What if thousands of banks start using Chainlink’s services to upgrade their backend infrastructure...

What if thousands of banks start using Chainlink’s services to upgrade their backend infrastructure? What impact would this have on the token's price?

Seeing how it's been public information for years it would probably dump.

That's why the fud campaign. There's greedy people buying cheap. think about it.

I don't have the copy pasta but someone did the math for what prices would be if each different partnership went live. Even if the total crypto market cap and btc stayed the same, and ONLY swift was implemented, we would be at $158.

Link wants to help the banks? I'd sell everything if I had any.

maybe soon
maybe it doesn't work out
but it is worth a bet

It will shoot up to $20.

Nice trips. Personally I think it will easily reach the thousands.

What impact would this have on the token's price?

Link will try to pump.
Bitcoin will take a massive shit.

it was around $200 with SWIFT
around $2500 with euroclear
and $9k with DTCC
all based on full adaption individually and on assumptions about transaction numbers etc.

It's over bros, our Chainlink journey ends here. The Great Reset timeline has come at a crossroad with humanity. The magic is gone, the memes are stale, the shills have been uncovered, the agendas laid bare for all to see, i-i-it's over marines...only tears from here.

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The new bull thesis:

we may have lost the biggest client in the world, but just wait until they get hacked

Swift is 11k banks, it makes Blackrock look like a lemonade stand.

good point. Do we have a figure for the sum total of transactions processed by the 11k Swift bank members annually?

sum total of transactions processed by the 11k Swift bank members annually

bruh, it's gotta be in the hundreds right?

the absolute ridiculousness of this assertion.
there's 400 million of them still to sell.
400 million.
the only fudders are frustrated holders who aren't sure if they made the right investment.

the impact would be that token not needed

Anon Babble simply doesn't have the required IQ to answer the question.

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Portals can't move, just like link can't pump.

which also looks like a lemonade stand next to euroclear and DTCC

A. It would get through the portal more quickly but not carry any momentum

Anon really said thousands of banks like chainlink is bitcoin kek, it'll take a lot to get banks to trust such product

Personally, I'm done with link and now moved on with icp, filecoin, apt and sol

What is chainlink without the token then?

Link pump incoming, it's close now

Link pump incoming, it's close now


The whole market pump is incoming.

there's 400 million of them still to sell

They're not for sale, though. Nor are mine.

it'll take a lot to get banks to trust such product

who do you think Swift are?

don't sell

Nobody wants you to sell, retard. Please keep buying.

Nobody wants you to sell

you clearly do

The jews want me to sell

The bulgarians want me to sell

The nigerianswant me to sell

Dumbass. I told you keep buying saar

spends all day, every day, reee-ing about chainlink

but i really think everyone should buy it

uh-huh. you're fucking thick, you slimy little cunt. get off our board and kys you piece of human garbage

good pick on fil but it's relatively boring and barely does anything like link, only positive is getting to delegate it on parasail

Can it come sooner pls? I need to make it and turn my life around for the better

If you can wait until March 2026 you are all good.

Up to 19% reward rate with potential airdrop in the future, can't complain

Except you've been bumping this thread since 8 hours ago, check your projecting you absolute seething baggie. Please do not redeem and keep buying saar.

That's not a very smart comparison anon, filecoin is clear off link even though linkies are delusional

Except I'm invested in Link, and you're invested in making me sell my Link, and it' ain't gonna happen, you filthy son of a bitch.
You lose, buddy. I win.
Ha ha.

Only makes sense if you're not losing a large portion of that to market volatility

I don't think I'm that patient lmao

Would be interesting to know how you came to that conclusion

h-he wants me to sell

For the third time, please continue buying LINK. No one cares if you decide to sell. Congratulations on 'winning'

it won't need to wait until then when everyone rushes to create staking stacks, it's inevitable.

there isn't demand for dumps of 20 million tokens. You think there's demand for a dump of 400 million?
they have to do some of the travelling sales tour that's about to start again to dump the latest batch and also have enough momentum to get through the next dump. what's worse is you know that but you're pretending there's a world of fuddies out there. there aren't, it's just holders who want to see adoption and are annoyed and are also annoyed with all of the unkept promises that chainlink make and the lies.


what if

what if

there isn't demand

just keep pretending Swift aren't about to begin creating that demand. maybe if you do it over and over, maybe, with any luck, someone will sell.
not likely, though kek

spends all day fudding Link

"i want you to buy Link!"

nice story. that's exactly what i do. and everyone else here, to, including you. this ain't working out too well for you, is it? kek you utter dick.

What if nvidia switched to accepting only FUN instead of regular cash payments

Why is this community so unhealthy and how do you fix it?