Chainlink survivors safe space

So I've started to pick up on the fact that cult might be threatening people from leaving. Share your story here and also keep in mind, you are not alone!

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I'm tired of getting bullied on this board. I'm no longer going to post here. Later.

so i guess the main questions are -

a) has the cult made threats towards you, directly or indirectly

b) if so, care to share them?

c) or if you don't care to share exact screenshots because you've been threatened, care to just tell us the story in generalities?

did they do something to you? Dude I can help you, but you have to say something

as an observer I'm having a really hard time trying to figure out why people are terrified of obese people, but I think I'm missing part of the puzzle

That's the only way I can comprehend the fear. The way people pose questions to the cult, you'd think they were asking dangerous druglords in Mexico a question

Something just doesn't add up here...

Has there ever been a bigger circle jerk than the twitter Fud army of Porn addict Adem, Alcohol and drug addict Apeyieldgod, Farmer Bob, TT faggot, and the exposing Chainlink faggot in the OP? They literally just respond to each other's otherwise low engagement posts all day every day. Absolutely pathetic existences.

i just... hate link
everything about it makes me... ughhhhh

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Sergey will end up being charged with wire fraud and embezzlement by eoy.

Screencap this.

The absolute state of Link fudders

Kek json id

He will go to prison for crimes against humanity

here's an example of how someone should disagree with the cult online

predictably, fat zach did not have the balls to respond. You gotta come at them like a man, not a little bitch cult member

how small are cult members that you're scared of a disgusting obese whale?

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stinky linkies are torturing themselves as the fat man dumps on them, meanwhile everyone said plebbit would rug yet after 2+ years plebbit increase from 200k to 4m mcap with a working demo proving the whitepaper.

plebbit.gif - 300x250, 2.38M

and just to update from this post, fat zach chose option B, just like the coward he is

cult members have no balls

how much do you hate that you can't censor free speech on the internet

Link cult is the liberals of crypto, cupcake soft, all bark / no bite

THE Cuckolds of crypto

is fat zach ok? he had another meltdown

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to the cult -

a) how much does it bother you that you aren't intimidating to real men like myself?

b) how painful is it seeing cult members leave like this?

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seriously tho, that securitize thing has to hurt

how much does it suck that you can't censor public opinion?
to any cult members that have been threatened, YOU HAVE OPTIONS!!!

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long time cult members have even started speaking up

so do not have fear, you are not alone

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lol you're getting locked up!

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no clue who that is

part of incel revenge fantasy?

it's great when the obese cult members try to talk in veiled threats

and then there's an hour long break in between posts while they catch their breaths. All that typing in one post can wear you out when you're an obese pussy

sup faggot

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all these threads of this poor fuck talking to himself

what a sight, what a life

spotted another team cult member on x trying to gaslight

it.... just doesnt work anymore does it? The cult is in absolute PANIC MODE

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yet here you are, reading through it all, in tears, bc the cult isnt working anymore

poor guy

its been pretty funny, but ive never seen someone so unhinged on this board. i think he is actually going to try and hurt clg. he has already insinuated a desire for violence on multiple occasions. i hope the right people have taken notice because this is obviously not going to end well with someone who has a history of mental illness.

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The fud cult is in absolute panic mode knowing that Sibos and SmartCon are right around the corner, where news will be dropped that will ignite the fabled golden run up to $1000 by EOY.

Was that Fernando or Francisco Gonzalez guy who threatened violence against Sergey on Twitter constantly actually just an Adem alt account all along?

Was he an alt account? Kek it would be gold. Please provide some crumbs. It would make him liable.

GAY id


lmao no that'll never happen, these types of people only act tough online.

You will be hunted down and made into examples or simply erased from reality if you attempt to leave our cult, and I yearn to be the one to hunt you down.

I keep coming back to the fact that I cannot believe these are grown men. At least, "men" on paper. Can you even imagine exhibiting this kind of behaviour? Tucked away in an online community posting negative obsessions compulsively?

Spoiler alert: No

real men

Post wrist

arent you that guy that started throwing a tantrum because someone called you out in that other twitter thread for replying to yourself under 4 different ids like 20 times with the same obvious / cringe writing style and weird cuck porn obsession?

same price as 4years

everything else pulling 10x's and shitcoins doing 100x's

Linkcels on suicide watch


I bet you're the same fudfag that had the ImGay ID a week or two ago.

I'm never selling nigger.

wait wait wait i'm so confused...

I thought you guys were hard? What happened to posting le "im outside of the apartment" pics of thomas place in wherever the fuck? You give up on that after realizing how limp, weak, and c-u-c-k-e-d you are?

Fernando still posts here and there. You realize you can just log onto x and confirm for yourself right kid?

the hilarious part about cult cucks like this is they rely on this dead website for all of their news. This is why they havent made money off crypto in 4 years

that's literally so hard to do its almost impressive. My dead grandma bought a cat coin last week and is up 2x.

How you doin?

bahahhahahhahahahaha sup bitch?

lmao no that'll never happen, these types of people only act tough online.

this is literally the opposite fishy. I'm the one who wants to setup a sanctioned fair fight in real life. We'll see how tough you fat nerds are in person

i think he is actually going to try and hurt clg.

nah... you're being a little liberal bitch right now. These pussy comments are why linkies are so shit on. No one is going to attack anyone. If I were to do that I'd be charged with hitting a retard and no one needs that shit

I'm talking about two "men" agreeing to a boxing match.

you know how to throw hands right kid? Lmfao of course not, you're prob raised by single mom, hence why you turned out so cupcake soft

someone who has a history of mental illness.

??? now i'm completely lost

dude your "god" is a 25 year old obese tranny...

and you lost all your money in a fantasy cult where the belief is that you just need the world banking system to change all their laws so your russian altcoin can pump and then you'll finally get laid

are you ok?

what would you say right now are the main barriers to you getting laid? Is it

a) just need the entire world market to realize it was "wrong"

b) just need the entire sexual market place to realize obese weirdos are sexy and they were "wrong"

c) need your braces out

d) all of the above
how close are we getting here, kid?

also, kid, do the "conspiracies" ever make you money?

March $20

Today $11

LMFAO kid you are getting wrecked!!!

even little kid monkeys throwing darts could outperform you, kid

wait wait wait, kid there's a new uncle post... are you ready for it... kid?


HOLY SHIT The cult is headed down so hard

you're so out of options you're only hope is to silence people posting REALITY online, but it's just...


sup kid?

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my investment is underperforming b-because

durrr its the bulgarians

hurr its the nigerians

i-its the whales, they are suppressing the price for le hiding strategy!

delusional retards

when will you man up and realize link is underperforming simply because

its shit?

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damn i feel so bad for you... kid

the good thing is you're still a.... kid

so you have time to right the ship... kid

just make sure you don't waste your life away worshipping an obese... kid

but after all you didn't know any better because you're just a ...kid

right kid?

staking will save us

after 7 years fat boy could only release staking.. which is still far from what its suppose to be, securing one eth price feed? pathetic

pyth staking BTFO CL staking have a look:

ccip will save us

$600 daily revenu, making less than a subway franchise in revenue.
cant bridge USDT LMAO!
wake up and realize its a failed project

hmmm... what is the next carrot they will dangle so fat boy can continue the slow rug

links fishy like a chad boss

such a chad boss move kek fuddies in shambles

its that based bjork stalker who killed himself dead irl LOOL you WILL bow before your based king chud

kek i clearly set this mother fucker off hahaha sorry clg if he tries to kill you

u-uh FUCK i forgot the lines... *sips onions drink while frantically shaking*

cuck fish i need help!!

nah no one wants to kill him kid, just box

don't be so dramatic, it's unmanly (like how kids act)

you would've inherently known these things if dad was still around, but that's clearly not the case, kid

also, i think your dad might have been a kid