Anything to invest in? Wallets keep climbing and they say its going to onboard normies.
Give me a list of things I should buy before the normies come to base.
What goes on here?
what goes on here
Nothing. They officially launched their wallet after memecoin mania, completely fumbled, and Solana has continued to consume them. Base will probably have its time in the future, but Brian, being a typical retard, fucked up the launch.
Whatever you do NEVR BUY any bride shitcoin that is related to base. VERY AVOID STATUS
Why not?
Seems legit, but isnt something like brett or baldi a more logical choice for a bullrun?
Basedlana lol lmao.
I dont know one is super low marketcap biztards and the other are big cabal. Depends on your risk tolerance.
You're welcome
Alienbase and Toshi. One is an amazing Dex with huge upside (just a $7 million market cap compared to Aero at like $150 million) while the other is the FIRST memecoin on Base, the name of the Base founder's cat, and the name of the first Base wallet (along with imminent rumours of listing on Binance and Coinbase).
Also, Base FUDers are retards. Yes, Coinbase is just going to let their chain die. They simply can't pull off what Binance did. Totally.
NPC and GNS (which is bridging to base)
i think the new found gamblers that will come assuming some absurd bull run will love gTrade
Found void a (basket of LPs) which auto buys and burns it's tokens. Neat thanks.
Wasn't sure I found the right YIN
Alienbase looks neat too. Toshi looks like it's mooned I would get dumped on in the short term.
Gdi NPC is mooning too
GNS hasn't mooned will have to see if they pull volume on base.
It's called Flux Yin on base. It's the same dev as void, but this one does an hourly burn
Base will become relevant again now that ETH gas fees are going parabolic. Slurp all the big coins before it's too late. Some are already up 50% today.
GNS' gTrade moving there could be a catalyst for growth, there's not a whole lot of competition on Base as of the moment. GMX and HL are fucking it hard rn though
Ty for clarifying
is gains even usable on base? blocks are so far apart it must sucks for scalping
might be cool when skybridge is out
Only sigma niggas will get it. On God sigma doge is the rizzler, on apestore
What goes on here?
This, and Boomer.
Normies don't care about crypto. The only reason they ever did was because they were forced to stay home and were getting unemployment checks from covid shit. That likely will never happen again so if anyone ever tells you the ominous normie market will save their coin, it's already over.
what if you don't even need to buy it but you can just earn it by playing minecraft?
There's a DePIN project called Auki here that you need to invest in.
How are we feeling, Okayegbros?
You don't want to get farmed by Anon Babble(((bros)))?
Shilled here at $100k. I got banned twice for trying to start a thread on it… Check out the chart and the TG. Thank me later
ya i just read the whitepaper and its pretty great, but i worry the recent pump was all just twitter hype or whatever. it has super low volume
base token airdrop when?
The one I recommend is QAN. Lots of big guns are already jumping on this gem.
Only ARB holders use BASE because there aren't any decent memes on ARB. Circle, triangle and void have all been picking up speed because of the high transaction rates. I just got a 3x on triangle because it's mcap is so goshdarn low but it doesn't look like a good buy for whales. Stick to circle probably. Void is a decent risk but could pump pretty hard.
This hit another ath last night btw. Thanks to the anon that shilled this in August