Dogecoin general

$30+ very very soon

How soon is very very very soon
when can I expect to rotate my BTC to Doge


Likely by October 2024 all the way to April/May 2025

Swap it now!

I can't fucking believe you jeet nigger pajeet just fucking convinced me to do it
Let's fucking go anon to the fucking disgusting moon nigga

redpill me on the TA and the narrative, I've been browsing the doge generals for the last couple days when they began. what's the exepctative? Will it at least reach the previous ATH even if 30 is not guaranteed? I have been personally predicting it to touch 1 dollar or more.

Nigger I'm not a niggerjeet

I don't know I merely repost shit from X.


that would put it at a marketcap higher than $4.5 trillion

damn I just bought the heaviest fucking bags in the universe gooddamn

Yes but Bitcoin's marketcap will be at least 2x that so who cares.


it's not going to reach half of bitcoin's marketcap

This sounds disingenuous. And im a doge maxi. This is the time of the cycle when alts lose sats. Btc is set to rip. And BTC dominance has broken out of a 10 year down trend. Unprecedented. Not so sure it’s time to swap that Btc for doge. in fact, I think we go lower on the Btc value. Buy in a couple months maybe?
And I say all this knowing thatdoge will be used by twitter to spend Btc on the backend. Elon told us this years ago.

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who cares about this shit its not even funny. le heckin doge

Shut up you retarded nigger

You should consider this

dogcoin lovers suck their dogs dicks

Let's say $300+ that's better then I can sell my btc eth vesta sol and my stocks to this memecoin retire for good

Women don't invest in crypto

this dog pumps.


$25+ early next year!

Fine. Bought more. Just because doge is the second largest super computer in the world. And is arguably better than BTC.

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this guy fucks

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Any advice on pools? I got a new GPU doing nothing.

need a scrypt/litecoin miner. 1500 days or so to break-even now. just goes to show price should pump soon. if it takes 3 months to break-even on your rig, its probably time to leave crypto for a while. great time to enter when it takes YEARs to break even.

Based. Yeah, I got a rtx400 already and solar. More a learning experience. 0.66 cents per day with free energy. Minus heat cost too, kek.

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at this point I don't mind dogcois, I no longer see them as pretentious garbage, even though people like mark cuban would rather have a pet rock than btc, I'm at peace with crypto, I even now have a Rocky bag, I have finally accepted the absurdity in my heart

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sui and make it? sitting on 12k DOGE, wanna bump to a nice even 20k.

bagholders? LOL


He doesn't know.

I have 1 btc I’m willing to swap into this. Convince me to or not to Anon Babble

damn doge baggies are really desperate lmfao. they sell at any chance they have over 0.11
literally no reason not to. return is to be expected either the same or overperforming.

I like dogecoin, but cmon nigger this is going to like 1 dollar max.

Where is this $30 dollar meme coming from?

It's clearly going to at least $10. come on guys.

$30 is coming from X. I fully support this claim as it's going to perform extremely well with Musk's continued support and X payments/ Department Of Government Efficiency. Shit's about to get wild!

whatever you say ranjesh

Nonsense meme lines used to fuel copium that he will make it

Will doge coin allow me to buy my wife of my dream and feed my village saars praise Vishnu

can't believe there are retards like OP who believe doge will go to 4.5 trillion market cap

Too da moon saars bloody basterd benchod

Nigga Bitcoin will exceed $10t early next year... imagine being this delusional!

This is your strongest case and why I swapped. Saying it NOW that doge will need 4.5 trillion sounds stupid, but BTC MC's will grow too. It wasn't accounted.
30 dollars is... unlikely. 10 keeps my hopes up, but to be truthful with 1 dollar I'd be content.

Just invested $3k what should I expect

it's not going to pass $1T mcap. it MIGHT get to $150B. i'm not even fudding, a 10x on anything at doge's current marketcap is awesome.