This time its differe-ACK!

this time its differe-ACK!

2024.jpg - 853x829, 60.97K

it is though
the jews arent going to let us win
we gonna get pooped on

Fucking nigger Im tired holding this hot potato for years I'm losing my hair because of all the stress just fucking pump so I can sell it to a greater fool. investing MY ASS

fucking plot twist, we reached peak of maximum greater fools in 2021 and theres nobody left to fucking buy it up to ATHs fuck my life

BTC has never been through a recession btw.
Hint: This kills the 4 year cycle

oh and

just 2 more weeks

according to the pic lmao

midwit opinion
bear market starts in 2026, perfectly aligned with the 4 years cycle
2025 is bullish
wait and see



as long as we have inflation and money printing the answer is unironically yes

did they stop printing fiat? i must have missed the memo

i really dont see why you put the line there in either 16 or 20
it makes no sense

what alts even have a chance to 100x this bullrun other than shitcoins? almost everything i look at is already 1b+ marketcap and theres barely any new projects or innovation since the last bullrun

i have a job so if we dont pump ill just keep buying more
if we pump i wont have to have a job
get fucked kikes

just avi and kns
theyre great projects and neither are really known outside of biz yet, and yet all of their threads are worthless junk since they get flooded by the same literal sri lankan fud group
i think theyre trying to bully linkies now too but thats okay
youre right that theres barely any new innovation, but biz is also a botted shithole thats not worth shilling on anymore so it makes things feel even more dead

You know it's time to sell when people start euphorically posting pics like this

you aint hitting a x100 reliably. only shitcoin casino is gonna get you those returns if you're lucky

im looking for shit that can 20x desu and im not even having any luck with that

Two more weeks!

1372644904996.gif - 330x278, 1.86M

no one is euphoric this post-halving pre-bull market has been brutal

me neither, but we'll see. people are a bit bearish now, once the switch flips on things might look different

LRC doing a 20x from here isnt out of the question. wouldn't even have to reach past ATH

cool this one looks good

no you fucking retard, its your kike paper money that is going down forever because you keep magically printing more of it. fucking retard, why do you think a salary is 100k now instead of 10 dollars? NUMBER GO DOWN FOR EVER, IT JUST WILL (unironcally. also kys rabbi)


AVI is a farming scam, KNS is legit

AVI is a farming scam

do the bit where you post literal random wallets that bought off uniswap weeks/months after launch, claim theyre team farming wallets, and then ignore the testnets, audits, and coinbase special treatments again

KNS is legit

this one is true thoughever

please god just let it happen before next summer at least

If you believe this you are dumb

This unironically

As long as fiat inflates and not deflates, yes literally, together with all other asset classes

Did you sleep the last year? It got bought up to a new ath, its 2024 so thats after 2021

honestly this. We lost WW2 and now we have to put up with having jewish overlords who control everything we do. You will NEVER have money. You will NEVER be free. You will NEVER meet a women and fall in love. It's all going down from here forever and its going o get so much worse. Forever.

Actually it's the opposite. Jews will just keep printing money

Dude, how fucking miserable are you?

you will never be happy because kike exist.

Bro gtfo your basement on the regular and take a break from pol. what you're spewing is literal insanity.

ADjust for inflation.

If you're looking for that x100, BOINK might be the play. It's got that shitcoin vibe

This is where BOINK need attention, It's got a strong community and the potential for serious gains. Is not dumb to keep an eye on.

crypto got so mainstream that "the bull run" got front ran
you really think a bunch of morons are gonna somehow pump you to 500k or whatever? it's not happening

Just like beanie babies, right little retards?