What's, your plan a and b for the bull run? Are y'all locked in for this generational wealth transfer?

What's, your plan a and b for the bull run? Are y'all locked in for this generational wealth transfer?

watch the fireworks

ZNN.png - 347x424, 189.8K

I have got no plans

I've been waiting for fucking years. Now I keep hearing it's about to start for fucking months.
Get on with it already!

My plan a and b is to invest in post quantum cryptography projects

Fuck you bitch. What do you mean?

I will make do with layer 1 projects

My plan is to farm airdrops

Dumfags think that they are going to make it. kek

plan A

already positioned in memecoins
have more btc ready to throw at any upcoming ones
start selling a few % as retail comes in post btc ATH
probably October onwards
almost fully scale out by early next year or even end of year if things are heated

plan B

still have my huge stack of eth and bnb
similar profit taking strategy as above

im retiring either way bare some black swan event
but potentially i might be filthy rich

I'm going to ride a public Bitcoin miner WULF as a proxy for BTC because it's a leveraged play and all of my gains will be tax free as this is from within an IRA.

I have gotten airdrop from sei, qan and zero jus this year alone

biz is not for you, if you are not taking any action

I am locked in on qanplatform anon

Lets watch it together

I guess i will give you the alpha since you one of the few niggas that asked. major things that fix bitcoin like built in governance system, built in self funding system, and upcoming merge mining are the alpha.

NIST being bullish on it was the cue for me. Nothing better than that.

I've been waiting for fucking years. Now I keep hearing it's about to start for fucking months.

Get on with it already!

Chill anon. You never gooned?

I only have a plan and that is longing ETH for the time being

Imagine being early in this sector while other persons continue chasing after shiny shit coins

Nobody has made it from biz

I have made 5x from holding this

He probably did goon

Agree. The ones that are developer friendly will usher in more unique dapps

Hack into peoples wallet, those that have made

The airdrop stimmy from the project took me unawares

ETH won't have a swell day again. Its run has ended

It is not even quantum resistant

I don't think there will be a massive bull run like we had the years before. That's why I now cashed out. 50% will go into stocks the other 50% goes into a house. Feels comfy. I haven't made it fully yet but I don't mind working in a cushy home office job for a couple of years more.

I hope you will make it too, but remember that crypto is just a redistribution and you will need some exit liquidity once you want to cash out. So don't wait too long.

How many projects has adopted this recommendations from NIST?

Join a cabal shitcoin and get off nicely

I don't think there will be a massive bull run like we had the years before

i agree

That's why I now cashed out.

I havent yet but will likely get most out by end of the year
im paying particular attention around election day

I am thinking there might be another one soon

How profitable can this be?

Well, half of my portfolio is in USDT earning a very decent APY. The other half is distributed among BTC, eth, chainlink, dot and some obscure tokens.

Plan A: we have a bullrun with its altcoin season and I sell all my alts, half to usdt, half to btc.

Plan B: No altseason and just keep earning the juicy apy and keep accumulating btc

A narrative that a member of Ethereum foundation has eyes on is definitely worth something.

Based. Same here. Also Chainlink.

That's balderdash

It went from 14k to 73k quite recently


I only two projects that adopted this for now. Qan and QRL

of course

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Have you ever wondered where your "juicy apy" for tether is coming from?
Who is paying for your interest?

The queen of crypto will always thrive

Why do yo think so? how do i qualify for it?

How many moths pump was that?

Why is QRL here? I know a failed project, whenever I see one