I keep coming here since 2015

i keep coming here since 2015.
Havent seen shilling threads lately.
Shill me your under radar gems for the next bullrun.

keep coming here since 2015.

Still haven't made it


Timeleap's "Unchained" network is an off-chain/on-chain distributed computing platform that takes core concepts from Blockchain (cryptography, zkp, fhc, p2p, etc) while throwing away the bottlenecks (blocks, redundancy in computation and storage, mandatory consensus).
The network sits as a fully decentralized system of validator nodes that provide traditional computing resources to the network, and allow for non-blockchain computations (training AI models, distributed storage, web apps etc.) as well as on-chain computation (cross-chain bridge, custom L1s, interaction with EVM chains).
Nodes can participate with existing hardware as a "lite" node, or provided dedicated resources such as GPUs and CPU cores as a "dedicated" node and earn a percentage of client revenue for their additions to the network.

Unchained is currently in testnet with a mainnet date to be announced shortly.
Current live integrations:

Blockchain as a Service providing private L1s with validation via the Unchained network and connectivity to existing EVM networks (ETH, BSC, etc.)

Oracle Network providing decentralised price oracles for crypto pairs and verifiably random numbers

Deep Index providing blockchain data indexing and queries including Sync, GraphQL, MQL and R-API

Distributed computing for AI models and LoRA training w/ support for custom models and Hugging Face/Civitai

GhostFS providing remote access distributed storage for efficiently analysing large data sets within a distributed network

Tachyon (formerly Clio) a specialised computing language for building distributed computing nodes that runs as fast as native C

HSM a custom hardware security module to store and manage cryptographic keys in a provably secure setup

These features are currently live with paying clients and are actively being migrated to the Unchained network for the mainnet launch
Swiss registered company

APU the number 1 used meme
APU the number 1 meme coin
Dont fade mi fren

meme.png - 1445x1440, 2.47M

Shill me your under radar gems for the next bullrun.

there is none

i missed so many oppurtunites by not selling & buying different coin or just BTC or ETH always chasing alts with the vision of more gain.

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It still haunts me to this day. If i held longer or sold sooner for ETH/BTC at some point id be sitting on millions today

there always was
some AI coin this run will make millionares for sure

I’m all in on Tectum. Wish me luck bros.

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What you newfag didn’t learn is the cycles and when to buy and when to sell. Still you don’t get it and lament nit just holding eth…Kek.

the under the radar gems, you had to pick them up when bitcoin was $15k-$20k during the bear. not now. even the gems already did 10x to 1000x.

actually it feels like this bullmarket is nearly over.

you know what? ok ill effort post
the next trend in the age of technocracies and authoritarianism is decentralized social media.
Plebbit $3M MC
Utility = the first fully P2P public forum with no HTTPS endpoints or SSL certs, meaning its actually decentralized unlike federated social media.
Instead, it uses IPFS & IPNS meaning it is actually decentralized, scalable, resistant, free to use & opensource.
The token will be used for tipping & voting in a DAO to curate the default feed (virality & views will drive demand for the token as you can only vote with plebbit).
Shitposting is free & requires no signups.
Optional monetization will make running a subplebbit/board potentially profitable.
Plebbit was 100% airdropped to Anon Babble years ago so its actually grassroots unlike so many VC scamcoins shilled here.
It has working demos proving the whitepaper.
Pic rel

Shitposting is free & requires no signups.

will just turn into a bot/a.i fake site.

cope. the idea is to have a customizable anti spam mechanism.
admins can require that posters answer a particular captcha before they post. alternatively, they can require that posters have x amount of y crypto, be able to solve a quiz requiring x answer, hold a specific NFT or whatever other anti spam challenge they can code, to whitelist posting on a specific subplebbit/board.
this customizability between subplebbit/boards will make bot posting less likely (as bots would have to adapt to varied challenges which is less likely the more subplebbits are made and the more devs created different antispam challenges).

admins can require that posters answer a particular captcha before they post. alternatively, they can require that posters have x amount of y crypto, be able to solve a quiz requiring x answer, hold a specific NFT or whatever other anti spam challenge they can code, to whitelist posting on a specific subplebbit/board.

if a human can do it then a bot can do it. you can set up an account first and then run a bot on it too.


bitcoin interop
fast efficient unikernal smart contracts
on chain governance
on chain self funding mechanism
steganographic nfts
100k tps scaling solution

once it is fully built, zenon and bitcoin will be the unstoppable megazord that will run the future economy. fixes the problems of bitcoin and fully replaces broken protocols like ethereum and lightning network.

zenon replacing ethereum is a 22828x.

good luck anon, dig into it to fully understand.


the argument is that it would be more resistant than Anon Babble/twitter/reddit as the antispam challenge on plebbit is customizable and can evolve. this is because the protocol is actually opensource and free to use unlike centralized social media.

it just sounds like another token not needed project.

i was at this exact moment 3 times already.
the biggest pump is yet to come

have you ever made sixfig trade from few 100$ thrown into random shitcoin ? you will know how it feels. I managed to overcome my will to hold longer for more potential gain just few times

Anyone willing to send a third worldie like $10 worth of shitcoins on Binance so I can try my hand at growing it?

looks like total shit. no s820vcthx

I like these 3 and SYNT as low caps
obviously LINK and Silver always...

that's a long-haired man in his early 20s

the only things worthwhile lately are the memecoins for the 2 fat pumps they can have, maybe some for their airdrops, but that's solbank's problem

list.png - 754x710, 529.45K

Flux YIN

Both newer, little known, n I'm super happy about

why is pajeet typing style so easy to spot

They can't meme and type in 1940s English.

Havent seen shilling threads lately

Jan Jans banned all threads about cryptocurrencies unless they personally own them (mostly shitcoin rugs)

Bizbros, I want to buy Anon Babble pass so I can bypass ip range ban in my country so I can post thread about business opportunities in my country but I'm worried jannies will ban me for nothing and I'll just lose that 20$

Second question, I want to provide possible prospects in my country for foreign investors. And I will provide services like 1 hour video call for anyone who wants to ask about certain things in the country as a form of market study and cost estimation of a business project. It will be a symbolic price like 10$ or something.

Do you think this will work. I posted something similar a while ago and it was relatively well received by bizbros but then they banned all remaining isp ip ranges here.

I will also post an anti-trading general. I think trading, either crypto, stock market or any other variation, is just a big casino where people are taking each other money with no real value being given back to them. I think it's an immoral way of making a living and it's ruining humanity. It's no different than poker really.

What country are you from that the whole thing is range banned?

Algeria. I tried adsl, 4g from my mobile, and there was another 4g option not mobile related and it was the only thing working and it got banned too. I have no idea why, they keep banning everything from my country.

some AI coin this run will make millionares for sure

That's why I'm going all in on AUKI and CLORE.

Take it from me. Never go all in on anything in crypto. There is no 100% project. It's a myth. There is a 1000 way things can go wrong and I've experienced a handful of them while investing before I left this bullshit industry.

Could be Enqai. Who knows. It's a newer alt and it already made explosive moves in the past. It's the ai coin that I have the most faith in.

this bullmarket is nearly over.

why the FUCK do you guys keep saying this it drives me insane

before it went down for 4 months it went up for 18 months sir.

no one was saying 4 MONTHS into the bullrun that the bear market is over, they were saying it 2 weeks in. that's my point.

You should add Natix to your list as one of your bullrun gems. It covers both AI and the DePIN sector, and its product is used by over 160k users to earn rewards from driving.

Fairly certain TURBO is gonna moon again soon, then by December the supply will run out and I bet you can guess what will habben then.

why do women get uglier with age and men get handsomer?