All of my coins are pumping besides this piece of shit.
All of my coins are pumping besides this piece of shit
Is this surprising?
buy an ad
harassed about his skin color so much in the much older thread he makes a new one to deflect from his brownness
The next 30 minutes are unironically critical
What happens if no 30min volume?
Your mother dies in her sleep tonight
enjoy missing another bullrun because you're a cuck who married his shitcoin bags
just two more weeks bois! trust ze kerasu plan
Trust the kerasu plan and vote to give him more money!
This is a unironically a cult
Piece of shit 15 month old scam whose marketing is making threads and FUD posts on biz
seething baggie is having trouble coping with the fact that his limp token can’t get up like the rest of the market LOL imagine that
big gains
imagine being outperformed by a token that rugged twice. What happened to the shib connections? What happened to all the big eyes watching you guys? The partnerships? avibros…..
jesus fuck i just cant catch a break, if this thing sidelines me while already being down 90% i will rope
Apoo is just whalefags swinging creating fomo and dumping on more retards
INB4 cope
nah, i bought after pajeetius rug and was doing the same
bought a MI and a swingie stack and i'm literally doing this
apoo is free money btw
not only that but he panic sold the last of his bag from his suuuuuper secret orbiter wallet.
now we're going to launch skybridge without him.
KEKKKKK and it was INSTANTLY slurped.
1pbtid op
getting btfo in the other thread he thinks if he changes his id by making a new one nobody will notice
incredible levels of autism
but not enough to notice he talks the same no matter which ID he changes to
smug posting but still MISSING $174.5k
no look i'm a master trader look at my apu bags pump even though i panic sold them
bullied him into selling his 3m AVI bag and he capitulated within 24 hours of it being doxed
now we can launch skybridge without him
nooooo you don't know about my seeeeecret wallletttsssssssssss:
A: 0x8Af7Eca2c811173985B4bf32EA4d9828ad1eb2B2 = APU Baggy #1
B: 0xb408657a032c0df9a0d4a84a91d482a3f187b4d8 = Buying AVI #1
C: 0x6753294cA70D8cF921279eadfe327412452f53dF = Buying AVI #2
D: 0xfe25e68e1b4ae2f99bc53a4b64bdbb5e14ba1dc4 = APU Baggy #2
E: 0xA8e53Aaf83BDf7B5E501f0A4429E23D0A2e8e7D4 = Secret Orbiter #1
F: 0x2d0Acb1bfA6e913FE443B00FFCF638F680680a0e = Secret Orbiter #2 + 3M AVI
G: 0x8BA89495019397821ccebAc504550271010374Cd = Secret Orbiter #3
H: 0x44456138257fC2640be11E4D2882D9dCA277F0B6 = GNS #1
I: 0x88cB413bDaac2251866cfe3c29659f9EC079F1dC = GNS #2
J: 0xa7bb6c02fEa1EcD522680F66641CdA06f758a1E0 = GNS #3
CEX Wallets:
A: 0xba4d8eb1221af387c866bfeecc461e2b626d9373 = BloFin CEX #1
B: 0x59f51B73C1f9b68e153F969821ba37BCfF1C6a8d = MEXC CEX #2
C 0x4BB1F75114c7eAd11F859918aeaA02Be5eed539D = Binance CEX #3
the same retards moaning about being "rugged" last year would be up 36x if they had bought in September, and up 70x if they had bought in December.
when we say low patience zoomies have burnt out their dopamine receptors from 7 second tiktok videos and mind broken by the algorithm this is what we mean.
imagine panic selling the bottom, panic selling the top and then thinking orbiter transactions are private before you get bullied into selling your super secret 3M AVI moonbag you pretended you didn't have for months.
i mean, it's kind of a bummer, no? going on a year now and still no product. they're still working on the "skybridge" which was suppose to be the side project to the arcade. that has taken forever to roll out which gives me very little hope for the arcade.
posting in a shrimpys thread
I was just called a nigger in the telegram chat. Does the team support this level of racism in their community?
This coin is fucking gay and avifags are by far the most emotional bag holders on biz.
this is our competition
soooo what now??
Kerasu will put up a vote to get him more money and avi will continue to crab : dump for the rest of the year while they continue to cook in the background. Hey, as long as you think your vote counts, thats all that matters, right? Kek baggies
checking in for the first time since june. what the fuck did i miss? still no bridge? is this thing even still going on?
should i still be holding?? these bags are heavy when everything else is pumping
what would u buy random meme shit with n outility.
why are u ignoring plebbit sirs
im an autistic kissless virgin 6'1 subhuman manlet and im being everything on plebbit (3.5m mcap). it is a p2p public forum with no HTTPS endpoints or SSL making it actually decentralized and scalable).
i either make it in 2026 or i lose everything.
i will screenshot this post for future reference.
are they fucking serious? where is the bridge? WHAT HAPPENED TO SUMMER