Im really afraid after what happened with Securitize and chainlink. Is franklin Templeton about to do the same thing and ditch ETH & chainlink?
LINKbros, I dont feel so good. Get in quick
LINK hodlers are in for a rude awakening, likely topping out at a meager $60 this cycle.
Screencap this, this prediction will age like fine wine.
It won't even make a new ATH, CLL is in panic mode and will dump as much as they can on the volume.
franklin trempleton will tremple linklet simpleton hahahahaha
they either choose chainlink or they choose some other oracle and get hacked (and then choose chainlink)
choice is theirs
this. whatever anyone says, its inevitible, because if you dont use link, you will be hacked. if link does not become adopted, crypto dies. tis their choice.
So I can cash out all my Link for a cool $30m? I can live with it
In the first two minutes of this video, Sandy Kaul, Head of Digital Assets and Industry Advisory Services at Franklin Templeton, states in her self introduction that she has been personally invested in and and following Chainlink since it's inception, and that "it is extraordinary".
woman investor shilling her bags at an 80% loss from the top
guess we're going back to $5
Im aware. But why are they saying this?
Mike Reed, Franklin Templeton’s head of digital asset partnership development
smartcon speaker
Andrew Crawford - Vice President, Digital Assets, Franklin Templeton
who has final say here?
$60 LINK barely nets me 1.5m
i mean i wouldn't complain but I was thinking $200 minimum this cycle
luckily for me I hold till $1000 or forever
which ever is first, i have no problems dying poor.
id rather that then sell early.
why would you cash out when you could stake that, retard.
dumbass just you found out about this?
retarded stinky linkies getting rugged for years lmao.
meanwhile Plebbit has been shilled for years and no one cares. its at 3.5m mcap.
Utility = the first fully P2P public forum with no HTTPS endpoints or SSL certs, meaning its actually decentralized unlike federated social media.
Instead, it uses IPFS & IPNS meaning it is actually decentralized, scalable, resistant, free to use & opensource.
The token will be used for tipping & voting in a DAO to curate the default feed (virality & views will drive demand for the token as you can only vote with plebbit).
Shitposting is free & requires no signups.
Optional monetization will make running a subplebbit/board potentially profitable.
Plebbit was 100% airdropped to Anon Babble years ago so its actually grassroots unlike so many VC scamcoins shilled here.
It has working demos proving the whitepaper.
Pic rel
Because it could reach $60 from a speculative run and then dump back to where we are now like in 2021. And I am an absolute retarded and deluded Link cultist who held 500k+ Link (all in) during the last bull run and didn't sell any. I'm not making the same mistake twice.
every is calling $100+ you know how that goes, just look at last cycle when everyone was calling for 'chainlink summer of dreams' ben cowen dick suckers grifting youtubers.
calculate the top by dividing 1/2 of whatever your dumbass grifter youtuber thinks the top will be. everytime.
you don't have 500k link faggot
Bought $20k of eth in March 2017 just after eea announcement, and then dumped it all into Link during the pre-Binance Etherdelta days. You don't have to believe me
if you really had 500k there's literally no advantage in selling all of it, retard
fat zach apparently ran out of dairy queen earlier screeching about how the internet needs to be more censored
he still had chocolate smeared all over his face
did anyone take more Ls that Link this past week?
Everyone look at this guy he wants me to sell so bad. Its not happening bucko I only started buying Link in 2022 and through hard work and perseverance I have a bigger stack than you now.
anyone take more Ls than link this past week?
yeah, you
pic related
Not an easier red flag to avoid
It's up 10x vs LINK you dumbfuck
ditch ETH & chainlink
What does that even mean?
Also chainlink has been on Solana mainnet for nearly half a decade.
It also had multiple chain-breaking failures.
Not to mention higher supply inflation than link.
Meaningless. If you dumped your link for SOL at $14 you would have made it by now if you had 10k LINK. Any rebuttal is just cope.
You dumb Linkies pollute the board and have no money and miss the grandest of opportunity. Shilling your dead shitcoin for the past 4 years, have you no shame? And you still bullpost like it's going to change anything.
This board needs to be purged, I've fucking had it with you dumb fucks.
Well according to the fuddies (who are the ones actually polluting the board) Link doesn't pump because of bad fundamentals and high inflation.
See that's your problem. You don't know how to analyze assets beyond an analytical framework, this is why LINKIES are stuck in purgatory. We are beyond cooked but we just pretend it's not true.
I want my BUILD rewards. Honestly I've fucking had it. Im tired of the fucking cult and the dumb fucks that post here everyday, fuddies, but even worse are the advocates.
You don't know how to analyze assets beyond an analytical framework
kek that's a really fancy way of saying "all I know is price go up".
fuddies, but even worse are the advocates
t. fuddie
I am a fuddie. But what's even worse is that I hold 10k LINK that I am desperate to get rid of. The problem is I haven't had time to find anything suitable to rotate into, and the SOL ship has sailed already. Everything is high risk, LINK is only good because it's relatively stable.
The problem is I haven't had time to find anything suitable to rotate into
The problem is that Link has clearly been the absolute most bullish crypto out of all of them for the past half decade, but the price just isn't catching up to that reality while borderline broken and/or useless scams like Sol and BNB moon with extreme prejudice.
Only in your little bubble unfortunately my guy. I genuinely hope you're right, but the chances are incredibly slim to none from where I'm standing.
Also how much link do you hold?
I genuinely hope you're right, but the chances are incredibly slim to none
The chances of what?
of link pumping, obviously
can you retarded advocates stop formatting your posts exactly like CLG does? It's tiresome
I never said it will pump though, so replying with "I hope you're right (that it will pump)" makes no sense.
Are you a bot? You have to say when asked, it's the bot code.
asking someone to clarify after a nonsensical statement is formatting exactly like CLG does
These twitter feuds are really doing a number on you guys' brains. I say this with the utmost sincerity: either go back or stop going there. This hybrid twitter/biz relationship you guys keep is extremely tiresome.
This hybrid twitter/biz relationship you guys keep is extremely tiresome.
I'm pretty sure it's just one guy with some kind of mental illness and a ton of vpn IPs.
He sees his twitter nemeses everywhere.
get called out
immediately triggered
s-samefags reeeeee
you literally stick out like a sore thumb, twitter avocados
>get called out
You call everyone fishy or clg though. Many times every day.