BBBYQ - Ryan Cohen DRS numbers are interesting edition

ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud

Share Buyback Fraud Explained

Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

bbby "class action" case against RC
CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM

Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed the other day. But his "pump and dump" case is still active and may be holding things up.

Bad actors are attempting to delay the chapter 11 proceedings for as long as possible, stay comfy and expect delays, nothing is finalized until the chapter 11 has fully concluded.

Larry Chen, who is a current board member of GameStop went onto theppshow.

previous thread:

Who is Nick Lewin?

He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda

He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities - Hunter Biden, Edward Kim, et al.pdf

He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)

And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond

ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud

Larry Cheng went onto theppshow

pic related

inb4 the schizoid spammer


Bless the baker! Let’s go!

A pink ID? I can fuck with that

Did Alexander "PPseeds" Zarac ever show his BBBY position?


Hmmm interesting

Early Life.jpg - 241x363, 33.52K

Why would he not YOLO his position? He sat on a couch?

I honestly wouldn’t know the fact that you do means you watch his streams while I never have which is bizarre. I bought bbby because arguably the most famous glownigger in the gme threads would spend hours telling me not to.

Great blurry screenshot you stupid fucking nigger.

I thought Jake was the one that sat on a couch?

They share a couch, all of it will be cleared up on tonight’s PP show, he will have to give an answer right?

BBBYies are claiming to leave this thread for GME because discussing BBBY in the BBBY thread is, intolerable but they have been doing this the entire time anyways, interesting

he’s also aware of reddit speak

Reeeeeee! Oh no! I am offended, how dare he!

If the stock does not trade it must be delisted, can I get an amen!

If you ever heard Edwin speak, he sounds 18-21 range.

Dude already grifting instead of getting a job

deflect deflect deflect

Why hasn't Alexander Zarac, the biggest BBBY hypeman, ever disclosed his BBBY(Q)position? This is interesting.

I legitimately don’t know or care. The only thing that matter is that once held bbby all the way to 0 and that makes you mad for some inexplicable reason. So much so that you watch pp streams and post in thread for a stock you hate for free. Anyone who held bbby is atleast using their cope to stay here. Yet you and that other “autist” live here 24/7 just because they annoyed you. I’m sorry I just don’t believe autism is the reason for this.


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Why won’t BBBY’s go in on this Americana piece? Interesting

I don't care

Nice deflection. Why hasn't the man (lol) who made his channel to discuss BBBYQ never disclosed his BBBYQ position? There is no proof even that he ever held BBBY/Q

I can answer this, it’s because he never owned nor owns class 9 stocks however the YouTube views by this patrons sure as shit pay for his GME investments

12 posts in a 28 post thread

You the real MVP

Ok, so back to it, Larry, pp show, talking about chewy = BBBY coming out of being delisted

Is this the state of the stock?

Go DM him and ask if you care so much faggot.

I don't know anything about him other than the facr that he's a bbby grifter cuz you fags wont shut the fuck up about him

deflect deflect deflect

I don't know anything about him

his subreddit literally in the OP


That's not even my post you parasite.

If your stock bashing contract was earlier you'd instantly recognize which anon that is but you can't cause your bitch ass just started last week

he's using two IDs to back himself up kek

I can't wait for your jail mate to stomp on your throat

I can't wait for your jail mate to stomp on your throat

Angry copeposting

Explain Nick Lewin info in the OP without seething

You’ve never spammed this one in GME, if you would so kindly explain

newfag detected

Read the op of the thread you are trolling perhaps?

Ah so you would like to gatehold information?

Let's be clear Dick, it's ok If i call you Dick right Richard?

Me researching BBBY is null and void because I can not trade the stock, everything here is to basically say how your stock is the 2nd coming of the anti-christ, so please, explain to me why Nicky matters, or is spoon feeding time over?

fresh linen.gif - 480x270, 1.79M

Also, tell me about PP, why does he never smile? Richard Newton has a godly smile, and the hair, your guy? Come on, who you trying to kid, BBBY is "gods chosen" stock, then who is the god?

You ain't selling it to me

he literally CANNOT discuss Nick Lewin


why does he never smile?

He doesn't want to be found out.

inb4 post the unedited pic

Bros we fucking won bros it's this week we get paid this week bros okbet said so on the ppshow bros they wouldn't lie to us they are not grifters they are vital to this community if you disagree with me you are a paid stock basher shill

Ok what would you like to discuss? Sounds like a black guy, am I warm? Was he at a Diddy Party? Who fuck is Nicky and why should I care?

This can't be disputed, it's this week for sure.

These links will show you why to care. Keep seething and pretending you don’t know anything about this. Unless you aren’t an oldfag and never lurked and are here to simply slide :)

Anon? Where are you? Spam all day and suddenly silent? Were you not here even a year ago or were you lying? Please answer, this thread needs your guidance.

envision a room of platinum sparkles lookalikes frantically jotting down how to respond to this on a whiteboard

Anon, it’s not your lunch break. Your time off task report will be bad this week if you don’t respond.

Where did he go?

>I am more autistic than you

haha lets fuck baby girl, Nicky, I really don't know no Nicky, has he been on PP show? You don't bring him up enough for me to know, you see all my information comes from the repeating posting you guys do, and that is why I am here now

BBBY Zeal.jpg - 350x250, 12.83K

So strange. He doesn’t want to talk abott it bbby anymore I guess.

Oh I'm here, unless you want to open the front door, I still need to do my work inbetween posting

can’t discuss Nick Lewin

has to pretend he didn’t just read all my links

Wait until the fellas over at /gme/ hear about this

Was Nicky on the PPShow, answer the question

Hey, lets keep it here, he is an interesting character, is he class 9 certified?

the waruso links show a Nick Lewin copy pasta that was spammed in October/November

the defender of Gme does not remember

he will not click on Nick Lewin links

he will not engage this one part of bbby discussion

Nick Lewin is the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, one of Ryan’s picks for the bbby board. He is a federal agent. Would you like to discuss this?


No idea why my ID swapped I hate phonefagging

See now I can fuck with this.

BBBY was a honeypot set up by the feds, fucking kino.

You still aren't making millions back out of it though.

weak response only when discussing Nick Lewin

This is priceless. Seriously, thank you.

Any time bubba

Are we going to discuss the emergence from bankruptcy I'm getting kind of fidgety

Do you even post in gme about anything other than you side quest in here?


Yeah sure do, just that its in crab mode so it's much more entertaining to come here and play.



Kek dumbfuck baggots can't pump their shitstock


It's so perdy








thanks retard