Time to cash out?

We been crabbing for months and are just now seeing some green even with the ETF. Is now the best time to sell and buy my dream house? I'm afraid of some election season black swan or something


built in 1890


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There's an addition

What an abomination. Wouldn't pay $300k for that.


The entire house?

owning a home within 50 miles of filthydelphia

No, thank you

dystopian globo homo architecture

Why not cash out half you need and wait with the other half?
Why are you niggers always so all in timing retards.


What do you mean? it's comfy. Walking distance to a river to fish/kayak, a park, ice cream, bars/restaurants. Great place to raise your kids

nah its some North East rules
if you keep up some of the old walls and call it a renovation permitting and a bunch of shit is way easier for the builder.

You're not going to walk with a kayak. You don't even have a garage. You going to walk down the side walk carring fishing rods with a kayak in tow?

t. kayak fisher

You're not going to walk with a kayak.

No but I could walk if I'm fishing

You don't even have a garage


You going to walk down the side walk carring fishing rods

I can tell you're a basement dweller anon. That's exactly what I do currently and what I will do.

Brown people will never understand this lifestyle

catch any nice kayaks lately?

Have some decency and at least get a shitbox to transport you personal belongings in private. If I caught you walking around tranporing laundry, groceries or fishing rods I'd beam you with a piss bottle you vagrant.

walking around outside with your legs while carrying an object

this angers and scares the american

The idea of walking with your son to the local watering hole and spending the afternoon in the shade is completely mind boggling to this brown anon

Sad stuff. Thread theme


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nigga what the flip

Soul crushing architecture.


nostalgie for a time you never even experienced yourself
the boomers stole so much from us


based element enjoyer

hello police?

a GROWN MAN has entered my store wearing a boom bag

NO he DOESNT have a car

is watched him WALK from across the street

yes we are sheltering in place

well you'd be correct in assuming its real value. too bad we have to compete in the housing market with the literal entire world now so everything is inflated

lmao i drove there to pick up a car once. nowhere in that place is worth 1m

Beetlejuice-ass house

Honda really needs to bring those back

That is one of the ugliest houses I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

So they just backfilled the space between the stairs and the garage with loose soil and fucked off? Why didn't they do any additional landscaping? You should lowball them for that.

Looks like straw on top of seeds

Open lawn is nice to have.

Looks like a miniature commie block with a porch

is this glitch in the matrix? part of NYC tower rendered in detroit or something?

i did that for 3 months and became skinny from a fat fuck, try it, fat fuck

buy the block next door as well and plant some fucking vegetation. trees and shit. make it a jungle.