What is the highest probability way to get rich in 10 years?
What is the highest probability way to get rich in 10 years?
Self employment
Become a dentist
pokemon booster boxes, it really is that simple
By Investing in Kaspa and Qan right now
by following me.
being a black disabled trans women with a degree in gender studies
Sell your BTC in 2025.
Buy BTC in 2027.
Sell BTC in 2029.
Buy BTC in 2031
Sell BTC in 2033.
Organized crime
10 years is 240 hours times 365 days which equals 73000 plus 14600 which is 87600 hours total.
87,600 hours times $100 per hour equals $8,760,000.
Eight & three-quarters of a million dollars is presently considered "a lot of money;" projecting in accordance with inflation, having that much money should be enough for you to be considered "rich."
How do you make a hundred bucks an hour, every hour of every day of every year for a decade?
(You) figure it out!
Find some way of starting a business, best odds of getting paid well is if you're the one writing your own paychecks at the end of the day.
Everyone flocks to ecommerce selling t-shirts or dropshipping Chinese goods. Honestly, don't start there. Learn an in demand skillset and start a service based business you can do remotely, or in person if it's absolutely necessary to the nature of the business.
Go to law school, get good grades, get a job in a big firm
Get your Iq measured then see
100-115 meme shit
120-125 actuary
130+ research or quant/datacience
After that just index meme
I am an actuarial consultant and this is shamefully accurate, down to my IQ and everything.
The reality is that a good job can get you to $100k almost immediately, $1 million if you work hard for a few years, and $10 million if you work your whole life and invest perfectly. A single good investment can also get you $10 million+ in a year. The problem is that anything other than an exceptional investment (low probability) caps out at 8-12% return per year. In other words, I'm saying that there is no single business worth pursuing that returns better than the S&P 500. Not talking about trading your labor/time for money, just the return on your money. And that's regardless of how much you "scale" since scaling means just adding more money to the business, essentially, and that additional money will only add 8-12% per year. And your labor/time caps out at whatever a "good job" gets you. So there it is.
If you want something fun with a shot at making bank, try Boinkers. Spin, send Boinkers to the moon and earn coins for free. Way more exciting than waiting 10 years!
$220k is literally nothing
buying avi
I’m just an anti memer
I respectfully disagree, and that's before bonuses. It also doesn't stay at $220k. 5th year associates at big firms are around $450k. Junior partners start at 2M, senior partners are making 10M+
10 dicks per hour at $10 a suck = $100 per hour.
It really is that simple guys.
go with memecoins with a community strong enough or loud enough to keep their shit alive until the market dies or until the whales decide to end the party, some have people who even put the name of their dogcoin on the streets lmao
Learn an in-demand skillset
Name one. And don't you fucking say "sales".
mfw being a dentist is my back up plan
be a surgeon
How the hell is incurring 300k in debt anyones backup plan? what is plan A lol, are you tryinh yo become a doctor?
How the hell is incurring 300k in debt
not in my country
what is plan A
7 figs in crypto currently
interesting.. so how does dental school work in your country? do you need a bachelors degree beforehand or can you go straight to the program without any prerequisites?
Invest in FIL and restake it on Parasail until altseason
Working a job and having a side hustle even if it's just scrapping, you make another $1000 from that you invest. Alot of people focus on getting rich their high risk investment gets rugpulled when by investing 3k a year in blue chips you're outcompeting most people
If we're speaking purely probabilistically it's basically work your ass off and invest everything you can into Bitcoin. Not guaranteed but if it survives (has the highest chance long term) you will probably be looking at a stack in 10 years. Stocks don't have quite the same upside.
dentistry or medical school.
t14 law school.
that's starting salary. the hours are brutal but the salary goes up very quickly. if you want to wageSLAVE for life then you suck the right dicks to make partner and make 7-8 figures a year. or you go in-house at some big jewish corporation and make a comfy $200-500k/year for a much better work life balance.
He won't even be done with med school in 10 years
yeah but if you don't get into the right law school, you could stuck making 80k with 200k in debt lol. not an ideal situation
Live with parents
Have a good job or multiple jobs
Only buy NEEDS not WANTS
Dump it all into index funds
Pray that the world doesn't go to shit and the market stagnates for a decade or more.
Quite simple really.
Money in front from the teethies
Money in back from clean NO2 to the lots
Own Vesta nft now, before the rwa frenzy starts and owning it becomes way more costly
I'm doing this already and I hope to get a minimum of 20x before selling
dentists will be replaced by robots soon
Going to a low ranked private law school does potentially have that problem. The choice should be between going to an elite school and incurring debt, or going to a public school and be less likely to get a big firm job but have a debt load you can manage on a 80-120k starting job. I went to a low ranked private school, but I worked harder than my peers and was in the top 5% of my class, so I was able to get a high paying firm job. I think it also helped that I was coming to law school from already having worked a real job instead of coming right out of college or a gap year. So I was a bit more mature and organized than a lot of my 23 year old peers who really didn't take law school as seriously as they should have.
the american dental association would act as a gatekeeper for that I would think.
You can't even get robots to flip burgers.
There isn't even a single robot that exists that knows the difference between a tongue and a tooth, something every 2 year old knows.
Don't embarrass yourself on Anon Babble
just know you are on the chopping block along with many others who will be blindsided by the accelerating rate of change, funded by special interests who want to replace us before they dispose of us
that's an ironic cope, but by all means keep your head in the sand then
I don't visit this shithole often anymore because the people here are behind the curve on everything
buy dog with bat
keep waiting
oh god when does the waiting stop
kill a nigger in "self defense"
ok now its 2025
cool it with schizo Anon Babbleshit, were weavers replaced by textile factories because it was a massive conspiracy by people who wanted to kill all weavers, or was it just technology found more efficient ways to produce consumer goods?