If you had 200k what would you invest in?

If you had 200k what would you invest in?

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I would invest in a really good mattress. Saves you a lot of future back pain

$170k into rental property

$30k to clone my favorite cat

well with 200k (plus what i have in the bank) i could buy a house so that's what i would do

That's $1 million

based rare autist who can count to 10

Fantom before Sonic goes live

Salaries for the soldiers.
Bribes for the warlords but who I will eventually kill too.
100k for a UN 'peace' mission there to face the toughest resistance.


I invest in cringe every paycheque

i would invest into VIP self improvement seminars to gain knowledge on how to make 2 million

$180k into stocks (lets say 10k a month for next 18 months, double down if it dips hard)

$20k into sealed pokemon booster boxes (i'd say roughly 100 paldea evolved + 100 twilight masquerade is best bet) in 3 years that'll easily be worth $40k, repeat process and move profit into stonks

10% metals (ETFs, stocks, physical)
10% ETFs
25% BTC
25% mortgage (if i had a hob)
30% altcoin
10% some random shitpost in an emerging field that could gain traction.
eg plebbit 3.2m mc
it is a p2p public forum with no HTTPS endpoints or SSL making it actually decentralized and scalable).
the token will be used for tipping & voting in a DAO to curate the default feed (virality & views will drive demand for the token as you can only vote with plebbit).
shitposting is free & requires no signups. demos work.
optional monetization will make running a subplebbit/board potentially profitable.

Booster boxes on god fr no cap question mark?

Money market fund at 5% apy until ze crash happens



Nothing. Keep it all in cash spread across 4 different banks

I'd give it to my pastor like a good Christian.

House deposit, a couple of rare books and a handjob.


rest is just a matter of time

If I just randomly received 200k? Index fund and forget about it.

Just split it between the high caps, like, Solana, avax and Ethereum, can’t go wrong there.
You could also use superbots to do the trading while you do other things, 'cos its easier with it.

Yeah, and add some pepe and flt since i can easily restake it on parasail and leverage pepe to make some quick gains.

WHy is this exact "what to do with 200k" thread made so often on Anon Babble in different variations? What is the agenda??

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Fantom’s hella undervalued right now, feels like a solid buy, while also keeping some tether ready for Tribally's TGE.

a 10 year old lambo

Finally start a business.

inheritences after boomers pass on


I really want throw some cash at this, but I still can't wrap my brain around it, feels like I’m missing out, but gotta figure it out first.
The crazy part with it is that it doesn’t even take a cut when the trade flops, which barely happens anyway.

That would be AUKI. Since its launch, it has put in some strong performances, demonstrating its potential.

130k btc
70k eth

If you had 200k what would you invest in?

AI tokens all the way. Tao, Nai, GRT. And maybe sprinkle a bit into some solid L1 projects (Avax and Near) and DeFi too, just to hedge the bets,

Tribally's TGE.

It's partnership with Sky Mavis is a huge flex, considering they’re the minds behind some of the biggest games out there, including Axie.

that is too much for altcoins

yep they're one of the best returns for past like 25 years

$1k for a one way ticket to Pattaya
$199k for ladyboys and meth

75 ounces of gold will fit in a single small pelican case.

My tarot bags are doing quite well lately. With $200k, I'd buy more Ondo, BTC, and gold.