I will become a forklift operator.
I will become a forklift operator
i will become a forklift operator
Don't forget to wear the t-shirts
I've applied to nine jobs so far. Hoping to hear back from some starting tomorrow.
godspeed, anon
Thank you for your support. I won't let you down.
Thats a black stealing shit using their own equipment, he doesn't actually work there if anyone was wondering.
Video games are great. I can get off work to work any job in the world that I want.
you're gonna be drowning in pussy
I already have a wife. This isn't to attract women, it's to make my ancestors proud
I already have a wife.
Said it so proudy. The "muh wife" people are always like this.
I love her. I will become a forklift operator.
Nah, get your Class A CDL instead. Truck driving pays a lot better and you don’t have to deal with low iq coworkers all day. Perfect for high inhib inkwells like yourself.
This. Worked as a forkie for 3 years in a 95% female company, the warehouse was 30-70 men-women. We had lots of new young girls working who came after highschool or worked besides uni. In total made out with 7, had sex with 4 and got 2 pregnant (one worked in the morning, the other worked part-time in late evening), dated 1 one of them for years.
I just lifted, took my job seriously, greeted and smiled at people and smelled good. Oh, and most of the time I drove public transport because 80% of my paycheck went into crypto and stocks. Fuck I miss that job.
Get a pilot's license and make 100x what a truck driver does flying rich people around
Better to become a forklift mechanic
I just got a call back from a temp agency with a position for forklift, cherry picker, and reach truck operator. I told them i have a little bit of experience, but I don't.
Just got forklift certified recently, I am so proud.
Good job, anon
Bros, tomorrow I'll be starting my new forklift job. I worked already few months on basic warehouse forklfits, driving around the warehouse full of people, loading and unloading trucks, pretty fun job. But now I'm going for a new type, a high lift forklift, something like pic rel.
Is it similiar to basic warehouse forklifts or is it entirely different?
Thank you for your service
I honestly wouldn't know my nigger, I'd say the same logic applies - don't maneuver if you're lifting a load really high, side-shift slowly (if at all).
Good luck!
alright, I'll try doing my best
is 26 too late to start?
Rootbeer forklift certified
Fairly similar, steering feels "backwards" but you pick it up pretty fast. if its a stand up one your knees will be fucked in a few years though.
my dream as a kid was to be able to ride one of those things or a train
now i'm 29 and the most i ever did was to get aidrops with solbank, i think i should save up to buy a forklift
Why is driving a forklift such a big meme?
It’s a good honorable job that pays pretty well and doesn’t require much training.
I have an interview tomorrow for a forklift position. I will become a forklift operator.
For me, it's a way to provide a decent income for my family in spite of a new limiting disability.
Forklift drivers = top of the blue collar hierarchy. I remember back when I was a factory wage slave the forklift driver would always have a smug look as he drove past us labouring away while he was comfy riding his forklift
You are quite possibly the most based poster to ever grace Anon Babble and you are gonna make it
i did this one summer during college. is was pretty fucking fun. pick the stuff. load the trucks and call it a day.
got 2 pregnant
Did they get abortions?
Thank you for your support, anon, I wish you the best as well.
I have a forklift license as a backup. If I ever get sacked by (((them))), I will have something to fall back on. Doesn't pay that well where I'm from, but at least they'd hire me right away.
No slurs in the /FLOG/, racism is okay, but we're above buzzword insults.
Thank you for your service
When somebody talks about becoming a forklift operator I always think of that kid that got cut in half in a forklift accident.
Friend of mine became one at 30 years of age after a decade of switching random jobs. Says he finally found his dream job. Today he leads a team of forklift operators. Weird.