands of doctors and scientists are all in on the conspiracies together with no dissent. It is absolutely ridiculous.

Oh and before you call me a shill I denounce the Talmud and deny the holocaust

Research Hoxsey and then get back to us.

We already are in springfield ohio, you bigot. You should open your mind and be a little more progressive and eat some cats

No it literally has nothing to do with that. It is indeed very similar to the holocaust or 9/11. Centralized entities control the narrative in a top down manner. The average MD only knows what they were taught in the med school that is controlled by an allopathic entity.